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July 7, 2022

As Orchestrated Violence By Agent Provocateurs Escalate, Globalists Have Our Destruction Planned With Official US Govt Documents Showing Round Ups And Assassinations Ahead

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

As so often happens, I will be searching for information on one topic and stumble upon something else entirely. While this is not one of those times exactly, the research did take a turn that opens up some new thoughts. Just a few days ago, One American News Network had a short but interesting story titled Biden Admin. Continues Attacks On Supreme Court, DHS Warns Of Violence and in that story they mentioned that Biden administration officials are coming out of the woodwork to challenge the legitimacy of the Supreme Courts decision on Dobbs v. Jackson, in turn, continuing to stoke division between pro-life and pro-abortion Americans and while the story itself is not really that different or newsworthy as so many others were saying effectively the same thing with mentions of the idiotic statements of the so-called Veep Harris, they also mentioned that DHS Mayorkus seemed to admit the attacks on the Supreme Court are working whatever that means. Perhaps to instigate riots and maybe left wing insurrections? Whatever, that was the point where my research took a turn and we will return to that idea of left wing insurrection.

I am sure you are all aware of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 where President Hayes signed it into law which limits the powers of thefederal governmentin the use offederal militarypersonnel to enforcedomestic policieswithin theUnited States. The Act was passed as an amendment to an armyappropriation billfollowing the end ofReconstructionand was updated in 1956 and 1981. The title of the Act comes from the legal concept ofposse comitatus, the authority under which acounty sheriff, or other law officer, can conscript any able-bodied person to assist in keeping the peace. No problems with that at all. Dubbya Bush in 2007 signed the Executive Directive 51 more officially known as National Security Presidential Directive NSPD 51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-20 that supposedly covers that possibility and is still mostly classified (a very concerning thing on its own) which policy on thefederal government structures and operationsin the event of a "catastrophic emergency". It was never announced but merely posted on the White House website with no explanations and no real coverage by the mainstream media, which is yet another very concerning thing. It is often mentioned in context with continuity of government to protect the Constitution while giving no details of how it would accomplish that. With the current war upon our Prime Law of the Land known as the US Constitution by the insanity and evil of the left I have serious doubts about the legality, morality and efficacy of whatever is actually in that directive. Think in terms of the recent attacks by the insane leftists on our Supreme Court judges and their homes and families, what actions have been taken to quell those insurrectionist actions? NONE!

The Readiness Exercise 1984 drill was a classified exercise designed to test the federal governments ability to detain a large number of Citizens that were deemed to be a National Threat. In the Wikipedia article on Rex 84 they said that the existence of Contingency plans by the US Government for rounding up people perceived by the government to be subversive or a threat to civil order along with operations like "Operation Garden Plot" and a similar earlier exercise, "Lantern Spike" (MLK surveillance scheme) which appear to be COINTELPRO (a series ofcovertand illegal projects conducted by the United StatesFederal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic Americanpolitical organizations) which is not surprising considering all that has come out on how evil and anti-American in operations that the FBI really is and Wikipedia notes that tactics used in COINTELPRO are alleged to have seen continued use including; discrediting targets throughpsychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; illegal violence; andassassination. Consider the FBI raids on innocent Citizens in regards to the evil lefts war on Patriotic Americans being prosecuted with the huge assistance of the FBI for the farce known as the Jan 6th Animal Farm style trial that is nothing but a well SCRIPTED and ACTED farce for political gain and attempted destruction of our pro-American spirit. It is a true attack on not just our Constitutional Liberties and Protections but on the very foundation of our beliefs in protections under law that is GUARANTEED by those same laws. A travesty of monumental proportions that they are deliberately prosecuting and they know the response to them will be very bad for them if they do not quash any responses from We the American People, which is pretty much guaranteed at this point.

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Operation Garden Plot I have heard of this a number of times before and decided to refresh my memory a bit. Again turning to Wikipedia for the basic overview we read it is Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan, also known by its cryptonymGARDEN PLOT, was a generalUS ArmyandNational Guardplan to respond to major domesticcivil disturbanceswithin theUnited States but offer little to no real useable information, so lets turn elsewhere for that. Wiki Spooks brings up a major point missed by the very brief WikiPedia one with this bombshell; Operation Garden Plotis concerned with using the Army as civil disturbance task force, to counter the possibility that local police could be hesitant or sympathize withnon-violentprotesters. This is directly related to the MLK assassination and working with the FBI were Military Intelligence, County and State police forces along with Astroturf (fake grassroots organizations) and agent provocateurs. The Pentagon activated Garden Plot to restore order during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Tell me again about the Posse Comitatus act and how it protects us against US Military intervention in domestic affairs.

Global Security gives a bit of a different view as they quote the US Constitution where it says Article I, Section 8 states, Congress shall have power... to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions. Article II, Section 3 states the President, ...shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed. The 10th Amendment reads, The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it, are reserved to the States respectively..., providing the basis that Federal government support, including DoD assistance, is provided in support of State and local authorities as they see it. They continue on to say that after issuing a Cease and Desist Order, the President issues an executive order that directs the Attorney General and the SECDEF to take appropriate steps to disperse insurgents and restore law and order. The Attorney General is then responsible to coordinate the federal response to domestic civil disturbances. The restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act no longer apply to federal troops executing the orders of the President to quell the disturbance in accordance with Rules of the Use of Force (RUF) approved by the DoD General Counsel and the Attorney General. This is the excuse or rationalization to use US military troops against US citizens in the near future.

Operation North Woods was rejected in 1962 by John F Kennedy and was a plan designed to stage a false flag terrorist attack operations within the United States to provoke a military attack against communist Cuba with the CIA to conduct actual, real terrorism in US cities that would elicit a response from the average American to strike back against the perceived source of those acts of terrorism. Among those ideas for the attacks were Anaircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the Miami area. At a designated time the duplicate would besubstituted for the actual civil aircraftand would be loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered aircraft would beconverted to a drone. Where have we come across that idea for a false flag before? Other ideas suggested hijackings, terror campaigns, destruction of military vessels (remember the Maine), staging fires and attacks on US military bases, using friendly provocateurs to stage riots as is currently being seen across radical left cities right now. A US terror campaign against itself in order to create the conditions for an invasion of a foreign nation. Originally Operation North Woods was for an invasion of Cuba, but those same tactics were revived and successfully used to invade Iraq.

There is a situational condition state known as CIDCON -1 that stands for Civil Disturbance Readiness Condition One that is used in many systems like towns, nations, banks, industries and so forth to describe the highest state of alert that violence and destruction is expected. The aforementioned Operation Garden Plot is what is called for under United States civil Disturbance Plan 55-2 where the Secretary of the Army is hereby assigned as DOD Executive Agent for civil disturbance control operations. Under Plan 55-2 he is to use airlift and logistical support, in assisting appropriate military commanders in the 50 states, District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and US possessions and territories, or any political subdivision thereof. The following information is as given in a PDF titled Operation Garden Plot by the Foundation for Truth in Law and is given for better clarification of what is actually involved in this scheme to subvert the liberty of the people of this once great nation.

Under this plan for the deployment of Operation Garden Plot, the use of CIDCON-1 will be mandatory. *This direct support of civil disturbance control* operations is to be used by the Army, USAF, Navy, and Marine Corp. with an airlift force to be comprised of MAC Organic Airlift Resources, airlift capable aircraft of all other USAF major commands, and all other aerial reconnaissance and *Airborne Psychological Operations.*

This is to include control communications systems, aeromedical evacuation, helicopter and Weather Support Systems. *

If any civil disturbance by a resistance group, religious organization, or other persons considered to be non-conformist takes place,* under Appendix 3 to Annex B of Plan 55-2 hereby *gives all Federal forces total power over the situation if local and state authorities cannot put down said dissenters.*

Annex A, section B of Operation Garden Plot* **defines tax protesters, militia groups, religious cults, and general anti-government dissenters as Disruptive Elements. This calls for the deadly force to be used against any extremist or dissident perpetrating any and all forms of civil disorder.* .

This plan could be implemented under any of the following situation: (1) Spontaneous civil disturbances which involve large numbers of persons and/or which continue for a considerable period of time, may exceed the capacity of local civil law enforcement agencies to suppress. Although this type of activity can arise without warning as a result of sudden, unanticipated popular unrest (past riots), it may also result from more prolonged dissidence. This would most likely be an outgrowth of serious social, political or economic issues which divide segments of the American population. Such factionalism could manifest itself through repeated demonstrations, protest marches and other forms of legitimate opposition but which would have the potential for erupting into spontaneous violence with little or no warning.

Please allow me to point out a couple of items in the above. Those riots in Portland, Seattle, Washington DC and other cities the past couple of years where Antifa, BLM and other radical left wing groups were above the civil authorities abilities to keep under check or at least appeared to be because they were ORDERED not to respond appropriately. Although they were implemented and controlled by CIA or other divisive and subversive agencies of our own government, the police were ordered not to interfere. Please refer to the above comments regarding Operation North Woods for correlation to the CIDCON-1 and Operation Garden Plot orders. The past couple of years have also brought out the concept of the feds using FEMA Camps as forced vaccination assemblies and that has not panned out as some suspected it might so just give it more time. We are also told that officially those camps do not even exist and you must be a subversive wild eyed nut case if you believe they do exist. Although the role of FEMA has been twisted into insane woke pretzels they still are a great threat if they go outside of the box of assistance in natural disasters as they hitherto have done. On their own website they list three goals that are very suspect as Goal 1 Instill equity as a foundation of emergency management. Equity? Really? Equity is defined by Miriam-Webster as justice according to natural law or right specificallyfreedom from bias or favoritism. In modern Wokism that means just the opposite, it means you are a white racist Trumper and MAGA nut case and therefore cannot be counted as worthy of the assistance you may need. Let the criminal invaders, the drug pushing various colored folk and the pink and purple dyed hair radical Marxist punks of questionable sexual identity have all of our assistance. That is a practical definition observed by current states of affairs.

Goal 2: Lead whole of community in climate resilience comes next and Climate Resilience is defined as the "capacity of social, economic and ecosystems to cope with a hazardous event or trend or disturbance". What this means is if you expect help in that flood you are SOL because you should have given up your gas engine transportation and given up eating those CO2 gas emitting sources of meat. Eat your lawn and bugs, they do not pollute you carnivorous beast. Oh, and give up your lawn as it is racist because druggies in the hood dont have one because they lack the competence to earn enough to live near one.

Goal three is some tripe about sustaining FEMA or something, whatever that means.

American Media Group listed a thousand FEMA camps (that dont exist according to the overlords) and the states where they are located just a few days ago. They also had a list of Executive Orders and the compilation of them constitutes absolute total control over every aspect of your lives. This is the bottom line in the Operation Garden Plot scenario that is so well planned out. One frightening aspect of it is that it offers a new frontier in the protection of individual and government leaders from well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to US opinion now just what does that mean? Well, maybe the answer is in JCS Pub 18 - Doctrine for Operations Security AFR 55-30, Operations Security

1. GENERAL Opposition forces or groups may attempt to gain knowledge of this plan and 'use that knowledge to prevent or degrade the effectiveness of the actions outlined in this plan. In order to protect operations undertaken to accomplish the mission, it is necessary to control sources of information that can be exploited by those opposition forces or groups.

OPSEC is the effort to protect operations by identifying and controlling intelligence indicators susceptible to exploitation. The objective of OPSEC, in the execution of this plan, is to assure the security of operations, mission effectiveness, and increase the probability of mission success.

Operational Security is a valid thing, but I believe this is aimed specifically towards Patriots that will not go willingly to the slaughter. And a slaughter it is going to be as history teaches us.

So what is the point of all of the above? To point out that whatever the radical leftist government has planned for us is not going to be good for us or the nation. In their quest for counterterrorism (even though they are most likely to be the source of that terrorism) and the use of weapons against US citizens as noted in this extract from Top Secret Writers; documents related to Operation Garden Plot is a paper entitled Civil Disturbance Operations, which was written by the U.S. Department of the Army in April 2005.

Chapter 2 of the report concentrates on Control Force Operations and the importance of information, which the authors assert as being the key to developing civil disturbance plans.

The more knowledge a commander has about the participants, the better equipped he is to counter their actions, stipulates the Department of the Armys report. In the case of a violent disturbance erupting in the U.S, the document highlights comprehensive civil disturbance planning considerations.

Weapons are a main focus of this section of the report, with examples such as. Choose the M9 pistol for extraction and apprehension teams and, Balance the mix of weapons and munitions according to the mission, enemy, terrain, troops, time available, and civilian considerations.

Lethal rounds are also frequently referenced throughout the Weapon and Ammunition Configurations section of the Department of the Armys report, stating that Individuals designated as NL shooters must have the means to transition to lethal rounds.

Republic Broadcasting said it this way, From Operation Garden Plot To The Phoenix Program and CHAOS To REX 84 To 9/11 To DHS To U.S. NORTHCOM: The Multiple-Decade DoD-CIA-DHS Plan For Perpetual War Against Dissidents (aka Counter-Terrorism and Gangstalking), Totalitarian Military Dictatorship, and Martial Law. This is not just rhetoric, it absolutely IS THE PLAN!

An unclassified document Civil Disturbance Plan by the Department of the US Army can be downloaded here

So as the leftists, the New Liberal World Order as Joey Dementia calls it, is being pushed as hard and fast as they can manage it. We are not getting through this summer without some major disturbances, so please be aware of those things they have in their back pockets to use against us all. They fear what We the People might vote for in about four months and they are prepping to disturb those elections in one way or another to stop the destruction of their global slavery to the elite select few. Take care and keep your eyes and ears open for false flags as they themselves describe that they will do. Take care you are not dragged into a web of lies and entrapment to force you into their camps and the removal of any and all arms and other preps you may have. Watch carefully what you say online or on the phone or inadvertently in public or even in private because they can listen to EVERYTHING and their AI fed super computers scan everything for key words and phrases. They have our demise well planned out so be extra aware of any situation.

God Bless

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