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October 4, 2020

Covid-19: The Lies And The Reality - Covid-19 Is A False Flag Pandemic Designed For Political Purposes - The Creation Of A Global Dictatorship With A Sanitary Excuse

- 'Without the Mainstream Media running cover 24-7 for them, this criminal conspiracy attack would have ended by now'

By R.X. Kendrick for All News Pipeline

It is time for the immediate end to COVID mandates and the total restoration of unrestricted civil liberties NOW!

A virus did not do this. No virus did this to planet earth and mankind. To worldwide civilian populations. Extended lockdowns and restricted travel? No virus did this to international freedoms, national freedoms or local freedoms.

No virus forced mandatory mask-wearing on little children and the elderly. No virus caused isolation or social distancing. It wasnt a virus that forced all these things on our worldwide economic community of nations. No virus did all of this. There has been something else going on. This has not been a real worldwide pandemic threat. This has been "a colossal Biggest Medical Scam Ever control measure attack on world civilizations. Committed by a vast consortium of corrupt people with extreme ill will and intent by multiple forms of attack to sell their product: Fear.

To deceive everyone into believing their health is really at risk from a scary pandemic that never was. Their childrens health is at risk too. Mandatory compliance is enforced if you dont follow the unsafe economically insane rules made up by politicians with no credentials, license or authority to play doctor with anybody elses health. Complying to these health-endangering impromptu medical rules is not the right response.

Belgian doctors and health professionals recently wrote an open letter to Belgian authorities and media addressing the entire topic. Demanding immediate comprehensive changes:

We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore. The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.

We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties A cure must not be worse than the problem.

Doctors and health professionals should be heard before politicians make up impromptu health rules with no medical training or experience to justify what they demand. Like 49th Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer deciding all children in youth sports must wear masks in youth competitions.

How many pediatricians believe this would be healthy for a child? None.

Masks are unsafe. This has been exposed by many sources all over the world now. A casual online search will bring up more articles than need be referenced here. It is a fact of medical science everyone used to go by as standard practice and protocol. Something everybody is supposed to already know, in other words.

Here is a link that presents the mask-is-unsafe reality at a user-friendly glance. In summarized bullet statements and quotes with main points listed for easy skim-reading.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to unexpected emergency repair bills, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this 'Info-war' for America at this most critical time in US history as we approach the 2020 election during a time of systematic 'big tech' censorship and widespread Democrat corruption.)

Heres another link to a short video with Dr. Ted Noel showing how funny it looks trying out all the common masks with a vape. Inhaling first, then putting the mask over his mouth and nose and exhaling. The viewer gets to cackle in laughter as each mask is proven to be ridiculously inefficient. So we get to SEE just how poorly the masks are not doing anything to protect anybody around you when youre wearing a mask.

The world already learned from the 1918 Spanish Flu how masks dont work but are actually unhealthy to users and should not be worn by the public.

Dr. Fauci and the WHO had to know about the Spanish Flu mask trial of US health and medical history. That is probably why Fauci, the HHS and the WHO all agreed: "There is no need for the public to wear masks. Announcing in the first quarter of 2020 universally as the traditional position that has been followed ever since 1918.

The HHS, Department of Health and Human Services took this same position that masks were not recommended. Not customarily and not now, they told us. Their mission statement says their purpose is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans.

The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.

So the HHS was following the traditional protocol health officials have followed for the past 100-years, so they knew the right advice to tell us. Masks are not effective, not needed, but a real threat to human health and dangerous.

So, why did they collectively decide to all change their positions on masks? With the WHO in the lead flip-flopping too. For no known reason abruptly going against their own traditional practice and protocol of not recommending masks. Changing their stories to tell us the unprecedented. Masks are not only needed but should be mandatory in many situations.

Tossing a centurys-long run of protecting the public by not requiring the public to wear masks, the primary agencies and individuals all did this about-face turn around on us in early April of this year. Does that make any sense? Talk about suspicious! Turnabouts where standards and protocols are reversed overnight rarely happen without ulterior motives lurking in the shadows.

Changing their own recommended guidelines to contradict decades-long practices does not make sense. All of them agreeing to the wholesale sell-out of their own standards, then talking the Surgeon General of the United States into flip-flopping against his better judgment. Who acquiesced in a written statement that sounded like he was trying to justify something he knew wasnt really right.

Thanks again to the Belgian doctors and health-profession friends for seeing through it all. Because Ive always known something wasnt right about this PLANDEMIC. It has always seemed like was being way too orchestrated by a hidden hand behind the scenes. I appreciate how these Belgians rallied into a force to go after one of the main players they allege to have been behind it all: The WHO.

Elsewhere we find out why the WHO is getting challenged so directly by doctors and health professionals from different countries. Because just as the entire event has shown signs of not being legit all along. We now know it was indeed preplanned and not legit by any means in any way.

It is actually a criminal operation being carried out by a desperate international deep state cabal who have chosen this hour to make or break their plans for us. They believe this is their hour of opportunity. Right now today. What they did not expect is how fast people with new technology would unravel and reveal what theyre doing in real time as it happens.

The digital warriors of today are doing a great job of exposing things that dont make sense about what is happening in an unrelenting pursuit of the truth. Without the Mainstream Media running cover 24-7 for them this criminal conspiracy attack would have ended by now.

Agroup of over500 medical doctorsin Germany called Doctors for Information made a shocking statement during a national press conference:

The Corona panic is a play. Its a scam. A swindle. Its high time we understood that were in the midst of a global crime.

This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on500,000 copies every week,to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media.

They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where12 million people signed upand several million actually showed up.

In Spain a group of600 medical doctorscalled Doctors for Truth made a similar statement during a press conference.

Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.

Do these 1,100-strong professionals from Germany and Spain know something we dont know? How can they say this virus outbreak was premeditated and criminal?

The reason they can call it a premeditated global crime is because their advance preparation has been uncovered. A post was made to social media September 6, 2020 that shared evidence to prove two years before the fake COVID-19 SCAMDEMIC arrived, countries all around the world were already preparing for it! Imagine that.

Long before the crisis arrived. The USA, EU, China and many other nations were all buying and/or selling large quantities of Guess what?

COVID-19 Test Kits !!

Can you see why the source document on the Internet was changed on the site the next day after the post to expose the scam was made? They did it to hide the evidence that everything was well in play years ago.

Buying huge quantities of COVID-19 test kits for millions of dollars years in advance. The EU went all-in committing $17-million-plus for COVID-19 test kits in 2017 alone. Betting the virus would be Coming Soon! Nations across the globe were buying tons of test kits that have since been found to be contaminated by the very coronavirus they were supposed to be testing for.

How did the test kits get contaminated with the COVID-19? How could that possibly be an accident? And how many billions of dollars in profit did the test kits already make the sadistic perpetrators over two years before the PLANDEMIC even hit?

Wouldnt you like to know who the real faces and individuals are and from what companies they are buying and selling these test kits for over 2-years before the boogeyman-virus escaped Wuhan. When nobody in the world needed the test kits. This whole thing is sloppy stinky joke.

What if these bandits had bet on the wrong horse like happens at the racetrack! What if a cure was found first so no COVID-19 would ever happen!! What would these countries do with all the outdated test kits they paid so much money for? How would they defend their overt waste of public funds by such a risky gamble?

Unless they already knew it was a good bet in advance. Mm-hmmm

What has happened was intended to happen. What did not happen is because it was STOPPED by good-hearted people who dont even know each other all around the world working together to end the BS narrative and BS measures, orders and restrictions. The digital warrior private-eye computer sleuths who are working 24-7 to expose whats happening in real time. As it happens discerning it, testing their insights and ideas in the moment and running with their guesstimates to keep pushing till they find it.

Then they report it right then online. If anybody gets it right everybody else knows it immediately and the process is in motion again always like this constantly. Worldwide Crimes Against ALL Humanity do not happen that often. But the scale of this Crime of Crimes Against Humanity is so vast there are an endless number of directions the digital sleuths can target and run with. And thats just what theyre doing. And thats whats causing the Dark Cabal Agents so much trouble.

How do you keep up a fake spirit of riot and plunder attitude if youre just a paid conscript acting for the New World Dark Forces. You dont have any real passion but its great pay and really an easy job. Even entertaining and interesting traveling from riot city to riot city. The total opposite of the Digital Sleuths. Who almost fiendishly keep digging like their lives depended on it. Or the lives of their family and friends depended on it.

They never bother to concern themselves with the fact the sheer number of them is a force beyond intimidating. But the fact that they never stop goes beyond the fact that they never give up. They target the next thing to look into and away they go. But everything is being targeted at once there are so many of them. Multiple sleuths are looking into the same thing at the same time always and always. Right now theyre doing it.

When any one of them figures something out they post it. If anybody gets it right everybody knows it immediately and this process stays in motion always constantly.

The list of complicit perps is too expansive to deal with in this article. But I like speaking out against our common enemies. Life coaches say its a good idea to verbalize your will, wishes and dreams. It is good to speak out loud about them. So I gladly speak outload and say, I believe it is true. It is just a matter of time before all involved in this SCAMDEMIC will be fully exposed and dealt with by God or Man if the Digital Sleuths dont beat everybody to it. Bring it on.

Let Freedom Ring!

Working together without knowing each other all over the world, but in their hearts loving the truth and living the good. Living the truth and loving the good. Being the lights set on a hill that shine through the darkness to overcome the evil.

And all liberty-lovers said: The gig is up. Bring it on.

Let the fat lady sing!

We know who you are and more of us will be fighting to bring you to justice and reclaim our lives and futures than ever before. You woke us up. We wont be so gullible anymore. Its time to start taking back our lives from the maniacs who so freely abuse their powers against us.

We know what this fake pandemic was really about. We know the end-goal of the NWO twerps is to overthrow us. We know what you want UN and we dont like you or your agenda.

The free world would rather remain free with sovereign nations keeping their customs and faiths and independent existence. We dont want your bad bag of goods UN help or interference. We proudly appreciate and honor nationalism and will fight to protect our civil liberties and freedoms.

We do not want One World Government. Period. We will fight for what is already ours by God-given right and never bow to your will against us. Even when you try to scare us by pitching the coronavirus like it was really a frightening pandemic destined to take the lives of millions.

We will not bow to any supranational entity that has its own interests ahead of ours. Even when you use your own attacks on us as your reasoning to call for our submission to your will.

Supranational: Asupranationalorganization is a multinational union or association in which member countries cede their authority and sovereignty on at least some internal matters to the multinational hierarchy, whose decisions are binding on its members.

We know where this is all leading if we dont stop you. We know your end goal intent.

In response to almost all nations on earth struggling with the COVID-19 threat the UN Chief came out and announced HE WANTED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

This body of global governance is THEM and whoever they want to bring with them.

You know, thats what I was thinking on New Years Eve 2020. Thank you Lord for the UN wanting a Body of One World Government to be in power over me! Yes, maybe it could happen this year?

Let us remember the clear WARNING of the medical professionals from Germany and Spain. And may we spread the truth until this Global Crime Syndicate behind the 2020 coronavirus threat is crushed into the dust. Into the past.

The Corona panic is a play. Its a scam. A swindle. Its high time we understood that were in the midst of a global crime.

Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.

A virus didnt do any of this. The virus was just the scapegoat used to make people believe they should fear, so they would follow ridiculous unconventional protocols intended to herd us into the globalist trap of being our own prison Cell Guards. In our own Prison Homes. In our own Solitary Confinement. In Restricted Isolation isolated from one another. Separated. Subdued. If we obeyed the insane mandates willingly and played along with the charade to stay afraid long enough.

The virus was a ploy to fool us into playing along compliantly instead of resisting aggressively.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this story are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of ANP.)

More sources for this story include:

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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