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May 21, 2023
Thanks To Biden's Broken Border And Blue-City Hellholes, Military-Age Men Continue To Flow Into America While The NWO Overlords Push A Race War To Destroy Most Of Our Population
In ourMay 13thcolumn, we discussed an analogy about ant hills and war upon the American People. Today I would like to amplify one phrase near the bottom of that column titled The Full-Scale Invasion And Overthrow Of America Is Going Just As The Freedom-Hating Globalists Planned that said thereal plan is to destroy most of the population of our peoplein that process orin the war that their overlords, the New World Order, were planning onand help to integrate other topics that bear close inspection that are, I believe, directly related to that story. And as with so many others of my columns have shown, I am again having trouble finding the references that I know used to exist and also many that I have direct links to saved that are not online anymore. So please forgive me if I seem to be running on just my memory here and there.
Although the left cries foul andmakes up poor excuseswhy they claim that it is not so; for example claiming that party affiliation is hard to pin down as in a report in The Daily Signal, the facts remain that27 of the top 30 crime ridden citiesare run by democrats. TheHeritage Foundation(actuallyThe Daily Signallinked to above is their multimedia news outlet) had a recent article titled The Blue City Murder Problem and although I am not going to take time to get into the whole argument of that article, I will quotethis portion; It is not hard to understandwhy reforms such asending cash bail,defunding the police,refusing to prosecute entire categories of crimes,letting thousands of convicted felonsout of prison early,significantly cutting the prisonpopulation, and other progressive ideas have led to massive spikes in crimeparticularly violent crime, including murderinthe communities where those on the Left have implemented them. That is something all of us that actually take time to read and understand what is actually happening in this nation already are aware of.
AnotherThe Daily Signalreport amplified that when they did an article on one specific city to use as an example of that truth; Minneapolis. As a result of the George Floyd fiasco that the idiot left blew way out of reality resulting in the severe shortage of police officers, their crime rate has skyrocketed. A very similar report is given in the first video below from Rumble on Chicagos problems and how they all but ceased policing and left wing love of eliminating any real cultural respect of family has changed it into a very evil and deadly city to live in. Perhaps the best part and why I chose this particular video is the importance of the loss of family values pushed by leftist politicians along with the recommendation that youstay out of all democrat run hellholesand get out as soon as possible if you do live in one. AMAC,the Association of Mature American Citizensalso said that Americas 25 worse cities are democrat led andthat race may have little to do with it as they also stated although poverty and unemployment are tied to violent crime prevalence. Roughly half the mayors in this top-ten analysis were Caucasian, half African American. But they are ALL democrats with leftist policies in place and, whether or not they accept it, that most high population cities with high crime rates are mostly populated with those of darker complexions in the more crime ridden areas.
America First Reportsaid it succinctly when they said If you live in a major US City, its probably time to move out without specifying whether or not it is liberal or conservatively run. They noted that According to FBI data, on average, murder and manslaughter in U.S. cities with a population over 10,000 increased 26% between 2010 and 2020; rape increased by 38%, aggravated assault by 29% and car theft by 48%....Those are averages. Some cities are far worse than others. That only covers 2010 to 2020 and the reality is far worse if those numbers are brought up to todays figures which seem to be increasing exponentially now. And as we have shown, those worse ones are democrat run cities. So get out of big cities, and be very careful if you move to a smaller city that has any woke symptoms whatsoever.
It takes money to run a city, and as the money guy David Ramsey says,debt is slavery. He agrees with the bible as well because in Proverbs 22:7 it says (KJV) The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lenderwhich is absolutely correct. So why is our government in so much debt that it cannot ever come out of it because of the compounding of interest rates, and we live on fiat currency as it is? The theory is massive inflation can buy us out of it as has been done in the past, but I believe we are well past that option now. Rather, the option more often used has been war and that is in our immediate future regardless. As I have said before, I am fascinated by dreams of the future and have collected many stories of people relating their dreams from many sources. Some on mimeograph, some in electronic form, some in books, and some from TV shows, some from in person discussions and so forth collected over about a half century. There are many variations of things in those dreams, some wildly so, but by and large there are a few things that seem to be fairly consistent in them. If we take into account that some of those variations are because they are limited to specific times, locations and or people, targeted for the recipient you might say, we can assume some things are likely true for a more general audience.
Chief among those claims in dreams is that the US will be all but totally destroyed by war; war on this continent and in our cities especially. Many of the newer if not most of them claim that we will be attacked with nuclear weapons while the older ones (pre WWII) merely say the cities will be destroyed. Maybe not all of the buildings as such, but the people will kill each other off just as in my analogy of putting a shovel full of one kind of ant on the hill of a different kind of ant. Total war with no survivors is the correct picture to take away from this analogy. The west coast will be invaded (Chinese?) but they will not get past the mountain ranges to enter inter-mountain and mid-west America while some others claiming not even out of California because so many deer hunters make a great sharpshooting volunteer militia. My own dreams are like that, and I strongly suspect they are driven by all that I have read so I discount my own for now. Whatever, most also claim to have seen columns of starving and ill women and children on foot (no cars running nor fuel for them) leaving the cities en-mass headed westward away from the major population centers while the men stay behind and kill each other off, completely emptying the cities and with our major military bases destroyed by nuclear weapons.
While that is not a pretty picture to envision, it is a common thread running through so many of those dreams. Time will tell, and I suspect we will be seeing it very soon for a number of reasons; one of which we will only mention and that is the push by elitists and the US regime infesting our nations current leadership positions pushing with all their might for a nuclear war with Russia, and with the Chinese threatening to take out our Navy in the Pacific if we do not bow down low and lick their silk slippers (which so many Americans are doing nonetheless, especially the Bidens) as they invade Taiwan. Another major reason is a bit harder to describe, but we will try to regardless.
Although the more common claim is that slavery in America began in the 17th and 18th centuries, enslaved Africans worked mainly on the tobacco, rice and indigo plantations of the southern coast, from the Chesapeake Bay colonies of Maryland and Virginia south to Georgia(History.com)the reality is much different.Wikipediatells a more accurate story when they say that Slavery was established throughoutEuropean colonization in the Americas. From 1526, during earlycolonial days, it was practiced in what becameBritain's colonies, including theThirteen Coloniesthat formed the United States. That is about a hundred years earlier than normal history states, and even that neglects the fact that the Native Americans also had slavery since who know when they took slaves of the defeated in war members of other tribes, likely since just about forever.
Arrival of a Dutch slave ship with a group of African slaves for sale at Jamestown, Virginia, 1619
Slaves have been held all over the Americas from the beginning of colonization, and not just black ones.History.comsaid Christopher Columbuslikely transported the first Africans to the Americas in thelate 1490son his expeditionsto the island of Hispaniola, now Haiti and the Dominican Republic.Their exact status, whether free or enslaved, remains disputed. But the timeline fits with what we know of the origins of the slave trade.
European trade of enslaved Africans began in the 1400s. The first example we have of Africans being taken against their will and put on board European ships would take the story back to 1441, says Guasco, when the Portuguese captured 12 Africans in Cabo Brancomodern-day Mauritania in north Africaand brought them to Portugal as enslaved peoples.
EvenAmerican blacks owned black slaves; not in great numbers, but they in fact did own slaves. Actually, the slaves wereimprisoned by other blacksto a large degree, and were sold or taken by North African Muslims; some black, some not. TheMuslims are fine with slavery, having traded in it for well over a thousand years. They wouldsell their captivesto the Dutch, to the Spaniards, to the British and so on, who would then resell them to slave owners all over the world with most coming to the North American market along with the other markets in the New World. But that is enough of that; you get the point that the common view is not correct.
Now the radical left is asking for reparations for blacks because generations ago some of their parents were sold into slavery. Just how in the hell do they figure they are owned a damned thing? There are NO currently living survivors of slavery; in fact, it has been generations since that time. Nor are there any currently living slave owners left, not a one. Actually, one of my great grandfathers was injured by Geronimos warriors in Arizona, so using their logic the Mexican government owes me many millions of dollars for that injury. He died later on when the arrow in his leg was removed, fragments were left in the bone that decades later turned gangrenous and had his leg amputated. As a result, he died from complications as he was getting up in age, so lets make the Mexicans pay for not protecting the Arizona border so long ago. Of course, it does not matter that I never met him nor does his death affect me in any way, not at all. Me calling for reparations for that is an irrational argument, but so is any claim for reparations by current blacks.
This Twit video shows a black Tampa Florida man demanding reparations at $3 MILLION per person (link imbedded here). Insane! California is alsodemanding reparationsand the CaliforniaReparations task Force has said that anyone meeting the criteria of any descendant of enslaved African Americans or of a free Black person living in the United States prior to the end of the 19th century would be eligible for reparations and they are also adding in reparations for being incarcerated in California. Can you even believe that crap? Commit a crime, get caught and get paid bookoo bucks for it. The proposal was restitution for mass incarcerationand over policing in Black communities, the proposal suggests providing $115,260 per person in 2020 dollars or $2,352 for each year of residency in the state since 1971, which was the first year of the war on drugs.California estimatesthat the questions of whether the state even has the finances for the payouts has been brought into question.California has an annual budget of around $237 billion, but economists on the panel said reparations could cost the state more than $800 billion. No debt problem here, eh folks? No rational thought either. And with the white Christian and conservative population splitting out of there as fast as possible, the tax base is also disappearing. No problem they say. Now the push is for national reparations.
So, changing gears, where are those millions upon millions of criminal invaders crossing our borders going to when they get here? It may be easier to ask where they are not going. Reports ofmilitary aged men being housed in training campsnear military bases has been ongoing for a few years now,ever since the Obama regime. There are also camps made for housing migrant children on military bases and reports that they are living inheartbreaking conditions. There is a close relationship ofmilitary bases, some of them retired, but not all, housing criminal invaders. Trump was not immune to this as it went on from Obama through Trump and dramatically increased under Lil Joey Dementias regime which is actually Obamas third term. And, of course, now they areallowed to servein our military and those who are to take care of these things are doingexactly the opposite; they are making it worse.
So with California unable to pay its bills as it is, and with possibly trillions of new bills to pay reparations and the infrastructure to cover it amounting to many times its current budget, can this be creating anything other than a race war with full on mass murder involved? How could it not?
Now lets look at some possibilities as to why this is happening. In California, the Latino population is the greater one, with whites coming in second. The black population is about 15% or so according to most estimates. So with the blacks pushing for reparations, it falls on the whites and Latino populations to support that massive payout. Tell me just how that will not strike hatred of the race benefitting off of the state confiscating their incomes to pay off a totally irrational and false reasoned grift while at the same time failing to care for the veterans, mentally ill and drug addicts that make up most of the homeless population? That population of homeless is blossoming rapidly as people, even working people, are pushed out of their homes as prices and taxes soar beyond belief, and they want to make it far worse? How can that end in anything peaceful when kids are starving and the sanitary conditions are dropping to lower than third world slums? And as department stores are leaving because of the massive theft rings and lack of people willing to work in them for a living, how are they going to even obtain necessities?
So with the truly massive increase in criminal invaders (most call them illegal immigrants, but not me. I prefer more accurate descriptive terms) and the destruction of the economy to cover for reparations and the elites super high standard of living, what could this end up as other than the formula for a massive race war? The democrat party already is on record of increasing the welfare state with the given purpose of forcing blacks to vote democrat forever (LBJ actually said that) and destruction of black families that makes the now fatherless homes so fractured that the children get virtually no training in how they are supposed to think, act, and to be responsible? How is the lefts destruction or at least attempted destruction of any Christian involvement in families, in schools, in neighborhoods supposed to teach kids how to be virtuous? This is a PLANNED destruction of the black peoples. Far worse than slavery because at least they were allowed to teach their kids how life works.
I strongly suspect thatthis is the actual plan; race war to destroy the United States and get its population down to the Agenda 2030 numbersmuch faster that it would otherwise while at the same timedrastically reducing the blacks percentage of that population. Throw in a few nukes, add in some foreign armies on our western shore and in our cities, destroy our whole economy including the entire infrastructure that keeps us alive, maybe some more pandemics for good measure and we have the makings of a real apocalyptic scenario. A scenario that looks very much like all of those future dreams of the past dozen or more decades spoken of earlier. The official reason they are coming is becauseBiden invitedthem here and to make a better life. But that life will not be better if they are forced into fighting for their very lives with those that they must compete with for housing, food, jobs and the like with a collapsing nation that cannot create those things required for life.
There are rumors that many of the criminal invaders are saying that they are coming to squash us and because they are actually a very real foreign army invading us including tens of thousands of Chinese single military aged men along with other enemy nations armies and many are US military trained and likely equipped as well. We send off our sons to die in Ukraine and we get invaded by China and Latin and Muslim nations; what can go wrong with that picture?
This massive influx of many millions of military aged single men cannot be for anything else but the planned invasion and destruction of this nation as planned by the elites and shown in the planned population numbers to be reduced by 2027. As Proud to be American on ANP said to me, Suddenly, some weeks back I hear of militia groups training all over the country and MANY have Chinese and Mexican volunteersand mentioned that Antifa and BLM actions are beta tests. Imagine if you will. Hundredsof militia groups nationwidemoving on cities, and roadways, etcblocking of ALL SUPPLY to rural areas..hijacking shipments, and yes, killing people doing so
NONE OF WHICH are on our side!
Yes sir, like I said at the beginning of this column, I would like to amplify one phrase near the bottom of that column titled The Full-Scale Invasion And Overthrow Of America Is Going Just As The Freedom-Hating Globalists Planned that saidthereal plan is to destroy most of the population of our peoplein that process orin the war that their overlords, the New World Order, were planning on. In that previous column mentioned we went over the idea of ant warfare started with putting a shovel full of one kind of ant on anothers colony and the resulting total war to fight to the death of all involved will decimate those ant colonies. That is exactly what the elites have planned for us as it appears to be most evident to me now, and I thank Proud for adding some thought and backing up my suspicions.
I pray that God may bless us and that means we must keep His commandments.
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