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January 26, 2021

Following Massive Tantrum By MSM Snowflakes, The Left's War On Free Speech Is Being Ratcheted Up Under Joe Biden As MSM Seeks To Fully Deprogram President Trump Supporters

(Media Propaganda Lessons)

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

It is safe to say that the majority of Americans knew that when Joe Biden moved into the White House, the the media would instantly go from being combative and hostile towards the "administration," to becoming pliant puppets.

It is unlikely that many truly doubted that the lapdog quality of the MSM's coverage for Democrats and the liberal agenda, would instantly extend to the White House once President Trump was removed from the equation.


News from the White House is "refreshing" (CNN, no surprise).

Executive orders are good!

Via Charlie Kirk, wee see what the MSM doesn't acknowledge:

Executive Orders:

Clinton2 in his first week in office

Bush2 in his first two weeks in office

Obama5 in his first week in office

Trump4 in his first week in office

Biden30+ in his first five days in office

Remind me again which president governs like a dictator?

Free speech for anyone other than MSM is bad!

Via the New York Times:

But what would those democratic processes be? Americans have a deep and abiding suspicion of letting the state regulate speech. At the moment, tech companies are filling the vacuum created by that fear. But do we really want to trust a handful of chief executives with policing spaces that have become essential parts of democratic discourse? We are uncomfortable with government doing it; we are uncomfortable with Silicon Valley doing it. But we are also uncomfortable with nobody doing it at all. This is a hard place to be or, perhaps, two rocks and a hard place.

Show of hands from ANP readers as to whether or not any of us are "uncomfortable" with nobody policing free speech?

Yeah, thought so. Apparently the writer thinks they have the right to put words, and feelings, in other peoples' mouths.

Some examples of other media personalities against free speech...unless it is their free speech that is.

A huge thank you to Tablet Mag for compiling the following list. For more details about the statements shown, click over to Tablet.

ANAND GIRIDHARADAS (MSNBC talking head, New York University journalism professor, and former New York Times writer, Vice talk-show host, and Aspen Institute fellow): "Its time for this question to be front and center: Should Fox News be allowed to exist?"

STEVE COLL: (two-time Pulitzer winning dean of Columbia Journalism School) "Those of us in journalism have to come to terms with the fact that free speech, a principle that we hold sacred, is being weaponized against the principles of journalism."

RICHARD STENGEL: (Former Obama Senior Government Official, writer of 'Why America needs a hate speech law') - "All speech is not equal. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.

THE NEW YORKER: Masha Gessen and Andrew Marantz: "The news media have traditionally borne the responsibility for insuring that the actual purpose of the First Amendment is fulfilled."

EMILY BAZELON: (The New York Times Magazine) - "The Problem of Free Speech in an Age of Disinformation."

There are another half dozen quotes from major news outlets and so-called "journalists," who should be fighting tooth and nail on behalf of the entire First Amendment, rather than arguing against it.


Before the election, CNN's Don Lemon and Chris *Fredo* Cuomo, discussed on air, the "deprogramming" of the "diabolical" right.

First they call conservatives a "cult" claiming they display "cultish," behavior. it is toward the end of the short clip below that the Lemon, who just won't quite babbling, claims a lot of people need to be "deprogrammed right now."



Now that President Trump is no longer in the White House, it appears some, very few, media outlets are trying to pretend they are "objective," or getting back to reporting fairly, and in each case, out-of-control liberals, so used to only seeing what they want to see from the liberal establishment media, are bitterly upset and making a stink.

We already discussed how a New York Times editor claimed she had "chill" just watching Biden's plane land, after she falsely accused President Trump of refusing to send a military plane for him, was terminated from her position at the paper.

Response: Liberals went nuts, started cancelling their times subscriptions, whine on social media endlessly, and basically proved that they are incapable of accepting any type of attempt to offer even a modicum of balance.

Politico allowed conservative pundit Ben Shapiro to write a piece for their publication.

Response: Once again, liberals lost it. Not only the liberal readers from the left-leaning outlet, but their liberal employees had an actual collective temper tantrum, which resulted in a strong worded letter (with demands!) sent to publisher Robert Allbritton.

The far left Daily Beast offered a piece, highly sympathetic to the employees forced to see an article with a different opinion that theirs (although no one forced them to read it). Daily Beast is behind a paywall, so here it is at Yahoo News.

According to multiple Politico insiders familiar with the situation, the letter to Allbritton criticized the decision to publish Shapiro, claiming it had demoralized a substantial portion of the newsroom, but also railed against the responses to criticism offered by editor in chief Matt Kaminski.

Awwww...... the free speech of a conservative and offering a truly diverse opinion, "demoralized" the poor little snowflakes.

Elsewhere in the note to their publisher, the Politico staffers called for a commitment to clarify and improve the outlets editorial standards; an increase in newsroom diversity; an editors note on Shapiros edition of Playbook; and an internal apology for the decision to publish the provocateur.

Note: Increase in newsroom diversity? Isn't that what they are bitterly whining about in the first place? You just can't make this stuff up.

The point here is that the MSM spent more than four years only telling liberals what they wanted to hear, protecting Democrats, attacking Republicans and pushing Democrat propaganda at every turn.

Now that they want to pretend to be unbiased and objective, the readers, and employees, spoiled by the last years of the policy of Democrat protection and Antifa agitation and support, are whining, complaining and basically throwing a massive temper tantrum.


The examples above are just some of the most egregious, but they are by no means all there is. We are seeing the liberal MSM starting to get eaten by their own liberals readers they protected from true diversity and opinions other than their own for the past four years-plus.

You reap what you sow.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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