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October 31, 2023
While These Final, End Times Wars Unfold As Warned Of In Biblical Prophecies, Forcing Us To Armageddon And The Battle Of Gog & Magog, Our Fight Is Here At Home Against Sickening Evils
A funny thing happened on my way to looking up info for this column; I found something that disrupts what I have believed thus far in my life. I had thought Psalm 83 covered some information on the final end times war (which it does), but it seems that is not all that is true. Close, but not quite. May I explain?
I have come to the conclusion that of the various prophecies on the final war that they are not separated in any other way than differences in reporting. In other words, the SAME DREAM is given to various prophets, and it is just their viewpoints, or rather, their focus that differ. The more commonly known end times or final war dreams are the ones in scripture that are found in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Ezra, Jeremiah, Revelation and Isaiah with Mathew 24 indicating war is coming before His return. Many say that Mathew spoke only of the time that Rome destroyed the Temple in 70 AD when he said we will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but I have a different opinion. I do think that is definitely one meaning, but I find so many prophecies are cyclical in nature. In other words, they are related to more than one fulfillment in one manner or another.
I find that Psalm 83 indicates that the current war is a lead in, a preview or setting up for the final wars as indicated in Ezekiel 38 among other sections of scripture. If the current war brewing is actually that specific war (in a short time we will see if it really is), then it must meet a few criteria first and then it may develop into the final wars. Psalm 83 says that there will be a ten member alliance formed to make war on Israel, and that includes Edom, Ishmaelites, Moab, Hagrites, Gebel, Ammon, Amalek, Philista, Tyre, Assyria and the children of Lot. Those ancient realms are now referred to (in the same order) as southern Jordan (Palestinians), Arabians (think Saudis), Palestinian refugees and central Jordan, Egyptians, northernLebanon, northern Jordanians (and again, Palestinian refugees), Arabs south of Israel, area of current Gaza strip, Hezbollah and southern Lebanese, Syrians and northern Iraq, and finally children of Moab and Ammon. These nations and peoples are immediate neighbors of Israel and comprise basically the area that God gave to ancient Israel although they have NEVER actually occupied all of those lands. These lands do not encompass the same nations that will come up against Israel to try to finally totally destroy Israel. It is that difference in nations involved that leads me to think this is not the final wars but may lead to the final one if they are at war with all of those areas and likely occupy those areas.
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Iran, Russia and China are arming and funding those nations to attack Israel (and the warmongers in the US are as well) but not doing so obviously direct as of yet, but will in the future with the final battles. This war is NOT fulfilled in the 1967 war as it did not involve all of the areas in prophecy; and Isaiah 17 seems to indicate that this war will be the one to totally annihilate Damascus and other areas because they fight against God (will nukes be used?). Time will tell, but time is running out. One major source of confusion besides the rampant propaganda and outright lies about what it happening is the irrational hatred of jews and that begs the question of just what constitutes a Jew?
Israel consists of the 12 tribes of Israel which are the sons of Jacob (Israel). Israel also refers to the land and to the state of Israel and means the people chosen of God. Jacob is the son of Isaac and the grandson of the Great Prophet Abraham. This lineage makes them brothers to those that surround them and have made war with them for thousands of years now. In a like manner, Jew can mean a nation, a race of people, a tribe of Israel (Judah), some specific religion, a culture, an historical entity that may or may not actually exist anymore, an enemy of people thathate God as well as the people that hate God, and so on. They are descended from those that put the Messiah to death and that is possibly the major reason why so many hate them. But it was prophecy that that must need happen so that we had a Redeemer to take away our sins. Evil to kill their (and our) Creator, but also needed to happen to save our souls. Like breaking an egg but the cake made from it is well worth it.
There are many false claims of who is a Jew, such as the Khazars who are actually of Turkish decent (as are the Jews and Arabs alike) and black Jews in Africa. Not of the blood of the tribe of Judah, but claim the religious portion of identity. Jews have been slaughtered over and over since they show up in history as hated peoples because they are special, are chosen peoples. Yes, it is their lineage to have been the line that Messiah was to come from and that were the ones bestowed with the honor of holding on to sacred scriptures for the rest of humanity to obtain, and that does not give them any special rights for having put Jesus to death. As a side note, they did not kill Him as He gave up His spirit to fulfill the role He was to play; as God He has the power to do so and to take His life up again as He did in the Resurrection. Our God, our Creator, our Redeemer, our very life was a Jew.
True enough that they seem to have earned much of their reputation from the arrogance that is shown by them towards non-members of the tribe of Judah (just as the Muslim nations and peoples do), but that is understandable if not easily or widely accepted. Another viewpoint of why they are so hated is given by Thomas Sowell in the first video below which incidentally also explains why White people are so hated by non-whites. There seems to be many more hated Jews around than is even possible for there to be actual numbers of Jews because of all of the slaughters they have been through. As in other descendants of Abraham, there has been much mixing with other peoples around the world diffusing the blood, and remember that the ten lost tribes of Israel are also spread all around the world so it is highly likely that those hating the sons of Judah are also sons of Israel if not of Jewish blood themselves whether known to them or not. Be careful who you hate as God will judge on that issue. Also remember that Israel as a nation will all but be massacred yet again in the final wars to finish up their penance for sentencing to death both their and our God. Israel is a favored nation and peoples of God and will be redeemed in the end after they pay their final blood penance. That does not mean you need nor even should give preference to them, but realize who they are; the chosen lineage that our Creator chose to descend from for His mortal existence. These wars are really not a matter of hating Jews as much as it is Islam hating Christians and Jews and anyone not Muslim.
As for this current war, I am not at all for engaging in it. We should stay neutral, or at least not directly involved, and let them fight among themselves while we fight the invasion across our borders and the sickening evil being perpetrated on our nation by communist revolutionaries and perverted leftists in all aspects of our lives. Our fight is here at home.
As I said in the opening, those prophetic dreams of the final wars are not separate, or rather different dreams; nevertheless I believe they all had the same dream. Just like you and your friends watching a movie, there will be different views given if you all wrote down your impressions of that movie. Like the blind men feeling an elephant, some will respond differently to individual parts of the dream. Daniel, Ezekiel and Ezra lived at the same period in time as they were in Babylonian captivity and on their return tell slightly different tales of it. They use the same references most of the time and even small language clues show that they arespeaking of the same things. What I see as the differences appears to be what portions they are given to describe; I am also considering that God told them what portions to relate to us as He gave some one responsibility and others different portions of that to be responsible for. Reading them together and portioning those parts that make the same ideas make it clear what is to be. Revelation seems to be the overview that John was given to describe, while the others appear to give more detail in one aspect or the other.
Although I would love to, I am not going to go into all of that detail now, but may in near future columns. What I would like to do now is go over what Islam is so we can more easily see why they are the enemies of God and compare that to the irrational hatred shown to Jews. One of the easiest ways to do that is to have you view the second video below by Bill Warner. It is an older one and follows what I have been able to learn from other sources. As the world seems to be on an Islam fan boy rage and hating the so-called Jew with apologists manning most propaganda outlets it may be difficult for some to understand while it is a needful thing to understand to really see what is going on not only in the Mideast but all over the world. Just as the slavery known as communism and the worlds leftists (short hand for Satanists) war against God is so forcefully mandated so many aspects of our lives, the demands that we worship Muslims and their atrocious wars against us cannot be allowed without a fight. And no, I am not advocating for the Jews or for Israel, but I am also not falling for the lie that they the Muslims are innocent in anything. Neither is Israel innocent; but please remember that Israel is defending not only its peoples lives but also its very existence as Islam is out to wipe them all from this earth. Just as they are out to wipe us, we Christians, from this earth if we do not bow down to worship their Satan that is Allah.
Another lecture on the history and development of Islam is by Dr. Jay Smith. This video is a subset of his longer lectures but is entirely sufficient for our purposes here. Pay special attention to the timeline and characters involved in the formation of the so-called religion of Islam; it is actually an anti-Christian political farce. The actual founders are anti-Christs in their own right as is so easily seen watching this history of the Quran. One of the more interesting things brought out is that so much of Islam is based on Christianity. From an anti-Christian viewpoint yes (as it appears that the founders were anti-Christs developing a force to destroy Christian faith and the founding of it by destroying the Jewish, or better said Hebrew, roots of Christianity), and they supposedly are not anti-Christian yet the very claim that Jesus is not the Son of God belies that false claim. They deny His divinity and many of their beliefs are corrupt revisions of Christian and early Hebrew beliefs. Their versions, as an example, of parading around the Hajj seven times is taken from the Jewish custom of marching around the Jerusalem Temple seven times in remembrance of the march around Jericho seven times and the pilgrimage to Mecca is based on the Jewish pilgrimage to Jerusalem to visit the Temple. The Hajj itself has a very checkered past as well as it has historically represented evil which is just the opposite of what the Temple represents. They claim they worship only One God but they worship a black rock as if it is that god. There is far more to it all, and I strongly suggest you watch that video to find out far more on this subject.
What all of this culminates in is the all but total destruction of civilization and loss of almost all of the planets population as the final war includes Russia (Gog), Iran, Turkey and many others outside of the ten named groups involved in the Psalm 83 war. If this is not the very definition of satanic evil then nothing is. This can be recognized by the fact that the Islam Messiah as they claim him to be is just the opposite of what the Messiah actually is. The descriptions, actions and words of this so-called messiah are the same as the character in the Bible describes as the anti-Christ. This false prophet is supposed to bring seven years of peace and the whole world will then worship Allah. But in the Bible there is only 3 years of a relative peace (only from their perspective though) and then the next 3 will be the final tribulations as the world prepares for the return of the actual Christ in power and glory. On this topic I have included the fourth clip Joel Richardson is giving his ideas (as he presents in a book he is trying to sell) in an interview. I picked this one because it is short and tells the idea well enough for now.
There is really far more to it all than this short column can go over but it should be enough to get you to think about the reality that is currently taking place and keep your understandings better in line with what Gods Prophets have given for us to study. We are getting closer and closer to the finality of time and I hope to put together one possible timeline of it in another column. In the meantime, please keep your hatred at bay and think relationally on the goings on while praying for the Spirit to help guide your thoughts. I am likely to engender some hatred by what I have written but that is to be expected in such a highly charged situation and I am not afraid to say we must repent of our hatred before it is too late. May we all have more peace in our lives.
God Bless
You may want to save this one as it is likely to not be available for very long as it
does not fit the prescribed radical leftist ideas
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