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July 8, 2024
The Left Has Fallen Into An Abyss & Are In The Middle Of Full-Throated Chaos - They Exist In Utter Confusion As The Entire Party Spirals Out Of Control & They Sink Even Deeper Into Whirlpools Of Self-Destruction
We now have a trend on the left: confusion.Leftists have fallen into an abyss.They are in the middle of full-throated chaos.
Couldnt happen to a nicer group.
There has been this idea the left never makes mistakes, never falls into the whirlpools of self-destruction.Some on the right had begun to think of leftists as infallible.Thats one reason we are so feckless in countering their nonsense.They make themselves appear smarter and more powerful than they really are.
And here they are, caught.Their timing couldnt be worse.Even better, they are facing choices that are not just difficult, but each choice will cause more problems.
Look at the confusion since the debate. Many of the party media apparatchiks immediately shared the truth: Joe had been a disaster.They became gloomy, donning sackcloth and groveling.Then Obama came out with his one bad debate line.Party bigs began using that same talking point, and all was well...really...
Hillary said she was behind Joe all the way.The campaign said Joe had a cold.Jill scolded America and her Cabinet for believing there was a problem.
Then it changed.Nancy Pelosi asking if this was an episode or a condition.It was reported that Obama was fine with an open convention to pick the nominee.Many other Democrats continue to say Joe may not be up to it after all, and he should step down.
Confusion reigns.
This has no easy fix mainly because all their choices in this matter have negatives.Each one carries deep, difficult problems.
If they get rid of Joe, Kamala is next in line.Possibly the only Democrat who could do worse than Joe is his V.P.Lets just say her cluelessness, her lack of speaking capacity, is as big a problem as Joes.The Trump campaign would easily pigeonhole her.She is a disaster, as Tulsi Gabbard showed in her famous debate performance.If they get rid of Kamala, they send a terrible message to their DIE-saturated base.They cannot easily rid the ticket of the first female V.P. of color.Plus she is the only one who can legally control the current campaign money.
A mess, foisted upon themselves.Their own stupidity and uncodified rules did this.Even worse, if they look to an entirely new person to run, Pandoras box is opened.Chaos will reign even more.
Gavin Newsom has the biggest profile of the pack, along with amazing hair and slick salesmanship.But hes a he.And hes white.Heaven forbid!Those features are issues in the Democrat party.Even worse, his state has become a huge mess under his watch.The train to nowhere fiasco.Reparations.A sanctuary state where illegals and the homeless are destroying life for all.The numerous tent cities, the crime, the filth, the high taxes, the ludicrous spending will destroy him outside the half-dozen most left-leaning states.And his personal history is a disaster.Not that he would be very different from Biden its just he cannot pretend to be blue-collar, cannot pretend hes conservative to the mass of American voters.
Not good.
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Gretchen Whitmer?Her over Kamala?Possibly.At least shes not a he.But for all her buzz, shes got issues.Her COVID policies were horrifying.Mandating patients to nursing homes, killing thousands, is a problem.That she was caught breaking her own awful rules shows badly.Her so-called kidnapping story has entrapment problems.She seemingly had foreknowledge, while likely helping the FBI to entrap the poor suckers the FBI set up.She is no longer that popular in Michigan, having instituted a lot of unlikable radical policies; she cannot guarantee winning Michigan, and her strong support of Biden will be a hanging albatross.She would not be ready for a drastic change.They dont know if she can go national, with lots of known, and too many unknown, problems to deal with.
Not good.
There are some governors and senators not as widely known as these two, all of which could add fuel to the fire of confusion.Many of these do not have national recognition; many of these do not have national vetting.
If it goes to an open convention, there will be a lot of, how do I say this, confusion among the delegates trying to pick whom to vote for. The time between now and the convention would make for a lot of infighting between the two governors and all the rest, a lot of dirty play, and a lot of opportunity for continuing to make gaffes and make ploys to the radical leftists who will choose.There are deep factions in the party, factions that will press for advantage to aggrandize influence.It will be a messy convention.
The clock is ticking.We should know better in the next few weeks, but be aware that there are Biden voters and loyalists, and Jill to deal with.They want the charade to continue.They control a lot of power in the party.They know who knew (likely the vast majority of their party leaders) and have blackmail power if they need it.They have been successful in the pretense that Joe is fine while they run the country and will hope to continue with the power they have.They have strong reasons to want to convince us all to keep Joe going.They wield the levers of power, will want to continue doing so, and wont go easily.
If the party chooses against him, there will be trouble.Heck, there is trouble now.Caught between a rock and a hard place, there will be power plays galore here.Pandemonium will reign as this is sorted out.It may sort out in a couple of weeks, or at the convention.
Then there will be RFK convincing Democrats to vote for him.
Such fun.
They have a short time to decide approximately seven weeks before the convention.The pressure is on.This will be bantered about, with sides being chosen, and people of all Democrat stripes weighing in and maybe changing their minds every week or so.Or daily.As intimated above, this will be complicated.The more it gets discussed, the more we can rightfully interject the reality that they all knew, that they all lied, that they were all complicit in this charade.Fighting a unified right while being fractured will breed further trouble.
Other than constant reminders that they all lied, we should step aside and watch the infighting and the finger-pointing.Its going to be epic.They are not used to dealing with this kind of confusion, not used to fracturing, not used to this kind of daily cognitive dissonance.The probability of a deeper, more intense upheaval is certain.
The leftist coalition has always been infused with whining and finger-pointing.Leftists have a contentious spirit.This crisis has unleashed it.The choices to keep a dementia patient and quell what has been said, his disastrous V.P., or picking someone new at this late juncture will magnify the contention.The factions will roar, and none of them will admit to the obvious: that they all knew.They will blame one another.They will denounce one another.They will second-guess and prevaricate.
There are several Old Testament stories of the foes of Israel being infected with a spirit of confusion and fear, leading to their self-destruction.We are watching as the left repeats these stories in front of our eyes.The spirit that is the ugly essence of the left has been let loose on the leftists.
Thats justice at its finest.
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