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March 12, 2024

America Facing Quagmire As Over Half Of Democrats Don't Want POTUS Trump To Be Certified By Congress If He Wins In November While Left Puts Criminal Invaders Ahead Of Americans

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

According to an absolutely bizarre poll recently taken by Rasmussen Reports sponsored by The National Pulse, over 55% of Democrats polled responded that if President Trump wins the election in November, they'd want Congress to refuse to certify any Trump victory due to what they call 'Trump's role in the January 6th US Capitol riots'.

With any such 'happenings' sure to set America up for a major quagmire and possibly be the heave-ho needed to push our country into an all-out Civil War within the next year or so, this comes as 170 Democrats in Congress have voted against the Laken Riley Act, refusing to require the detention and deportation of illegal immigrants who have been caught committing a crime, and setting America up for many more 'Laken Riley's' in our near futures with those 170 Democrats clearly putting the 'criminal invaders' ahead of the American people who are the people who pay their salaries.

Proving again why it's long past time for the American people to 'starve the State' as pointed out in this March 11th ANP story, especially when that 'state' is putting people who shouldn't even be in this country ahead of the American People who largely abide by the laws we've been given, can you imagine what this country might look like should we actually make it to November without some kind of horrific false flag terror attack carried out by agencies of our own government and designed to stop the election from even happening, only for POTUS Trump to win the election but then, Congress move to 'decertify' that election, as if they're saying that what Americans want doesn't matter anyways.

What could very well be the final nail in the coffin of our once-free Republic hammered into stone, we still have strong doubts that TPTB will even 'allow' there to be an 'election' in November as Alan Barton had reported in this ANP story from January 25th titled "Beware A Coming Black Ops Black Flag Event Created By Our Own Intel Agencies via The Invasion At Our Southern Border - Biden Allowing Evil Monsters To Drive The Final Nail In America's Coffin - The Traitorous Garbage Infesting DC Is Enabling A Mass Murder Terror Attack ,"within which he warned we can see them setting everything up for 'America' to come tumbling down.

(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)

As we'd warned days ago on March 10th in this ANP story, it's looking more and more like the anti-freedom globalists are planning something big for America to completely crack down upon us and the freedoms which we enjoy with a Democratic activist, who also just happens to be the Attorney General in New York, Letitita James, claiming that firefighters there who openly booed her should be sent to 're-education camps' to be 're-educated,' nothing less than another hallmark of tyranny wide out in the open.

Nothing less than James insinuating the firefighters there shouldn't be able to think for themselves, and anyone thinking anything against 'the state' should be punished for doing so, how long before we're witnessing this kind of tyrannical behavior all across America? Certainly if Democrats in Congress think it's ok for them to 'not certify' a legally elected POTUS, we'll have crossed that boundary already.

Quite literally setting America up for very difficult times ahead if that were to come to pass, it's not too difficult to imagine what America would look like in January of 2025 should President Trump once again be elected to office by an overwhelming majority of Americans, but Democrats in Congress think that they themselves know what would be better for our country, four more years of Joe Biden or whoever they 'install' as his 'replacement'.

With any such happenings likely to make last January 6th look like mere'child's play,' especially with the American people owning 500 million+ guns, we pray that it never comes down to such a scenario as that but America's Founding Fathers absolutely DID NOT HAVE'deer hunting' in mind when they wrote the 2nd Amendment into the United States Constitution but preventing tyranny from ever taking hold here.

READ ALSO: The democracy-hating fascist Left is on a collision course with Trumps election victory heres why America will be turned into an active WAR ZONE in the next 12 months

And while we're quite aware that 'America is a nation of immigrants,' as Joe Biden and Democrats love to throw in our faces here now in 2024, in the past, immigrants who wanted to come into America had to abide by our laws here and correctly wait their turn, as did my own Grandmother who came here as a LEGAL immigrant from Finland in the early 1900's, as well as most of our distant relatives.

With Biden and the left's 'wide open doors' policies allowing anyone who wants to come in to ramble on in here and then NOT follow the laws of the land, they've set this country up for disaster. Yet might THAT be the point of it all? As Mike Adams of Natural News warns in the first video at the bottom of this story, while Ukraine, Germany and Western Europe are ALL COLLAPSING this moment under the leadership of the left, U.S. cities are right now being plunged into lawless chaos. But much easier for the globalists to swoop in and 'assume control' as the so-called'saviors' in that now-unfolding scenario.

As S.D. Wells had asked in this story at Natural News, "What happened to 'If you see something, say something' regarding illegal immigrants who might be terrorists?"

And as we're warned in the 2nd video below, by fomenting violence and chaos across America, we can already read their news headlines blaring across the land: "Blame President Trump!" Meanwhile, they'll be the ones fomenting violence nationwide. And while we totally understand a number of people that POTUS Trump isn't the 'whole answer' to the utter mess that America faces, as I mentioned to Susan Duclos in one of our conversations yesterday, we both fully agree that he's better than the other option. We've seen what that 'other option' has brought to America; just look out the window or ask the family of Laken Riley.

So as we race full speed ahead towards what has set itself up to the be the most important Presidential election in our lifetime's, complete with a mainstream media apparatus that bluntly and blatantly lies to our faces as they push a never-ending stream of globalist propaganda that we aren't supposed to be able to figure out are never-ending lies, we once again pray that everybody is prepared for the dangerous times ahead. In the 3rd and final video below, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson joins Mike Adams of Natural News for an uncensored discussion about these continuously accelerating global events

With the US and many state government's quite literally working against the American people as they put 'a sure vote for them' ahead of the people who pay their salaries, destroying the US military in the process with their policies of 'woke' that absolutely DO NOT go hand in hand with 'military service,' meanwhile working diligently to pull out just 'one more HUGE series of false flags' that they can blame upon law-abiding Americans in another attempt to disarm us all, we hope that Americans are prepared and fully ready for whatever it is that'time' and 'government' may throw at us.

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