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December 2, 2021

Australia's 'Mass Death Camps' And Manhunts For 'Quarantine Prison Escapees' Are Showing The World The Globalists Tyrannical Hand

- 'This is martial law, this is a war crime, this is a crime against humanity'

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

As in all analogies, you cannot take the similarities or comparisons too far or they fall completely apart; they are meant only to give an impression that is easily recognized. This wisdom applies to the following one as well.

Shakespeare started this one and our modern world plays it out. The cuckold nations reel under the stresses of the deceptions of the Illuminati and their scheming to bring about the most dangerous piece of lechery that ever was known in the commonwealth Satanic end game, aka Agenda 30, as described on the Georgia Guide Stones. His Royal Idiot Little Joey Brandon (the Princes Jester, a very dull fool), along with so many other world leaders, also call it 6uild 6ack 6etter or the Great Reset. Specific well leaked and controlled narratives designed to deceive the lovers, the worlds real people, create nothing but havoc and distress, and it ends up in the bedchamber as the illicit affairs bring down so many long held dreams. Little Tyrant, (would-be god), Tony Fauci and his whores would have us marry their daughter that is the kill shot designed to put so many of the worlds masses to death. The schemes will not work, but there are other illicit liaison plans and they eventually (very soon now I believe) release a far more potent pandemic of some sort of pox variety to kill even more innocent young daughters as the devil and his consorts confess their love for each other. The story ends with their destruction and then perhaps we can show our glee as we dance with our returning Savior.

Well, so much for me butchering that fine old story in such loosely defined comparisons; but so be it. It was hard enough to follow erstwhile when originally read and that is just what brought it to my mind; I never did really understand it as it twisted and turned just as our, or more correctly THEIR, plots do now.

Most Americans have no idea of how many and how large the demonstrations and even riots are in lands not of our own. Those who are supposed to be letting us know of those actions by others simply disregard it all because they do not want to encourage our angered masses to do the same, and even more. The trend seems to be changing a wee bit in the last few days as some major US outlets like CNBC have shown violent European protests while more conservative outlets have for some time now. Even Australia is showing many of those European riots in Belgium, Holland, Italy and so on. Allowing too much knowledge out about the rest of the worlds rebelling would upset their plans of total control just as we see in so many other nations and maybe that is what is helping fuel the riots in Australia. Rebellion is contagious.

Millions march in Melbourne, Australia against vaccine mandates as shown in this Twitter clip.

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Add those that showed up in Canberra, Sydney, Gold Coast and other Australian cities and provinces means we are easily in the millions in just Australia alone. Germany, Ireland, France, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Italy and more in Europe also protest the forced vaccinations and harsh curbs on their freedoms. Not to be outdone, India and other Asian nations also have had their share of protests against those tyrannical governmental mandates. Even in China there have been mass protests although the CCP crackdowns have made it very dangerous to do considering the ever present surveillance cameras and tracking systems in place along with social media and facial recognition virtually everywhere. Note that they are putting those same systems in place here with the help of high tech and ownership of so many American politicians (did I say Biden out loud?). These have been going on since the early part of this year as shown in so many stories from news sources outside of the USA and, strangely enough, including our own worldwide propaganda outlet The Voice of America.

Forced vaccinations, or as they call it voluntary vaccinations, are pushed to the extreme in so many areas of this world that they even imprison whole populations and refuse to let them out without getting the murder shot as exemplified by the recent stories of Aborigines being forced into concentrations camps and forcefully injected, including children. They went so far as to have a MANHUNT for three aboriginal teenagers that managed to escape the quarantine prison for a short while. As reported in the UK Daily Expose a group of indigenous Australians made a plea for international help due to the Northern Territory government force vaccinating the people in the community. According to their representative David, the government was using the military, foreign military, foreign police officers, local military and local police officers to pressure our people into taking this bioweapon.

David said, They are not informing the people, they are lining them up. They are telling them they cant eat in the shops, cant eat in the community, cant eat elsewhere. Those who are fleeing to get food are being fined $5,000 for leaving the community. This is martial law, this is a war crime, this is a crime against humanity, and all the crimes against humanity have been practiced on the tribal people of this continent.

Australia is no longer the land of the young and free. It is now a land of division, blackmail, coercion, discrimination, and medical apartheidContinuing with A land where movement, speech, religion, and opinion are no longer free. Protesting is illegal, police must enforce corrupt policies to keep their jobs. Police shoot protesters in the back whilst they are running away.

We will WE WILL be seeing this on our streets soon as the Satanists that run this nation figure they can do it with the pattern being set in Australia as it will play out here. Australian style military roundups will happen here. Jon Rappoport put it this way; The sociopaths and their storm-troopers who run Australia would make Hitler and Stalin envious. You mean you can exercise iron control over a whole nation based on a STORY ABOUT A VIRUS?

Vaccine Jihad had an interesting take on the possibilities of enforcement in the USA with the thought that they are pushing for a One World Religion as a response to all of the opposition to their evil schemes. Note that Flynn is Gen. Michael Flynn. If we are going to have one nation under god, which we must, we have to have one religion, Flynn is quoted as saying. One nation under god, and one religion under god. [note lower case g]

Several television talking heads condemned the remarks, reportedThe Covid Blog. But Flynn was simply revealing the next step in The Great Reset / New World Order.

Pope Francis signed a joint declaration with the grand imam of al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmed el-Tayeb, on February 4, 2019. It called for religious tolerance and dialogue. An organization called The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity was formed to execute the declaration.

This committee, it turns out, announced later that year in October 2019 the creation of a One World Religion headquarters known as the Abrahamic Family House, which is set to open in 2022.

This compound, of sorts, which is located on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, will have three houses of worship: one for Jews, one for Muslims, and one for ecumenical Christians who will be merged alongside the other two religions.

Are you frightened yet? Are you feeling cuckolded yet? You should be, the deception is clear.

On November 11, 2021 Israel held table top war games that they named Omega. The object was to see how to react and practice the responses to a new LETHAL variant of the C19 corona virus they labeled the Omega strain, therefore the games name. They claim that they defeated the new variant in this war game and now we see that only two weeks later they are on the verge of a State of Emergency over the new variant they called Omega. Israel has one of the worlds highest vaccinations rates, yet they also have one of the worlds highest infection rates with most being among the fully vaccinated. I wonder why that is, as I shake my head, in the successful deception they commit by not admitting that it is the kill shot and NOT some pretend virus killing them.

Israels Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, announced on Friday November 26, 2021 that the country is on the verge of a state of emergency after three people tested positive for the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus. The initial claims are that this supposed new variant is faster spreading but less virulent than the current variations. Omega / Omicron gee whiz Batman, I wonder how those names might be connected. The Pulse also stated that The new real life B1.1.529 variant recently named Omicron by the World Health Organization (WHO) is currently found in South Africa, Botswana, Hong Kong, Israel, and Belgium, where there is only one confirmed case.

South African Health Minister Joe Phaahlais calling this mass panica kind of knee-jerk reaction, [that] really doesnt make sense. He stated that this was a variant to be watched, not to jump to conclusions and panic over.

Remember that the PCR test is useless for detecting Covid, it only suggests some kind of Corona virus by chemical signature, but does NOT detect anything more than that. It takes a full on DNA Sequencing test to determine anything else, and that takes time and is done by very strict chemical processing. Comparing PCR to a real DNA sequencing is like comparing a cheap Hot Wheels to a new Corvette C8 ZR2 coming out next year, and determining C19 from any other virus using the PCR test like determining what color the intake manifold inside is from the tiny model. The answer is a total farce.

It may be funny in a way, but about a week ago the Daily Mail claimed that there is a new Botswana Variant they claimed was the most evolved Covid strain that may have emerged in an HIV patient. The number given to that strain, B.1.1.529 is the same as the omega err, I meant Omicron, and that it could be worse than nearly anything else about. Really? While those in Africa said it is no more than a mild cold something is amiss in the story telling; there seems to be some smudges in the tightly controlled narrative. Note that originally the claim was that HIV DNA strand sections were added in the weaponized Corona virus to create C19, and that the vaccine is a very efficient immune system killer, and HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus so I suspect this is just an excuse for covering up for the huge increase in totally failed immune systems in those that have had the C19 kill shot. Watch for upcoming news that mentions the loss of the ability to fight off infections is blamed on a new strain and acts exactly like the HIV/AIDS farce did. They are directly related in my opinion and are designed to cover for the huge loss of life from the kill shot. There is no dangerous new variant, only the effects of the kill shots that they use to cover for the real weapon of mass destruction. What we are seeing happening right now is the direct result of those Israeli war games in early November.

Now to finish up this story, go back to those mass death camps and demonstrations against them in Australia. They will be happening here soon, but with a major difference. The Aussies gave up their firearms, and we WILL NOT. We are the only nation left on this planet where the Peoples God Given Right to self defense has not been usurped totally by the despotic devils in government. Lets see how this plays out, the options are open and people are finally starting to wake up as their blue pills fade and many more are grabbing the red pill. Our government needs to learn to fear We the People as our Founding Fathers intended and the world is watching us closely. They know we are the last standing chance for hope.


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