In part three we will be discussing protection of your home, and/or your bug-out location, your family, your food and survival supplies, because it does no good to be prepared to survive catastrophe if you are unable to defend them.
Operational Security aka OPSEC: While it is always good to find other preppers and survivalists in your community or close by in order to arrange a community defense plan should SHTF, it is also critically important to never reveal too much about yourself, your prepping supply, nor where you keep everything, how much you have, etc....
Determine the risks you face at your bugout location or your home if you plan to stay there, then implement a plan to reduce those risks.
An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure: Little things will matter, such as indoor lighting. We're always told to make sure there are flashlights, lanterns, candles and such for lighting, but more often than not no one reminds us to cover our windows, have blackout blinds so that those on the outside cannot see that your home is lit up.
Wouldn't hurt to have multiple locks on your doors, two dead bolts rather than one. The bad guys will go for the easiest targets, so making your home a difficult one can only help. An extra lock on your storage room, especially if you are using your garage, is prudent as well.
This next tip came from our comment section on a previous prepper piece and we found it to be a smart idea. A couple sets of clothes that are slightly too big for you. Say food has been scarce for a while, but you have plenty from prepping...... if you go out and others who are losing weight from the scarcity of food see that you aren't, they are going to know you have extra food.
Situational Awareness: Keeping your eyes and ears open, knowing your neighbors by sight, so if strangers show up in the neighborhood , you are fully aware of the fact that they do not belong.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, but we do want to cover some ideas for personal security and defense, other than guns.
Many will suggest just getting a gun, get trained and be prepared to use it if necessary, but not everyone is comfortable with those types of weapons. Others may live in states that are very gun UNfriendly or who do not have access to training for safety and use, which is absolutely a must when considering purchasing a gun.
There are a variety of personal defense weapons available these days, delivered right to your door with no need for registration or licenses, that are very useful in deterring assailants and if needed, disabling them.
When the assailant is a little further away, stun guns, tasers, andpepper spray, are some cheap and effective methods to deter or disable someone coming at you.
Longer range when one does not have a gun, there are sling shots(remember extra ammo), enough practice and one can use it for hunting as well if need be. Others items like cross bows and blow guns can also be used as a weapon or hunting tools.
The point here is that a few self defense weapons to protect yourself, your family, home and your preps, will cost far less than the actual prepping supplies themselves, so it is well worth whatever item(s) one chooses to get.
(Note: Some links are affiliate links.)
Storing food, growing your own indoors, stocking up on water and basic necessities are all important in case a major catastrophe or disaster occurs, but being prepared to protect and defend yourself, your family, and those preparations, is critical to surviving long term.
As always, readers are encouraged to share their tips on prevention and protection in a SHTF scenario.
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