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October 14, 2022
With America Transformed Into A Land Of Lifeless Zombies And Biden And His Leftist Mob Taking A Sledgehammer To Our Constitution, 'Moral Relativism' Has Replaced Our Nation's Soul
Moral relativism is the idea that there are no absolute rules to determine whether something is right or wrong. Many progressives have become adept in using this moral relativism ideology to reshape American society. This type of view of the world has provided many people with the ultimate cop-out. Choosing a life of existence, rather than truly living has become commonplace. Living requires some moral fiber and the ability to genuinely care. Taking the time to defend your principles every now and then. Today, most Americans choose to refrain from becoming engaged. A vast majority of US citizens just prefer not to make waves. The modern day marxist liberals have made it clear, if a conservative dare give his or her opinion about anything which is contrary to the radical leftist viewpoint, it will not be tolerated.
For the most part we now exist within a country like a bunch of lifeless zombies, many of us are afraid to talk about what is really on our minds. Most people have come to accept the narrative that pretty much anything goes in 2022 America. A free society is reflected by the morals and character of each individual citizen. Many Americans are forgetting what courage and honor are all about. There are a growing number of people today who refuse to defend their opinions. Too many US citizens are now sitting idly by as the left transforms the USA into a Banana Republic.
A silent majority of people are choosing not to speak out. Most of the working class US citizens refuse to give their opinion about anything, for fear of being ostracized. Most human beings today prefer to remain in a constant state of passivity and avoidance. The vast majority of conservatives now remain silent as Joe Biden and his leftist mob take a sledgehammer to our US Constitution and nation.
Evil and corrupt politicians are no longer being held answerable for their crimes. The majority of US citizens refuse to hold accountable a growing number of corrupt men and women within the government, who abuse, distort and violate our laws. The America of 2022 reflects a lawless society, where crime is running rampant, mainly thanks to a leftist driven agenda which is administered by woke district attorneys within blue states, who largely have given criminals a pass.
When more and more criminals are no longer held to account for breaking the law, anarchy reigns. Selective justice is now replacing the rule of law. Our system of justice is becoming politically corrupt. Numerous BLM and Antifa rallies have resulted in widespread violence and many people being hurt or killed. A failure to prosecute many of these radical leftists, who break the law at some of these rallies only encourages more violence. And for some perplexing reason most US citizens refuse to speak out about any of this, mostly for fear of being called a racist. So many forms of corruption, evil and perversion are now becoming easily accepted. I think more than sixty years of leftist indoctrination within the public school system has had a major effect upon all of us. IMHO, the left has used the public education system as a means to brainwash and warp young minds. Why have US citizens and parents let things get so out of hand? The Biden administration is attempting to push the controversial Critical Race Theory ideology upon every public school within the USA, despite the massive pushback CRT has received. Why would any president push this CRT ideology, which festers so much division amongst the American citizenry?
Biden, Democrats plan to pour millions into school model connected to Critical Race Theory
Virtue has become dead in America. People are no longer judged by the merit or character that they embody in life. US citizens are now being judged by their race and or gender. Is this really exemplary of a culture/society which has progressed? The traditional American nuclear family is now frequently scorned upon, while everything about the LBGTQ ideology is currently being placed upon a pedestal.
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Do all American citizens lack the courage to stand up for their principles and values in 2022 USA? Why does it seem that we are all falling in line, accepting the decrees of a leftist authoritarian government, without any objection?
I noticed a big change when Barack Obama became president. In my humble opinion, things changed dramatically for the worse. Obama basically attempted to totally transform America from a Constitutional Republic into a leftist authoritarian woke technocracy. The media for the most part treated him like a god and Obama fed off his own massive ego to start the process of changing America into his version of a leftist utopia.
Barack Obama created the me generation, where society as a whole fell in love with victimization. Obama taught young people to become selfish perpetual whiners, who believed they were entitled to receive anything they desired. We are currently witnessing an American society which has become very hedonistic, selfish and destructive. It seems many years ago, Obama had some not so kind remarks, which were most likely aimed toward conservatives, who happened to respect the second amendment and who had a faith in God.
Its not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who arent like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. -Barack Obama-
Our society is now drifting toward a leftist fools paradise, where peoples inflated egos are destroying their very souls. Many people are becoming quite comfortable with murdering their own conscience. Those who constantly compromise their values and principles lose their perspective on reality, many of us start avoiding reality and existing within a fantasy world. Unfortunately, this type of behavior often has major repercussions.
Joe Bidens recent celebration a few weeks ago at the Whitehouse reflects how out of touch him and his leftist regime have become. This dangerous disconnect from reality coming from the elitist left is currently destroying the American middle class.
It seems people who exhibit a moral compass or dare to disagree with any leftist viewpoint are apparently the new villains. A government which becomes so bold and brazen, where its leaders begin to believe in their own lies and propaganda, eventually creates a dystopian society. When people are no longer willing to hear other opinions, a society becomes stagnant and morally corrupt.
A disconnect from reality from those in power often causes economic destruction. We can look at leftist politicians/the climate change cult and their reckless/irresponsible policies as prime examples of a failure to see reality. The left is ushering in a hell upon earth and many dont seem to care. The leftist policy of stifling US gas, oil and coal production, instituted by the Biden regime has caused an exponential increase in financial burden for every American citizen.
In 2022, white people have become the most hated race by the leftists within the media and the government. There is a constant propaganda effort being made to convince the public that white supremacy and domestic terrorism have become widespread in America. Does any rational thinking human being believe any of this? Even Joe Biden says white supremacy is a lethal threat to America.
WATCH: White supremacy is most lethal threat to the homeland today, Biden says.
Many progressives are pushing the false narrative that the Christian white male should be perceived as public enemy number one. Why are the majority of the American people sitting back and accepting these demonic ideas that the radical left espouses each and every day?
The amount of murders currently taking place within America is leaving civilized people awestruck. When we view a story about an alleged murder occurring and resulting in a decapitation of a pregnant woman by her ex-boyfriend, rational people have to begin to wonder about how much more evil will society tolerate before chaos reigns supreme.
Savage monster accused of decapitating pregnant ex-girlfriend, throwing head in dumpster.
Why is there so little respect for life anymore? We must honestly look at a society, which has accepted and promulgated the act of abortion for many decades. If people arent able to defend the most innocent life, then we become lost. Where have our priorities gone?
What an irony that a society confronted with plastic bags filled with the remains of aborted babies should be more concerned about the problem of recycling the plastic -Winifred Egan-
To say the least, America is now losing its moral high ground, which it once enjoyed as a virtuous Constitutional Republic. We are devolving into a country where nothing seems to be off limits, becoming a land where rampant corruption and lawlessness reign supreme.
More importantly, we have become a nation where the citizenry chooses to look away from the controlled demolition of their country. Most of us now belong to a society which now tolerates and accepts widespread evil. Passivity toward evil has become the greatest sin of the modern day American society. The Democrat party has turned into a party of anti-American traitors/anarchists, virtue signalers and social misfits. Moral relativism has become their religion.
American citizens must begin to fight back in this cultural war that we all find ourselves within the midst of right now, or our country will be lost forever. Citizens need to look in the mirror and muster up the courage to defend their values. The last six decades of looking the other way has resulted in disaster. People need to awaken from their slumber or watch society fall into a hopeless abyss. We can no longer avoid this grim reality, which is currently on display before all of us to witness right now. The consequences of avoiding reality have resulted in the manifestation of a leftist nightmare.
Moral relativism and those who subscribe to such a thing are the ultimate phonies, they basically refuse to take a stand. These kind of people believe what they perceive as playing it safe will keep themselves insulated from danger and their country free. This total misconception and poor judgment on their part is now resulting in a total breakdown of a civilized society.
These are the times that try mens souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. -Thomas Paine-
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our childrens children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. -Ronald Reagan-
A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. -John Adams-
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke-
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer-
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