August 7, 2021
As Newsweek Warns Of A Coming 'Doomsday Variant', The 'Elitists' Isolate While The World Dies According To Their Genocidal Plans

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
With roughly half of the US population still deciding to reject the current Covid mRNA experimental vax, and the 'Delta variant' still not scaring enough people into taking the 'big pharma concoction', we're not the least bit surprised that they're already breaking out their next several 'fear-this scenarios', with the screenshot seen above of the August 13th issue of Newsweek hinting a 'doomsday variant' may be next.
In that story titled "A Doomsday COVID Variant Worse Than Delta and Lambda May Be Coming, Scientists Say", they laid it on thick from the start of their story, mentioning the alpha variant, the beta variant, the delta variant, the gamma variant and the lambda variant in the first few paragraphs.
With the purpose of their story made quite clear in the following two sentences taken from it:
"He adds that his team's analysis shows that almost every single one of the 100 million unvaccinated Americans who hasn't had COVID-19 yet will likely get it in the coming months" and
".....if a large portion of the population continues to neglect vaccinations, then we'll indeed end up permanently haunted by the virus";
Their story also mentions the evil'Eta variant', the 'Kafkaesque-soundingKappa variant' and the infamous 'Iota variant' that are now popping up across the world, that story reported that numerous such 'variants'are 'showing signs of having unusual success in infecting fully vaccinated people'.
So while we at ANP had reported back in February of 2021 that any 'vaccine' created for Covid would likely fail because "they'd never made a successful vaccine for a coronavirus before", this ABC News in Australia story pointed out why it was so difficult to create such a 'shot', while warning way back in April of 2020 of nearly exactly what we're witnessing now; the 'vaxxed' are still getting 'Covid'.:
For those pinning their hopes on a COVID-19 vaccine to return life to normal, an Australian expert in vaccine development has a reality check it probably won't happen soon.
The reality is that this particular coronavirus is posing challenges that scientists haven't dealt with before, according to Ian Frazer from the University of Queensland.
Professor Frazer was involved in the successful development of the vaccine for the human papilloma virus which causes cervical cancer a vaccine which took years of work to develop.
He said the challenge is that coronaviruses have historically been hard to make safe vaccines for, partly because the virus infects the upper respiratory tract, which our immune system isn't great at protecting.
And while we have vaccines for seasonal influenza, HPV and other diseases, creating a new vaccine isn't as simple as taking an existing one and swapping the viruses, said Larisa Labzin, an immunologist from the University of Queensland.
"For each virus or different bacterium that causes a disease, we need a different vaccine because the immune response that's mounted is different," Dr Labzin told ABC Science.
With the 'common cold' also caused by a 'coronavirus', can you imagine the 'naming' of the common cold viruses in such a manner as they're doing Covid now? I can hear the doctor now: "Well, it looks like you've contracted the 'Zeta variant' of the common cold. Take the vaccine and call me in the morning".
Well as WebMd had reported in this March 29th of 2021 story, "A vaccine to prevent the common cold has been difficult to make, primarily because there are more than 200 different varieties of viruses that can cause colds". Now if you substitute 'Covid' for 'common cold', it all makes sense. Which begs us to ask, is the 'big pharma mafia' already creating 'vaxxes' for'Eta' and 'Iota' and 'Kappa' and 'Lambda'? As this new story over at Baron's points out, big pharma is already making a killing off of the 'covid vax frenzy'.
While according to a recent poll, the huge majority of 'unvaccinated' Americans think that the dangers of the 'vax' are worse than the virus itself, with roughly 90% of people who say they are definitely not getting the vaccine also saying they are not worried about getting seriously sick from COVID-19, that story also reportedthe so-called 'delta variant' that's now in at least 132 countries is more transmissible than the common cold, the 1918 Spanish flu, smallpox, Ebola, MERS and SARS, according to the CDC.
Yet with the 'common cold' also a coronavirus, and bringing proof that it's nearly impossible to create a successful 'vax' for, curious minds want to know, what was 'the vax' really created for? And with any mutations of the virus rendering the current vax useless, let's take a look at that previously referencedNewsweek storyto see where the globalists are pushing the masses.
Scientists keep underestimating the coronavirus. In the beginning of the pandemic, they said mutated versions of the virus wouldn't be much of a problemuntil the more-infectious Alpha caused a spike in cases last fall. Then Beta made young people sicker and Gamma reinfected those who'd already recovered from COVID-19. Still, by March, as the winter surge in the U.S. receded, some epidemiologists were cautiously optimistic that the rapid vaccine rollout would soon tame the variants and cause the pandemic to wind down.
Delta has now shattered that optimism. This variant, first identified in India in December, spreads faster than any previous strain of SARS-CoV-2, as the COVID-19 virus is officially named. It is driving up infection rates in every state of the U.S., prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to once again recommend universal mask-wearing.
The Delta outbreak is going to get much worse, warns Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist who leads the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. "The number of intensive-care beds needed could be higher than any time we've seen," he says.
He adds that his team's analysis shows that almost every single one of the 100 million unvaccinated Americans who hasn't had COVID-19 yet will likely get it in the coming months, short of taking the sort of strong isolation and masking precautions that seem unlikely in the vaccine-hesitant population.
The variant is so contagious that it's set to smash through every previous prediction of how soon the U.S. might reach herd immunity. "We've failed to shut this down as we have other pandemics," says Jonathan Eisen, a biologist at the University of California, Davis, who studies how pathogens evolve. "It may be around forevermore, leaving us continually trying to figure out what to do next."
Delta, like most of the other variants, blindsided us, worsening and extending the pandemic. When the damage from Delta starts to subside, what other variants will be lurking just behind it to pull us back down again? The World Health Organization is already keeping an eye on several: Eta, which is now in several countries; Kappa, which arose in India; Iota, which first popped up in New York Cityand especially Lambda, which has torn through Peru and shows signs of having unusual success in infecting fully vaccinated people, according to one early study. It has already spread to Argentina, Chile, Ecuador as well as Texas and South Carolina.
It's too soon to say whether Lambda will turn out to be the next big, bad thing that COVID-19 unleashes on us. But it's a good time to wonder: Just how destructive can these variants get? Will future variants expand their attack from the lungs to the brain, the heart and other organs? Will they take a page from HIV and trick people into thinking they've recovered, only to make them sick later? Is there a Doomsday variant out there that shrugs off vaccines, spreads like wildfire and leaves more of its victims much sicker than anything we've yet seen?
The odds are not high that we will see such a triple threat, but experts can't rule it out. Delta has already shown how much worse things can get. Its extreme contagiousness, with room to run freely through the tens of millions of Americans who haven't been vaccinated and millions more who have no access to vaccines in developing countries, has good odds of turning into something even more troublesome. "The next variant," says Osterholm, "could be Delta on steroids."
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'll be running an emergency fundraising drive over the next month or so until we catch up on upcoming expenses. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
So with one of the biggest 'talking head outlets' of the 'establishment media' now warning of a 'doomsday variant worse than Delta' ahead, while they continue to push the experimental mRNA jab that even the CDC has admitted doesn't work to stop people from contracting or spreading Covid, we've got to take a look at two new stories that the Drudge Report linked to front and center on Friday.
With the first being this story over at Stuff reporting that Google founder Larry Page has bolted off to New Zealand to ride out the pandemic, the 2nd story by Paul Joseph Watson at Summit News reported Page isn't alone, with numerous billionaires 'getting out of dodge' for their luxury private islands.
Showing if nothing else the utter hypocrisy we've seen from the 'global elite' and politicians who want to make it difficult if not impossible for the 'little people' to travel while 'our wannabe-masters' do what they please, more 'rules for thee but not for me', we also can't ignore the possibility that these globalists are 'bugging out' because they know that something huge is ahead, if not unfolding at this very moment in time.
With ANP long ago warned that we should always be paying attention to what the 'global elite' are doing, especially should they begin 'bugging out en masse', might globalists such as Page and all of the other billionaire's jetting off to their own private islands be another sign that 'what is coming to America' is 'already here'? We'll continue to pay very close attention to that unfolding story.
And with brain-dead Joe Biden proving to the American people just how 'gone' he really is, with Biden claiming in a press conference that '350 million Americans had been fully vaccinated' despite the fact that the current US population is approximately 332 million, and close to half of those remain unvaxxed, as this Twitchy story asked, how could Biden have gotten those numbers so wrong, after checking his notes NOT ONCE BUT TWICE?!!
More misinformation coming to America from America's Commander In Chief.
So while we here at ANP firmly believe that whether or not someone wants to get 'vaxxed' or not should be their own decision, as long as Democrats/globalists are using 'coercion' in attempts to force Americans to be vaxxed, threatening to take away God-given rights that are merely supposed to be 'protected' by 'the government', the masses should ask themselves: 'what is the real purpose of this injection'.
In the only video below featuring Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA 'vax' being pushed by the globalists as the 'answer' to Covid, Dr. Malone warns us that the 'vax' being used by the globalists as 'the cure' is actually making the Covid virus released from a lab in Wuhan, China, even MORE dangerous than before. Another fine mess they've got us into. So are the adverse effects of 'the vax' what Newsweek is now calling the 'doomsday virus'? As Dr. Malone warns us in this video, the globalists worst nightmare is now unfolding before their eyes, one reason for sure why the globalists might be 'bugging out' to their private islands.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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