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March 11, 2025

Media Madness Infects The Political Party Who Still Have High Levels Of Trust In Them, From Claiming Killing The Unborn Is 'Reproductive' Rights To Gender Confusion, MSM Insanity Spreads

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Throughout the years I have written about the traditional national media quite often, from trust issues, to news outlets acting like the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, to their constant hysteria over every word or action by President Donald Trump being mentioned consistently in reports about "Trump Anxiety Disorder" aka Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

A brief reminder from the leftist website Politico:

CNN before lovemaking is not his idea of a turn-on.

But she can hardly turn it offengrossed as she is in the latest unnerving gyrations of Washington.

Who else to blame but Donald Trump? A president who excites hot feelings in many quarters has cooled them considerably in the bedroom of a Philadelphia couple, who sought counseling in part because the agitated state of American politics was causing strain in their marriage.

See how they blamed President Trump back then, instead of thinking 'Hey, maybe the correlation between the woman not being able to turn CNN off, might be what is causing the anxiety.' It was CNN pundits "spin" on President Trump that was freaking her out.

At the time every article written about 'Trump Anxiety' said the same thing, people became addicted to the "news" and became anxious, yet thee writers and outlets never once thought to mention it was their reporting of events, with their biases, that caused the anxiety,

Jump forward to just four days ago, and we see the same theme of people getting their news from the "mainstream media," and lo and behold they become infected with Trump Anxiety Disorder.

TDS is not alone.

Ever wonder why Democrat liberals always seem confused as to what a "woman" is, or how so many of their party could call it a "right" or a "protection" for biological men to play in women's sports. Or their deep confusion about how many genders there are, when the answer is a simple TWO. Or how they can see 50 years of failed climate predictions, and still believe every word the media reports about how "this" prediction is real this time.

Democrat politicians are understandable, they have these crazed views for political reasons, but ask yourself how so many of their supporters manage to jump on the crazy bandwagon...and the answer is clear, they watch the news, liberals news, which pushes those Democrat politicians' insanity into the homes of those that watch and read them.

It isn't only the mentions of news addiction in the Trump Anxiety Disorder stories, but directly relates to the amount of trust in the media broken down by party.

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New surveys by Gallup recently offer insights into who is being more affected by the constant stream of nonsensical "spin" regarding a number of issues, including those mentioned above.

Take a look at the chart below via Gallup's February 27, 2025 piece titled "Five Key Insights Into Americans' Views of the News Media."

As can be seen in the chart above, Democrats 20 and above have far more trust in the media than the Republicans.
Question: Which party is confused about a what a "woman" is?
Answer: Democrats
Question: Which party fights for the "right" for biological men to play in women's sports?
Answer: Democrats.
Question: Which party thinks that biological men can have babies and breastfeed?
Answer: Democrats.
I could go on all day with the questions/answers, but I think the point is made.
The party that trusts the mainstream media the most, is the party that seems the most confused about a variety of issues.
If only a measly 6% of Democrats have no trust in the media, that leaves 94% that have some sort of trust left in the mass media.

Is it any wonder that liberals think abortion "reproductive rights", when killing the unborn is the exact opposite of "reproductive" anything? The media keeps telling those that still trust them it is so, therefore all common sense flies out the window, and they run around mimicking them to whoever will listen.
The only shimmer of hope in the first graph above is that young Democrats/lean Democrats, ages 18 to 29, have less trust in the media than their older counterparts.
As Democrats trust has fallen over the past three years, it has dropped more among younger than older Democrats. As a result, the Democratic age gap is now its widest, with less than a third of 18- to 29-year-old Democrats expressing a great deal or fair amount of trust versus 75% of Democrats aged 65+.

It is a start anyway.


Numbers don't lie. These numbers tell the story of a political party and their propaganda activist arm, which is the traditional media.

Without the media, Democrat politicians couldn't hoodwink or gaslight gullible liberal readers/viewers across the nation.

Remember when MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski admitted that they thought it was the media's job to "control" what people think?

No amount of backtracking on her part can make those words disappear. Sometimes the media accidentally tells the truth.

One reason the MSM attacks conservatives on a consistent basis, is that the majority of conservatives no longer believe their lies, and expose them at every opportunity.

They truly are the enemy of the people.

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