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June 23, 2024

The Propaganda Arm Of The Democrat Party Are The Real 'Cheap Fakes' - The MSM Is Literally Telling People To Ignore What They Are Seeing With Their Own Eyes When Watching Viral Biden Videos

By Susan Duclos -  All News Pipeline

Until the White House diversity hire (first black, lesbian) press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, called recent videos of Joe Biden freezing up,  having to be led away from a stage by Barack Obama, wandering,  and having trouble getting into an SUV, and others, "cheap fakes," there is a good chance not many Americans had heard that term, yet the second she used the term, every Democrat flunky in the media headlined with the term.

First and understanding of the difference between a deep fake and a cheap fake. 

A website called Data & Society,  differentiates the two in the following manner.

Coining the term “cheap fakes,” Paris and Donovan demonstrate that the creation of successfully deceptive media has never necessarily required advanced processing technologies, such as today’s machine learning tools. A “deepfake” is a video that has been altered through some form of machine learning to “hybridize or generate human bodies and faces,” whereas a “cheap fake” is an AV manipulation created with cheaper, more accessible software (or, none at all). Cheap fakes can be rendered through Photoshop, lookalikes, re-contextualizing footage, speeding, or slowing.

As more and more examples of Biden's fragility, confusion, and inability to stay focused have been going viral over the past few weeks, showing that his physical abilities and mental acuity is deteriorating at an accelerated pace, the term "cheap fake" and been given new life, with the propaganda arm of the Democrat party aka the MSM, mimicking Jean-Pierre in falsely calling unaltered and very real videos of Biden, cheap fakes, or misleading, 

Page and after page of examples of the media providing cover for the 81 years old.
Fox News, which isn't what it once was, still provided a good analogy for what we are witnessing, with the headline "White House deja vu: 'Cheap fake' Biden videos are media's 2024 Hunter laptop lies." The sub-header states "In 2020, Democrats and the media attacked Hunter's laptop as fake. This time we have experts to warn us about the dangers of watching accurate videos."

That is exactly what is happening.

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While I generally do not go video-heavy in my articles, the videos being called cheap fakes are completely real, unaltered in any way, shape of form, as we will show below.

First, we have the G7 video from Italy, where world leaders gathered, and men in parachutes dropped out of the sky to land right in front of the world leaders, and around them. Biden, the only one in the group to do so, became distracted by the show, turned away from the photo op group of leaders, and started wandering away. The Italian PM, Giorgia Meloni, casually makes her way from the opposite side of the group towards Biden, then casually grabs his upper arm to catch his attention and then indicates he should move towards the group.

How do we know this isn't a so-called "cheap fake?" Nothing was altered. Everyone moved at the same speed. after Meloni caught his attention and got Biden to move back towards the group, the rest of the world leaders surrounded him, almost as if they were making sure he couldn't wander away yet again.

The next video being called a "cheap fake," was from a  fundraiser in LA, where Biden was grinning like an idiot, frozen in place looking at the crowd, while Barack Obama waving  at the crowd started moving off stage, then noticing Biden wasn't exiting the stage, moved back towards him, grabbed him by the arm to get his attention, then wrapped an arm around him to lead him off the stage.

Once again, it is clear the video has not been altered in any way. Obama's movements were natural, while Biden was stood frozen until Obama led him off the stage.

Next up, a video that hasn't gotten quite the attention the other two did, yet shows Biden unable to enter the SUV that drives him around. The Secret Service detail are moving at normal speed, while Biden approaches the car, then lifts his foot to try to step into the vehicle, his foot missing the step the first time, then he awkwardly leans his body in, with his foot still on that step, staying there far longer than necessary.

We have seen previous videos of Biden falling off his bicycle, falling upwards on the stairs to Air Force One, leading to his team having him use the short stairs, and falling on stage, where his Secret Service detail had to help him up, and even then it was hard for him to get back to his feet.

Those all happened throughout his three years in the White House, and the difference between those examples of a frail Biden, and the recent ones, is that the recent ones all happened in in the last two weeks.


Not one propaganda piece from the media calling the videos above "cheap fakes," have explained what about the videos they are in any way a fake. They simply assuming that if they call it a cheap fake, their gullible followers will believe it without questioning it.

They are right, some do, and others simply go around sharing those propaganda pieces in the hopes that just using the term "cheap fake," will convince others that there is something "fake" about what they are seeing with their own eyes.

They are literally telling people not to believe their own eyes.

The MSM doing this, the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, are the real cheap fakes.

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