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March 27, 2015

Mia Marie Pope 'We Are In Big Trouble' - ANP Exclusive: Obama 'Mentally Unfit For Duty'

By Susan Duclos and Stefan Stanford - All News PipeLine


All News PipeLine had the opportunity of speaking with a former Barack Obama acquaintance, Mia Marie Pope, who knew Obama in between the 1977-1979 years in Hawaii, where she claims he was a "compulsive, pathological liar" even then, referring to him in the interview below and previous ones as "clinically insane," stating he not only had a drug habit but that he traded sex for drugs with a gay drug dealer named "gay-Ray." She delves into the sealing of Obama's records and the reasons why "flunky Barry" doesn't want the public to see them.

Below we hear about her past with Barack Obama and the future of America, which she feels is in grave danger with Obama at the helm.

Pope makes it clear that had she not believed that Obama was literally destroying America, we wouldn't "have heard a peep" from her and that she has no political affiliation because the same "gang bangsters control both sides." Pope also encourages readers/listeners to search out the information she provides for themselves, verify, confirm, as she asserts that other than her experiences as a teenager around "Barry", she expects no one to simply take her word for what she states, she hopes they will start to wake up and research the wide range of issues she details below.

Those include the rigging of the 2012 election with the help of Chuck Hagel, the payoff to Hagel by Obama in the form of an appointment to secretary of Defense, the recent controversial Jade Helm 15 military exercises which lead her to talk of potential martial law, stating that "we are in big trouble," and "something is getting ready to happen."

Mia also has a message to the military, law enforcement, and "we the people" who she reminds us are "the boss" because we pay the bills in Washington and that message is "do not comply." Mia believes the "do not comply" mantra could very well be the first step in taking back America.

From Obama purging top military commanders to his Islamic extremist support to the "spark of revolution" and the feeling shared by many, that things are coming to a head, this is a wide ranging interview with a woman that connects the actions we see from Obama right now to the teeenager he was back then because "his brain was sprung" in his teen years and he has only gotten worse, more dangerous, as she states that he is "mentally unfit for duty."


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