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September 6, 2022

While The Globalists Push For More Illegal Wars, 475 Million+ Guns In The Hands Of Law Abiding Americans Ensures There Should Be No Safe Spaces In America For A Global Dictatorship

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

All the way back in 2015, the websites 'Washington's Blog' and 'Global Research' published an alarming story that really summed things up in a huge way for America, reporting that in our nation's history, America had been at war for a stunning 90%+ of our existence.

Warning within that story back then that since the US was founded in 1776, she has been at war during 214 out of her 235 calendar years of existence, in other words, there were only 21 calendar years in which the U.S. did not wage any wars,that story put that all into perspective in this manner.:

- Pick any year since 1776 and there is about a 91% chance that America was involved in some war during that calendar year.

- No U.S. president truly qualifies as a peacetime president. Instead, all U.S. presidents can technically be considered war presidents.

- The U.S. has never gone a decade without war.

- The only time the U.S. went five years without war (1935-40) was during the isolationist period of the Great Depression.

And while President Trump had brought a surprising but brief era of peace to the world, with Joe Biden and the warmongering Democrats in the White House, the world war front appears to be heating up to a potential fever pitch, with Russia's former president Dmitry Medvedev warning just this past weekend that Joe Biden and the West trying to break up Russia is nothing less than a 'chess game with death' ending in 'doomsday for mankind'.

With Medvedev warning "Those are the dirty dreams of the Anglo-Saxon perverts, who go to sleep with a secret thought about the breakup of our state, thinking about how to shred us into pieces, cut us into small bits"in a translated post, his warning also hinted of Russia's 'Dead Hand system,' Russia's nuclear system that ensures mass nuclear retaliation, even if Russia's entire chain of command has been 'eliminated'.

"Such attempts are very dangerous and mustn't be underestimated. Those dreamers ignore a simple axiom: a forceful disintegration of a nuclear power is always a chess game with death, in which it's known precisely when the check and mate comes: doomsday for mankind."

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While Pope Francis says the world is already in World War III as heard in the final video at the bottom of this story, and Joe Biden seemingly pushes for Civil War here in America that should it start, has the potential to spin completely out of control, we can count on Biden and the globalists getting us into another war of some kind with our nation's track record on seemingly endless wars so complete.

With that Global Research/Washington's Blog story reporting that indeed, MOST of the military operations launched since World War II all around the world have been launched by the U.S., while reporting that US military spending dwarfs the rest of the world put together, there is no wonder that most polls show the world believes America is the number 1 threat to world peace.

And now if mad man Joe Biden and Democrats get their way, that military will be aiming their weaponry and might at the American people simply for opposing Joe's insane politics, which more and more Americans are doing in September of 2022. Yet the following excerpt comes to us from this new story by Kurt Schlichter over at TownHall titled "F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns."

Father of the Year and alleged President Joe Biden is busy trying to rile up his base of weirdos, adjunct professors, gender studies grads, government timeservers, sexually unsatisfied wine women and their sexually unsatisfying life partners. Thats why Dork Brandon pulled one of my favorites out of his Big Duffel Bag O Hack Cliches, the old Your puny guns are no match against the awesome power of the US military which I will use to kill you for dissenting! narrative.

Okay, fine. Lets go over this again for the knuckleheads who think that they prevail if they step outside the use your words paradigm they grew up with in their sissy private schools. You lose if you idiots provoke a real civil conflict not the kind of low-intensity urban conflict of the Seventies where you cheered on the Weathermen and Cinques SLA, and not the kind where a bunch of mutants riot under the protection of leftist municipal governments in leftist municipalities, but a real one. One where the people you want to crush under your Birkenstocks fight back. With AR-15s.

I discuss this in great detail in my new non-fiction book Well Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America, and not from the perspective of half-wit daughter-showering goofs but from the real down and dirty of how this terrible course of events would actually unspool. And it would go poorly for a largely unarmed, untrained, urban-centered population of smug geebos whose primary weapon system is a snarky tweet.

The doddering moron shared his tactical insights with his audience at a rally in Pennsylvania for Heart Attack Shrek. He said, thinking he was super-clever, For those brave right-wing Americans... if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.

Hmmmm, but do they? Really?

Grandpa Badfingers premise is that all you tens of millions of semi-fascists out there with your AR-15s would have no shot stopping the woke military, which would eagerly crush you with their potent force package of F-15s and esoteric pronouns. It is a flawed premise on more grounds than one column can cover (hence my book), but we need to focus and that means we will need to overlook some important questions. These important questions include:

Why do you imagine your sorry band of socialist creeps who treat the Constitution like Jerry Nadler treats his boxers constitutes the country?

The useless senior officer corps aside, why do you believe the normals who make up the vast majority of Americas combat forces will gleefully butcher their friends and family for the amusement of a bunch of Chardonnay-swilling blue checks?

Have you ever heard of Afghanistan?

Lets focus on his key sound bite. Gun vs. Jetswho ya got?

Im putting my money on the guns. You dumb progressives can go for the jets and the points.

Now, lets start raising the kind of facts that tend to undermine the soundbite that launched a thousand MSNBCgasms.

First up, what does a gun do? What does a fighter-bomber do?

Well, a gun gives an individual soldier and thats what civilian freedom fighters would be the ability to dominate the space on the ground around them out to a couple hundred meters of open territory (lets not argue about maximum effective ranges, or the fact that civilians have a lot of weapons that outrange the 5.56mm weapons systems currently used by the military a weapon system whose bullets Mr. 10% Off The Top thinks fly five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun). In other words, a gun controls space on the ground. Coincidentally, the ground happens to be where people live.

A jet fighter dominates air space and keeps other planes away. Few people actually live in the air. Now, a jet fighter bomber like the F-15 can drop bombs on the enemy which is, according to Crusty, us freedom-loving American citizens. Of course, this kind of tactical employment works to support guys on the ground dominating terrain with guns. Planes dont hold territory; they help soldiers hold territory. So, its an apples and oranges thing at the threshold, which is appropriate since the whole discussion Slow Joe began is pretty much Fruit Loops.

With Schlichter then pointing out that Biden and the globalists using F-15's upon Americans would surely make it so they don't get to dictate any terms of 'payback,' imagine what America might look like in the coming days, weeks or months if 'madman' resorted to such tactics. While we'll continue to work hard towards seeing real PEACE in America again, and to make sure it never comes to that, as intended by America's Founding Fathers, the 2nd Amendment and 475 million+ guns in the hands of law abiding Americans ensures there are no safe spaces anywhere in America for a political dictatorship.

So why'll we'll continue to pray that America can make it through this period of time ahead with no catastrophic war within, with our nation's history of being at war for over 90% of our existence, combined with the 'war' Biden and Democrats are seemingly launching upon Americans now for simply disagreeing with his insane politics, the very real potential of tragedy lies ahead.

With an August poll finding more than 40% of Americans believe a Civil War is likely to occurwithin the next 10 years, with a whopping 66% of Americans believing political violence has increased since Joe Biden got into office in January of 2021, anyone pushing for a 'one-party America' has clearly forgotten the original purpose of the 2nd Amendment as laid out in the US Constitution.

And while the top-voted comment on this Daily Mail storystated simply "A civil war between the people with all the guns and the people who don't like guns will be a short civil war," we can pretty much rest assured that any such 'civil war' would see Biden's 'woke' military going up against Americans.

So as we're warned in the 2nd video below, we should all have our eyes wide open and be completely awake and aware of the globalists carrying out a series of devastating false flags ahead to be blamed upon supporters of MAGA, especially with Biden already demonizing half the country while as we've reported time and again on ANP, these Communists absolutely love their 'false flags.'

So with everything now coming to a head as Biden shows Americans his true colors, RED, and the American people grow increasingly sick and tired of our PUBLIC SERVANTS in government attempting to be anything but the public servants they are, the American people should be prepared for absolutely anything and everything in the days ahead as the globalists continue to push their 'great reset,' in great need of 'huge events' to cement their tyrannical 'new world order' into its final position, a proposition sure to be strongly opposed by the still very-well-armed and prepared American people who'd never simply give in to dictatorship.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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