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March 1, 2022

'One-Minute-From-Infanticide' Bill Supported By All But Two Democrats In Congress - Liberals Tried To Pass Federal Law To Allow The Killing Of Babies Right Up Until The Moment of Birth

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Senate Democrats' first order of business after recess was to try to pass a bill dubbed by opponents the "one-minute-from-infanticide bill," dishonestly named by radical liberals as the "Womens Health Protection Act (WHPA)."

As the Supreme Court is set to rule on limitations on abortions aka the killing of an unborn fetus, Congressional Democrats attempted to enshrine the "right," as they call it," for a women to abort a child, right up until the minute of birth.

Yes, after the baby can live outside the body.

Had the bill passed, it would negate state laws that protect the unborn from being killed past certain time limitations, such as a Texas law that would protect babies after a fetal heartbeat was detected.

Via Angelus News:

Daines (R-Mont.) recognized the WHPA as the most extreme legislation on abortion ever considered in the history of this body.

On the Senate floor, Lankford (R-Okla.) added that the WHPA is not going to just codify Roe.

This is talking about stripping away every protection for every child in the womb from any state in the country. Later, he added, This bill is the one-minute-from-infanticide bill. It mandates abortion in every state up to the moment of birth.

The U.S. House of Representatives, controlled by Democrats, voted on the WHPA back in September 2021, with only one Democrat Representative, joining every Republican in voting against it.

NARAL, which describes itself as "pro-choice," yet in reality is pro-abortion, went after the single Democrat in the House to vote against this travesty, Rep.Henry Cuellar, with a statement claiming "Rep. Cuellar has shown his true colors once again. His vote against the Womens Health Protection Act makes clear that he has absolutely no regard for his constituents fundamental freedoms. Reproductive freedom is under attack across the country and in Rep. Cuellars home state of Texas, access has been effectively cut off. Instead of fighting for Texans freedom to make their own decisions about their families and futures, he threw them under the bus."

As a side note, which I will state every single time I see pro-abortionist's intellectually dishonest claim that abortion is "Reproductive freedom." Abortion is not "reproduction." In fact it is the exact opposite of reproduction because abortion is an act that prevents reproduction.

Those that would argue choosing not to reproduce is "choice,".... I totally agree. One can choose not to have sexual intercourse, or use contraceptives which are not 100% effective.

Those are "reproductive" choices.

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Now the Senate has weighed in and the bill failed to pass 46 for and 48 against, with one lone democrat Senator, Joe Manchin, voting against this "one-minute-from-infanticide" bill.

The U.S. Senate failed to move forward with the Womens Health Protection Act (WHPA) on Monday, striking down what some pro-life groups identify as the most radical abortion bill in U.S. history.

The WHPA would enshrine into federal law abortion on demand until the moment of birth, and it would nullify state laws new and existing that protect unborn children and their mothers, Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, warned ahead of the vote.

The Feb. 28 cloture vote, with 46 for and 48 against the WHPA, needed 60 votes to proceed. It fell largely along party lines with only one Democrat (Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia) voting against proceeding with the bill that would override states pro-life laws and remove restrictions on abortion up to the point of birth in some cases. No Republicans voted in support of the WHPA.

Senator Manchin has prevented quite a few of the most radical bills and proposals, such as nuking the filibuster so all votes would only requite a simple majority, not the 60 votes needed to proceed rule, as well as the Biden regime's "Build Back Better" socialist wish list.

For the record, Manchin is about the only true moderate Senate Democrat left and while I disagree with a number of his policies, I have to respect his willingness to base his votes and decisions on the "issue" rather than the party line votes.


Abortion itself is already controversial across the globe, but late term abortion, which is literally killing a baby that is capable of living outside the womb, is far more so.

The fact that only two Democrats, one in the House and one in the Senate, voted against this "one-minute-from-infanticide" bill, with all other Democrats voting for a bill that would allow abortion, the killing of a baby, right up until the moment of birth, quite literally makes Democrats the party of death.

Democrats would prefer call it "women's rights" or "reproductive freedom" or health, but notice they never show images like the one above (which was the least graphic, as to not make ANP readers sick) because they understand that calling it what it is, showing their supporters what is actually happening, would cost them support from those that actually fall for the argument that it is some type of "right" to kill babies capable of living outside the womb.

Their hearts beat. They can move their little legs and hands and move around in the womb.

They are alive inside there and Democrats in Congress just tried to create a federal law that would allow the unlimited, and totally unrestricted legal" right" to kill them right up to the moment of birth.

The inhumanity is heartbreaking.


Had the Democrats had more of a majority in the Senate, this bill would have passed, and Biden would have signed it, and as a nation we would have been one step closer to legalized infanticide.

While understanding the frustration with election laws, irregularities and voter fraud, to which some do not wish to vote in any more elections, please remember that if Democrats had 61 Senate seats, this "one-minute-from-infanticide" bill would have become federal law.

"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing...." -John Stuart Mill, 1867 inaugural address at the University of St. Andrews

Act according.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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