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February 6, 2021
After Witnessing The Pearl Clutching By Female Liberals In Congress, As A Woman, I Hate To Say: 'Women Have No Place In Politics' Until They Can Hop Off The Fainting Couch And Stop Playing 'The Perpetual Victim'
Even a decade ago I could not imagine ever uttering the thought that women simply do not belong in politics.
The women I have known have been strong, determined, prepared to fight for what they believed in, but watching the women of today, or to phrase it more accurate the "feminists" of today, I am increasingly coming to believe, women should not be allowed in politics.
Our ancestral females fought hard for the right to vote, for equal rights in business and leisure, and they most definitely fought against the stereotype of women clutching their pearls as they fell upon their fainting couches while needing the big strong men to stand before us and protect us.
They were convinced women were not perpetual victims and they worked hard to prove it and overcome that stereotype.
Our ancestors did well, and now we are watching another generation throw everything the women of past fought for, away, like trash.
When we hear about the House of Representatives these days, the reports are constantly about the "women"..... who have just shown, publicly that the House has been turned into a daycare center and all that appears to be missing are the playpens.
Nancy Pelosi somehow thought it would be a good idea to give the female perpetual victims of her caucus time on the floor, televised, to discuss their "trauma," experienced during the protests at the Capiltol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Crying on the floor while giving speeches about how "traumatized" they are, while making claims that far surpass the truth of what actually happened on on that day.
While the bimbo from New York aka Alexandria Ocasio Cortez described on Instagram, on news interviews and on the House floor, how terrified she was while hiding in her office, in a different building that the protests occurred, her Squad sidekick cried hysterically about her trauma of "not being there."
Listen to both, below, withRashida Tlaib crying hysterically while saying she thanks "Allah" that she wasn't there.
That ladies and gentlemen is pearl clutching, and I am surprised there wasn't a fainting couch for them to fall back on.
Survivors. Okay, yeah... NO.
Let me remind folks that no Congressman or woman was injured, beaten, or killed that day, yet they claim they are "survivors." What exactly did they survive?
The protesters weren't burning buildings or cars as we have witnessed Antifa and BLM do.
The protesters did not go around looting neighboring businesses, destroying them.
Antifa, an organization violent fascist thugs, are pelting police in Portland, Oregon with balloons filled with feces and urine. The media insists on calling them protesters when theyre rioters, and in Portland, the media is being told not to photograph the incidents.
They pushed the protesters out of the downtown park earlier this month as they used slingshots to launch balloons filled with urine, feces and unknown chemicals into police ranks.
So, I ask again, what exactly did these perp[etual victims survive? A protest? Wow.... those poor things.
After all, what Trump was saying, in a nutshell, is that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders in the House were willing for people and businesses to continue suffering under months-long government-mandated lockdowns without federal relief in order to blame Trump for the lack of relief and to give Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden a big legislative victory in the event he won the election.
It was indeed a heinous claim, but one that those of us paying attention from the cheap seats knew to be true. And on Friday during her weekly press conference, Pelosi confirmed she purposely held up the coronavirus relief bill because of politics.
Pelosi said during the presser that she was now open to a smaller relief package than the one she and other House Democratic leaders had been holding out for prior to the election.
When she was asked what changed between the months where there was a stalemate between the House and the Senate and now, she snapped at the reporter for asking the question, and then admitted what changed for her and other Democrats was that we (presumably) have a new President and a vaccine:
So, we have members of congress, that deliberately prevented jobless and hungry Americans from receiving relief, now using the House floor where the "people's business" is supposed to be conducted, so they can have a televised therapy session, so those at home, hungry, jobless, and fighting to truly survive could watch these so-called feminists bitterly whine about their victimhood.
Feminists of the past must be rolling over in their graves at what women today are doing and acting like.
Are there any female, liberal, feminist adults in Congress that aren't acting like entitled children?
This is what happens when millennial women come of age and start becoming politicians. The "safe space" mentality and the need for "trigger warnings," is following them from college to the real world.
From Pelosi pushing an impeachment of a former President, to Ocasio Cortez turning the House floor into a daycare center, to Rashida sobbing hysterically on camera, with Ilham's ethical issues (and allegedly having married her own brother), to Kamala Harris becoming #HeelsUpHarris for sleeping her way to the top, women of today have become the exact stereotype that the women of yesterday fought so hard against.
Pick a female liberal politician, or even just a female politician in congress present day, and I would wager we could find an interview, quote or video clip of them whining and playing the victim.
Ask yourself this question: Is there a women in congress right now that you would want anywhere near the nuclear football?
I can hear them now: "That insufferable, sexist, pig said I had a pretty smile. WHERE IS THAT DAMN RED BOTTON!!!!!!????!!!!
Yeah..... as a woman, I hate to say it, but at this point in time, women, modern day women, have no place in politics, they are screwing up the entire world worse, and faster, than the men before them.