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March 18, 2025
'If You Can't Touch It, You Don't Own It (SQ) Part 3 Goldbacks: Precious Metals Are A Must When Prepping For Disaster, Especially One of A Financial Nature
In Part 2 of this series, I covered coinage, bullion, fractional gold, jewelry, availability, buy and sell costs, counterfeiting, and introduced Goldbacks (GBs) as a fractional gold currency. In this final Part of the series, I will cover how GBs are made, which states have issued GBs so far, and the issues and benefits associated with their use.
the five original GB denominations (1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 and now the new Florida additions of , 2, and 100) are first designed by Goldback artists as a series featuring a state and a set of virtues. This artwork is then combined with government-grade anti-counterfeiting features (which are proprietary). After passing multiple reviews, the design is sent toValaurum, Goldback.coms manufacturing partner in the US. Valaurum then prints the Goldback designs onto 500-foot rolls of polymer sheeting. The 24-karat gold is then vacuum-deposited onto the polymer using proprietary 5th-generation vacuum deposition technology. During this step the polymer is bombarded with the precise amount of atomized gold particles. This deposited gold layer is then sealed inside by a second protective barrier of polymer, creating a beautiful negative image on the back side. Each production run of GBs is precisely verified by X-ray depth measurement, fire assay of gold content, and reviews by third parties.
During the 4-stage process where atomized gold sprayed onto the polymer, there are numerous anti-counterfeiting features deployed. GBs are much more difficult to counterfeit especially when compared to how easy it is to counterfeit coins. The primary cost of producing GBs lies in the time-intensive vacuum process, which applies layers of gold to each GB. It takes fifty times longer to create a 50 GB than it does to make a 1 GB, which is why the premium remains consistent across denominations. There is some cost savings when it comes to cutting the 50 GB, as cutting time is the same regardless of the denomination. However, this savings is relatively small compared to the production costs.
Does the GB really contain the amount of real gold indicated on the GB?
When weighing gold, you should always weigh in troy ounces (ozt). The troy ounce is derived from the Roman monetary system. To this day it is used to weigh precious metals. It is not the same as an avoirdupois ounce (the system we use to weigh just about everything else).
It is difficult to determine what the actual weight is of the gold between the polymer sheets simply by weighing the GB. The only way to know for sure is to recover the gold from between the polymer sheets. Streetips did just that and produced a video showing the process of determining that ten 50GB = ozt. While his result was just shy of the full ozt, he explained the missing amount as being from the process he used.
Which states issue GBs?
1. 2019 Utah - Utah GBs have just received a make-over and are being reissued in 2025. 2. 2020 Nevada 3. 2021 New Hampshire although New Hampshire was released in 2021, some of them were minted in 2020 in preparation of the 2021 release. There are an extremely limited number of New Hampshire notes dated 2020 consequently. 4. 2022 Wyoming 5. 2023 South Dakota 6. 2024 Florida
How can you spend GBs?
About 50% of small businesses will accept them when you are talking to the business owner directly. GBs can be used right now for barter and will able to able to be used in a SHTF situation. Two things set GBs apart from other currencies: the fact that they are backed by the gold they contain and the fact that they are able to be spent in small amounts. Goldback.com provides a website where you cansee where in your area there are businesses that will accept GBs. You can also give them as gifts to family and friends or leave them as tips when dining out or tipping services of any kind.
Issues with GBs
Campbells Coins produced a video in which they identified a number of potential issues with GBs. They point out that gold coins can be used the same way GBs are used but GBs have a steeper premium rate to buy and coin would be more recognized world-wide. In addition, pricing is not stable because it is based on the going rate for gold so the cost shifts with the market. It is difficult to use GBs in states that do not have their own GBs issued. But then again, it is also difficult to use GBs in states that have issued them because they are not in wide-spread use as of yet. They suggest that the population in general is resistant to the idea of gold as currency (although we used gold coins for a couple hundred years, so this must be a new issue). And the biggest issue is the fragility of the bills. Do not fold, bend, spindle, or mutilate your GB - it WILL break. It can also be prone to delamination (where the polymer front and back come unglued). In addition, the GB does not hold up well in humid conditions (contributing to delamination). Luckily, Goldback.com is aware of these issues and is working to reduce them in future productions. In the interim, should you have a damaged GB, Goldback.com will replace it.
Benefits of GBs
There are a few benefits to using GBs as opposed to gold coins. GBs are simply harder to counterfeit. This means that exchanging GBs for goods or services with individuals can be accomplished with more surety that it is not counterfeit without having to buy scales and other expensive equipment to test coins for authenticity. Even though they weigh the same by denomination as their coin counterpart, they feel lighter because the weight is spread out over a larger area. They are easier to carry since they fit in your billfold (but not one that folds over since that can damage the GB) whereas you wind up carrying the coins in your pocket (or coin purse).
Small gold coins are easily misplaced since we saw in Part 2 the fractional pieces of gold can be smaller than a thumbtack. Carrying and using GBs can create a like-minded community as well as you get to know your mom & pop shop owners and other customers who use GBs. Finally, it helps modern people to understand that gold has always been used as currency and it has only been the last few decades that we have gotten away from gold as currency in favor of paper debt notes issued by the government.
Where can you buy GBs?
Goldback.com provides a list ofauthorized retailers.It is best to check gold spot prices at the time of purchase as well as to look into the company to be sure it is reputable. USGold Bureau suggests:
When it comes to purchasing precious metals, trust is essential. A trustworthy dealer ensures that youre buying genuine, high-quality gold, silver, or other precious metals. They also offer transparency, fair pricing, and top-notch customer service. Reputable dealers hold industry-recognized credentials that signal their commitment to these standards.
Right now, very few places will buy your GBs and those places are usually your local coin shops. Even Goldback.com will not buy your GBs back from you (although they will replace the damaged ones). If you truly want to divest yourself of GBs, the scientific way to do so is have someone separate out the gold for you as shown in the video above. As GBs are adopted by more states and they become more accepted as currency, this status will change. Only about 1M people own GBs and about 5M know about them at this point. And theyve only been circulating since 2019 in one state. At the current rate of adding 1 state per year, it could take another 44 years for GBs to be established in every state, unless We The People make it a demand.
Bottom line?
Remembering back to Part 1 of this series, President Roosevelt's Executive Order 6102 exempted "coins that had collectible value" and "what may be required for legitimate and customary use" from being "illegal" to hold. GBs are serialized, unique, and rare (there is only so much gold available for making currency) making them perfect collectibles. And for those who knew to obtain the 2019 Utah GBs, with the re-issuance of the 'updated' 2025 series this year, the 2019 Utah GBs automatically become "collectibles".
It is up to us, 'We The People', to make GBs "customary" in commerce. Let's return to the time when gold 'backed' our currency by carrying our gold as currency. It's better than "cash" (which are currently governmental debt notes not backed by anything) and just as untraceable when you use them.
Disclaimer: The author has no affiliation with any of the sites mentioned in this article and has not been paid or given other consideration for this article.
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