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May 13, 2024

The MSM Hate Campaign Against Half Of The U.S. Backfires As They Again Provide Billions Of Dollars In Free Media To Donald Trump Just To Learn Americans Agree With Him, Especially About Mass Deportations

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Generally the use of the law to try to jail political opponents are the type of "lawfare" we have previously seen in Zimbabwe, Russia, Republic of Congo, Egypt, Uganda, Iran, Venezuela, and more, but for the the first time in the U.S., we are watching Democrat operatives, led by the Biden regime, attempt to jail Donald Trump, not only a former president, but also Biden's political opponent for president in 2024, who happens to be leading in the polls.

As a quick refresher because this piece isn't about the actual lawfare cases being used against Trump, but rather the surprising way Americans are reacting to it.

Multiple cases have been brought against Trump by liberal prosecutors, in a variety of states, with only one case likely to be adjudicated before the November presidential election, and that is a case that was previously described as the weakest against him.

Ok, caught up.

Now for the news that seems to be shocking liberals across the internet, Democrat politicians, the Biden campaign and the liberal MSM. (Yes, all the same).

Donald Trump is ahead in the polls, and his support has grown with each new case thrown against him. This would be shocking to everyone else not mentioned above, if we hadn't watched the same actors attempt to prevent Trump from first winning the 2016 Republican nomination, then the general election in 2016.

As of now, the only ones truly shocked are the ones mentioned above.

From lies about Trump calling all Mexicans rapists, to the Russian collusion hoax, to the impeachments by liberals knowing the Senate didn't have the votes to convict, to the media's 90% hostile coverage of Trump... we have been here before.

While most the actors are different, and the forum, the courts, is different, what hasn't changed is that the more they attack Trump, especially the media, the higher in the polls he rises against the Democrat candidate, in this case, Joe Biden.

Let us begin with earned media, meaning free media. Where the MSM hammers Trump with negative media coverage, giving him media he hasn't had to pay for with advertising.

In 2016- Donald Trump Rode $5 Billion in Free Media to the White House

The real estate magnate got $4.96 billion in free earned media in the year leading up to the presidential election, according to data from tracking firm mediaQuant. He received $5.6 billion throughout the entirety of his campaign, more than Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio combined.

"You have Donald Trump coming along and getting all this coverage without spending a dime," said Paul Senatori, chief analytics officer at Portland-based mediaQuant.

Jump forward to 2024 -Dems pin Trump in NYC courtroom and he just turns it into his own personal campaign stage

His monologues, carried live by most TV networks and amplified online, have delivered his campaign an average of $260 million in earned (a k a free) digital media each day, according to a report by the Meltwater media monitoring agency, which estimates the equivalent cost of placing advertisements.

The first day of the Trump trial, April 15, delivered a whopping $440 million equivalent. The average weekly earned media during the trial has been $1.2 billion per week.

It is like the liberal MSM hasn't learned a thing from their own mistakes back during the 2016 campaign cycle.

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So how can the influential MSM, with billions of dollars behind them and thousands of writers, all focusing on destroying one man, one candidate, Donald J. Trump, fail so badly at turning all Americans against him?

It is their very bias that continues to kick them in the face. They cannot understand how his comments, and plans if he wins, things they are 100% opposed to, can actually appeal to Americans.

For example: Illegal immigration. Trump announced plans to try to mass deport all illegal aliens, those that crossed into the U.S. illegally by not using designated points of entry.

The media went into a frenzy, convinced that because they hated his plans, so would Americans, forgetting that most people outside their own media bubble, don't think like they do.

Look at a few of the headlines that followed his comments:

Look at that. Mass deportations, troops in the street, and detention camps, all militarized!!! Take that Trump!

Within weeks, the new headlines from shocked media pundits, were "Exclusive poll: America warms to mass deportations," and "Harsh deportation tools are just fine with many Americans." Those numbers included 42% of Democrats.

A January poll from USA Today and Suffolk University found that Americans supported a plan to send troops to the southern border and order the mass deportation of illegal immigrants, 53 percent to 43 percent.

A February Economist-YouGov poll found that Americans supported using military troops to arrest and deport people who are in the U.S. unlawfully, 56 percent to 31 percent.

Perhaps most striking, Americans are remarkably open to another severe tool Trump and his allies have floated: detention camps. A January Reuters-Ipsos poll asked whether undocumented immigrants should be arrested and put in detention camps while awaiting deportation hearings. Fully 42 percent supported this, while 41 percent opposed it.

The MSM continues to prove, each and every day, how disconnected with actual Americans they are.

They amplify Trump's messages, after convincing themselves and their bubble roommates that this time they can turn the public against Trump. This time Trump has gone too far.


How have Americans reacted to the media's war against Trump, and how much damage has it done?

Trump now leading in 5 battleground states all of which Biden won in 2020: poll

The reason the battleground states mean more than other states is because in general, most states are either red or blue, but battleground states, they can go red one election cycle, then blue the next, so each election year, they are the states that decide the presidential election.

According to the same media, so of course we take it with a grain of salt, although in this case, research does lean towards this being pretty accurate, just 6% of 6 states will determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

Of course that assumes the other the traditional red and blue states stay in their lane.

Is it any wonder why they want Trump in jail? they seem to feel as if that is the only way to win. They don't want Americans to have Trump as a choice.


None of what is written above guarantees a Trump win in 2024, that isn't what this piece was about anyway.

The media, the bubble they live in, their belief that they know what is best for Americans, and their extreme shock when their campaign against Trump backfires, is part of the point. The fact that they never learn their lesson and they continue to give Donald Trump billions of dollars in free media, all because they don't understand the appeal of his message, so they cannot understand how Americans possibly could, is the main point.

FLASHBACK where the media tells you it is their job to control what people think.

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