A recent story from Susan Duclos on ANP told us that internet outages across America are now increasing in frequency, leading her to ask if 'BETA tests' are being conducted on the internet 'kill switch' which will most likely be used if mass civil unrest breaks out across the country. In fact, as we're told by our videographer in the 1st video below, FEMA, the DHS, and the US Air Force are all conducting massive riot control drills and operations around the same time as 'Democracy Spring', massive threats of earthquakes and natural disasters unlike anything we've seen in most of our lifetimes. Is all of this just a coincidence or should alarm bells be ringing?
The story on Monday from Natural News tells us that hungry people in New Jersey had begun raiding other people's homes looking for food and inciting just the kind of chaos that Susan previously warned us about. Though on a much smaller scale than the nationwide riot/collapse preparation that is now taking place across the country according to this recent story from Don't Comply, we're reminded that the well distracted public are focused upon bathroom use rights, celebrities and debating who'll be the next leader of this fledgling Republic while it is quickly being turned into a 'totalitarian police state'.
As Alex Jones of Infowars asks in the 2nd video below, will societal meltdown lead to the collapse of America and are we now witnessing the 'beginning of the end'? Jones reminds us that all great nations eventually fall and the United States will not be an exception, especially considering the direction we're now rapidly heading.
While ANP has been quick to report upon the huge difference between a 'dictatorial, totalitarian police state', which we are completely against, and our public servants who we fully support, the brave men and women who serve our communities, cities and states and country every day across the nation while putting their own lives at risk, unfortunately there is a great potential for crossover. With law enforcement agencies all across the world now purchasing riot control gear 'en masse', we see more proof that preparation is taking place at the highest levels for the collapse of the current economic system and the total breakdown of society and as Gregory Mannarino tells us in the 3rd video below, we have reached 'situation critical' and a 'financial monster' is now among us.
"This is the end game; these are the end days of the current system; not so sure we are going to get to October" before the entire system closes.
As 'preppers', we have a great opportunity to 'assist' law and order since 'preppers' will not be among those rioting in the streets for food or breaking into others homes or stores looking for ways to feed our families. While a countless number of Americans who didn't prepare for a future involving collapse will surely involve themselves in breaking the law, preppers will be the ones who help to 'maintain the law' and certainly won't be assisting those who are in the streets causing havoc.
The signs of impending collapse continue to unfold all around us. When looking at the study below of riot gear purchases across the world, the one thing that stands out to us more than anything else is the fact that, despite nations such as Iran, Egypt, Russia, China and Thailand procuring massive amounts of riot control gear, the largest region for riot control systems is the Americas. What do they know that the majority of the American people DON'T know? 'Preppers' clearly know at least part of what government knows.From NewsMaker.com via SandlerResearch.org:
The analysts forecast the global riot control system market to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% during the period 2016-2020. According to the report, demand for small UAVs in law enforcement is driving the market growth. UAVs are equipped with a broad range of systems such as airframe, autopilot, navigation system, sensor package, and communications links. There is an increased demand for UAVs globally, owing to its wide range of applications in the civil, commercial, and military market.
Law enforcement agencies around the world are the biggest market for riot control systems. This market is expected to generate revenues of over USD 3.5 billion by the end of 2020. Countries such as the US, Iran, Egypt, Russia, China, and Thailand have started procuring riot control equipment and are investing heavily in NWLs. Moreover, special vehicles that are equipped with water cannon and reservoirs have been designed for security personnel, for use in areas of conflict to handle large crowds and demonstration. Demand for such equipment is expected to rise during the next few years.
The largest region for riot control systems is the Americas, and forecasted growth of this region is a CAGR of just over 4%. In North America, the prominent markets are Canada and the US and the law enforcement agencies in these nations are best equipped with the upgraded weapons. The militarization of the police department and other law enforcement agencies in the Americas has encouraged the use of advanced riot control equipment. The disputed circumstances of shooting unarmed 18-year-old heightened existing protests andcivil unrestin Ferguson, Missouri, US in 2014. Rifles, NWLs, and heavy vehicles were used to control the crowd and growing protests during this incident.
Are we now witnessingsigns of impending collapseand the'end game' for America? The best that we can do as caring American citizens is to continue to prepare for collapse, for to do so is to prepare ones self and family for natural disasters, bank collapses, EMP, war or any other possible catastrophe that would shut down the entire system. All of this preparation for riots, civil unrest and mass social upheavel is clearly heading in a direction that soon will not be able to be undone. As Mannarino tells us, a 'financial monster' awaits us and is now among us. Only time separates now from the inevitable.