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December 31, 2022
More Alarming Signs The Globalists Henchmen Are Carrying Out False Flag Attacks Upon The Electric Grid To Demonize Conservatives And Push America Into Civil War
Our own Susan Duclos wrote a very good article Thursday evening (December 29th) on preparations to make for the massive increase in attacks on our power grid and noted the current number of eleven such attacks recently. I will not cover those things that she did, but rather I would like to dive a bit deeper into who is likely to blame for them. I seriously doubt that it is who is blamed for those attacks by the popular media, but we will look at the more obvious and more likely candidates.
This past February, three men plead guilty to a conspiracy to provide material support to plot an attack on power grids in the US. Reading through the announcement put out by the Department of Justice, it reads just like the other false attacks on American citizens that they have been perpetrating recently. Please consider the false accusations and attacks on the January 6th group of American Patriots as a prime example. In it the use the same lame accusations and linkages that they do in what seems all of their anti-Patriot schemes that they use to further the objectives of the Democrat Party and its anti-American Marxist New World Order comrades. Rather generic phrases such as defendants admitted to engaging in a disturbing plot, in furtherance of white supremacist ideology and defendants conspired to use violence to sow hate, create chaos, and endanger the safety of the American people and wanted to carry out such a plot because of their adherence to racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist views.
Yes, just like those imprisoned January 6th Patriots that were out to show support for the actual elected President Donald John Trump and were sacrificed illegally, immorally and against all truth in the matter just to fabricate an anti-Trump agenda of the New World Order masters that run this nation. This insidious scheme by secret society actors has been witnessed all over this nation as most of us should be well aware. False Flags of many sorts have been conjured up and executed by our government against We the People for a long time, but the recent past decade or two have witnessed massive increases in both the number and viciousness of those false flag attacks against us, and this is, in my opinion, just one more of them. And it is just getting under way for real as even they warn us.
Even CNN stated that Attacks on the United States power grid have been the subject of extremist chatter for some time. there was a heightened threat posed by domestic violent extremists in the US against targets. While this article was published in early December and incorporates the in vogue theory that somehow it is domestic violent extremists in USthat made those attacks on our electrical grid, that was not always the case. As propaganda agents for the NWO and Marxist American government including the CIA, FBI, DOJ and so forth, we can assume that this CNN story portends some assaults forthcoming against the more conservative citizens of this once great nation. It has happened before a number of times and they are not alone. It was a coordinated attack by a number of news agencies including TV, radio, internet and other print media such as this Newsweek story on the same day titled With Power Grid Under Attack, U.S. Struggles to Pursue Far-Right Extremists. Note the term far right as that is used to indicate normal, patriotic, conservative Christian Americans that the radical and evil left is at war with. They then go through a ridiculous and shoddy explanation that somehow we, the American Peoples, are somehow more dangerous than the Al-Qaida and ISIS terrorists that are actually foreign armies of CIA invention. This is downright insane.
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Mubin Shaikh, a counter-extremism and counterterrorism specialist said that Without a domestic terrorism statute to treat these hostile actors in the way the government has dealt with Al Qaeda or ISIS," Shaikh toldNewsweek,"the full weight of U.S. law cannot be brought to bear in this setting." Hold on to your britches kids, this is just what they said prior to 9-11 and then used that false flag to illegally and unconstitutionally impose massive restrictions on our travel speech, association and even thought; this looks to me to be a setup for even harsher treatment of once free Americans, and yet nothing is done to stop the flow of invading enemy troops over our Southern border. Let that sink in for a moment. I am seriously beginning to wonder if it was not some DHS agency folks from the CIA, FBI, DOJ or whatever operating undercover just like they did in the Las Vegas concert shooting where one lone set-up gunman was blamed for what numerous agency gunmen actually did. And those same folks were running the operations on January 6th as it is slowly becoming PROVEN and clear. But, they have trained operatives in ISIS or AQ already imbedded and in operation so it might be a moot point at this juncture.
In a story early in 2022, U.S. News published an Associated Press propaganda piece that appears to be a format pattern for other news agencies to copy, noted that Extremist groups in the United States appear to increasingly view attacking the power grid as a means of disrupting the country, according to a government report aimed at law enforcement agencies and utility operators. This setup was preplanned for the following attacks that were then easily blamed on conservative Americans under the fabricated theory that it was Domestic extremists that have developed credible, specific plans to attack electricity infrastructure since at least 2020, according to the report from the Department of Homeland Securitys Office of Intelligence and Analysis. The day after that story appeared the Daily Beast headline read DHS Warns That Right-Wing Extremists Could Attack Power Grid. In an effort to ensure that real Americans are views as somehow being what the BLM, Antifa and other leftists groups actually are, they put out this massive lie that White supremacists expressed interest inwreaking havocon the power grid if President Donald Trump were to lose re-election in 2020. Ummm, yeah About that DHS intelligence suggests that domestic violent extremists will continue to plot attacks against electrical infrastructure in the U.S. that may result in physical damage. And we are witnessing now that they are proving to make that appear to be true when we know it is a lie, just like so many other stories of theirs were proven to be lies blaming the conservative Christian majority on what they, the Marxist Satanic revolutionaries are actually doing. This opening line from that story proves the point when they said that the alert comes as DHS and federal investigators strain to keep up with the threat of domestic violent extremists, and continue to work to charge participants in theJan. 6 insurrection. So, if you are a Trump supporter, one who does not follow the radical lefts dismemberment of this once great nation, then you are considered domestic terrorists.
Even a low class useless rag called the Daily Dot said just before Christmas that there is precedence for white supremacists targeting electrical systems and they claim an unnamed law enforcement source is supposed to have said that at least some of the attacks have been perpetuated by individuals or groups on the far-right. Remember what their definition of far right means; anyone supporting the Constitution of this land and who vote conservatively oh, and Christian. But we should have known that it was coming because of the massive media blitz they, the MSM and government spokesmen, put out earlier in 2022. Even a few years ago both Russia and the US were blaming each other for cyber attacks on infrastructure attacks on the power systems operational control centers, and that is still ongoing. And to further cement in the idea that it is a coordinated attack on not just conservatives, but to include the recent massive attacks on white people in general, Yahoo news said White Supremacists Plotted Power Grid Attacks to Start a Race War, Feds Say. Yeah, about that white people or supremacists thing; do you think they have looked recently at the wave of attacks on anything Caucasian? The reverse racism currently being pushed cannot amount to much with the white races being by far the most numerous in this nation. Perhaps that explains some portion of the massive invasion on our southern border?
Prior to this past years attacks on white, conservative, and Christian peoples we can look to about eight years previous when the same propaganda machines were saying that a top DHS official revealed on Wednesday that an infamous 2013 sniper attack on a California energy grid substation may have been committed by someone on the inside. Even then they were pushing the domestic problem when at the same time were pushing the ISIS hackers are attempting to penetrate the US energy grid to carry out cyber attacks and take down parts of the country's energy supply and that they thought Terrorists have not gotten to the point where they're causing physical damage." That idea was also countered with other claims by the DHS and its associated agencies. A few months later, at the end of 2015, The Organic Prepper made the jump from generic ISIS or AQ cyber attacks to a more believable, but uncontrolled Iranian threat when they said Earlier this week, the AP released a chilling investigative report about the vulnerability of our power grid to foreign hacks. In fact, according to this report, the grid isnt just vulnerable its already been under attack. Yep, again the preconceived blabber that the propaganda machine spells it out on what must be noted and said by the cooperating news outlets, which is almost all of them. But at least Iran is a more believable source of those attacks than just a few ISIS computer hacks.
But the current threat to our grids are those that use it the most, the white and conservative American that uses the most power and creates the most jobs with it and feed their families by the means that the power grid allows, unlike the third world dictatorships that hold most if not all the control of their power grids. That just does not make any sense, yet it is the white supremacist and the white radical right wing that is pushing for the power grid to go down. Remember also that it is ISIS that threatened to shoot rifle rounds into our power sub-stations the past decade and that they have threatened to use forest fires to destroy our nations forests. Now we see that someone is doing so, and that someone has been burning down our forests the past couple years and it is being blamed on all sorts of things and groups, but not ISIS. Well, maybe because as a CIA asset they are immune from charges?
This may be just a big talk fest, perhaps just blabber, because although they may put out some lights here and there, it is not going to take down the entire system that would result, if not corrected, fairly swiftly in many thousands of not millions of deaths because we are so dependent on that power grid for our very life support. But that is not so with other means of taking it down that have actually done so before, like EMP (nuke tests), solar mass ejections (like the North east one into Canada a few years ago), mass missile strikes (think Iraq) and sabotage as has been practiced in many wars. No, we are not secure even though Congress has screamed that we must harden our grid and power stations but have one nothing. Miss Susans article on emergency preparations you can take to secure your possibly life sustaining use of emergency power is wise advice indeed. It appears they are planning a false flag to cover for an upcoming attack on our grid so please be forewarned and not surprised when it happens and it will almost certainly be caused by our own government, like the CIA or associates as they have done in the past.
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