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July 10, 2024

The Lynchpin Of The 'Leftist Big Lie' Directly Ties Their Precious Socialist Ideology To The Mass-Murdering Psychopaths Of Hitler - Since The Nazis Were Socialists, They Couldn’t Possibly Be 'Far-Right'


By D. Parker and  All News Pipeline

These are days of desperation for the Democrat party, headed for a well deserved defeat because the people have roundly rejected their socialist national agenda.  Shown to be consummate and professional liars, few people believe a word they say, knowing they couldn’t tell the truth to save their lives.  Like a trapped wild animal that will lash out in any direction, they are truly desperate, willing to do anything to cling to the governmental power they think is their birthright.

As the pro-freedom right has become ascendant around the world, the anti-liberty left has devolved down to primeval beliefs and behaviors, returning to the lies they’ve always told in their storied past.  But now the truth has caught up to them, and the lies have all been exposed, and it’s only served to deepen their desperation.

Just as sure as the sun will come up, the fascist far left will always return to its roots and its Nazi lies.  NBC News compared the possibility of France’s first far-right government to the Nazi occupation in World War II.  The New Republic oh, so cleverly produced a “Hitleresque” poster picture of President Trump on its cover.

Thus, we need to respond to their lies and smears with the truth, adding to the ever-growing list of startling and uncomfortable ways the Democrat party emulates the Nazi Party.  The purpose here is to eviscerate their usual gaslighting — the idea that a party of authoritarian collectivists that demanded “a strong central authority in the State,” and suppressed individual liberty were somehow supposed to be on the same side of the political spectrum as liberty-loving individualists that wanted limited government.

The past few years have seen the publication of books and the production of videos that have eviscerated one of the main “arguments” the fascist far left has tried to make in separating its societal slavery from other types of societal slavery.

One of the most informative and well sourced is a video entitled “Hitler's Socialism: The Evidence Is Overwhelming.”  It’s 43 minutes long, but nonetheless a condensed and updated version of a five-hour video that responded to critics when the author dared to contradict leftist lies on the subject.

[ANP Editors Note - video is at the bottom of the article]

The author also included a link to a spreadsheet of his sources that he references in the video — these are noted in a chyron at the bottom of the screen.

The maker of the video runs through a methodical takedown of all the arguments that the fascist far left uses to deny the obvious, referencing a number of the books that have been written in recent years that also thoroughly destroy one of the left’s biggest lies.  We would also like to note two other videos on the subject: “Ten Things Millennials Should Know About Socialism” by Thomas J. DiLorenzo and “Interview with Tom Woods: Was Hitler a Socialist?”  The second one is a podcast with Rainer Zitelmann, author of the new book Hitler’s National Socialism.

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The most important aspects of obliterating the left’s Nazi lie starts with the strange fact that they rarely try to prove that they were actually “far-right.”  They will simply repeat the charge without evidence, as they have done for over 100 years.  Why is that the case?  Do a quick DuckDuckGo search — “were the Nazis left or right” — and it will mostly yield articles on whether the Nazis were socialists.  You would think that given their name, going in that direction would put them at a severe disadvantage. 

The “Nazis aren’t socialists” also has its roots in the first report on November 21, 1922, in the New York Times on Hitler and his “gray shirted” “Hakenkreuzlers,” with a line in the story long before Stalin got into the act:

Hitler has been called the Bavarian Mussolini, and his followers the Bavarian Fascisti. There is nothing socialistic about the National Socialism he preaches.

The author of the piece apparently made this early assessment without any confirming evidence.  The academic research paper “How and Why Fascism and Nazism Became the ‘Right’” confirms that this was with the connection with Mussolini and fascism. 

Non-Marxist currents of socialism, such as Fascism and National Socialism, were excluded from the socialist camp and put on the right wing by Marxist-Leninist propaganda.

Leftists are very much like other types of cults in that their various factions never get along in their quest for supreme power and the enslavement of society.

Read or view most of the left’s gaslighting genre on the subject, and sadly, most follow the same tiresome pattern.  You’ll find that they assert the right to arrogantly redefine the meaning of words to suit the situation at hand, in this case, the definition of the word socialism to conveniently exclude National Socialism.

They will then usually launch into a fact-free opinion that Nazis used the word “socialism” only for marketing or some other excuse.  They are purposefully omitting many historical facts that directly contradict this all too often repeated opinion.  You can think of this as one of the many mini-lies that undergird their main lie.

Unfortunately for them, we can point to the collectivist nature of the principle pounded out in their 25-point program: Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz, which translates to “the Common Good before Individual Good,” which they put on their coinage.  Followed by:

In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State.

Then there are numerous occasions when the “Swashbuckling Little Politician” and his minions stated they were socialists:

Ich Bin Sozialist I Am A Socialist.  Adolf Hitler, Zweites Buch (Second Book).

NSDAP Is Socialist And Nationalist, Chapter V DIE POLITIK DER NSDAP Chapter 5 NATIONAL SOCIALIST FOREIGN POLICY Adolf Hitler Zweites Buch

I Am A Socialist, And A Very Different Kind Of Socialist, From Your Rich Friend Reventlow Adolf Hitler, Hitler And I, Otto Strasser.

We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak.” Adolf Hitler, The Definitive Biography by John Toland II

To be a socialist is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.” Joseph Goebbels, Psychology of Nazism, Escape from Freedom, by Erich Fromm.

So why does the left spend an inordinate amount of time gaslighting this point?

Does it matter after 100 years?

It’s the lynchpin of the leftist big lie for two primary reasons.

One: Leftists cannot allow their precious socialist ideology to be associated with mass-murdering psychopaths, or at least that particular group of mass-murdering psychopaths.

Two: If the Nazis were socialists, then they couldn’t possibly be “far-right,” and it destroys the leftist big lie.  That’s why they fight tooth and nail to maintain it.

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