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July 27, 2020
With One Of The Greatest Battles Of Our Lives Ahead Of Us, Please Dedicate Your Fight To This Patriot Who Is No Longer With Us: RIP Lloyd Marcus, Creator Of The Music Video 'Trump Train 2020'
Story submitted to All News Pipeline by Retired Prosecutor Robert Kirk
Shocking News: Lloyd Marcus The UnHyphenated American passed suddenly on July 24th. I count myself fortunate to have known and worked with this Godly and Patriotic American.
On the morning of Friday July 24th I received the unbelievable and shocking news from a family member that a friend of mine and that wonderful God fearing patriot the Unhyphenated American Lloyd Marcus, had suddenly died of a pulmonary embolism earlier that morning.
Lloyd worked his way out of a ghetto background under the guidance of his father, the late Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus, a career firefighter and civil rights pioneer. it was as an outspoken black conservative that Lloyd made his mark. Steadied by his heartfelt Christian convictions, Lloyd found the hard and lonely path of the black Republican to be an overwhelming challenge. Though dismissed and insulted as an Uncle Tom, Lloyd never once revealed a sliver of doubt about his convictions. The Tea Party movement was Lloyds moment. He soon established himself as one of the most energetic and dynamic of all Tea Party activists, appearing at rallies and gatherings across the country. His last such tour occurred just weeks ago, supporting campaigns by GOP candidates in Nevada and Arizona. He looked forward to yet more campaigning this summer to assure the re-election of Donald Trump.
I first made Lloyds acquaintance about two years ago when I started corresponding with Lloyd after being duly impressed with his well-reasoned and highly articulate articles published in American Thinker.
This past January we finally met when Lloyd flew out to California along with his wife Mary and several friends and members of Lloyds Deplorable Chorus to film Lloyds patriotic and uplifting music video in support of President Trumps re-election, Trump Train 2020.
Recently I helped Lloyd retain the publicists AJ Rice to promote Lloyds Trump Train 2020 music video. In the past week Lloyd had completed over a dozen interviews and AJ had another dozen or so on deck.
Lloyd was scheduled to do another interview at 9:30 a.m. Friday morning, when, at 6:30 a.m. I was copied on the following email from Lloyd:
Hey A J, I spoke with Taylor, the producer and cancelled my interview with Ward today. I am extremely ill; cannot breathe. Mary is driving me to the emergency room. I or Mary will keep you posted. Thanks and God bless, Lloyd
It was only a few hours after receiving that email that I was informed of Lloyds untimely passing.
Ironically enough, Lloyd called me the day before on July 23rd. I received his voice message which explained that he was calling just to see how you are doing.
As we talked I was taken in by Lloyds infectious laugh as we commiserated on the current state of the Pandelusion and the insanity of our blue state Bureaucratic Betters. I complained that I was stressed out over the insanity. Ive become totally obsessed with politics. Im reading fifty to a hundred pages of political stuff a day!
So I am, offered Lloyd who then explained that he and Mary were celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary that very day and said that I should feel free to have a glass of wine in their honor.
I said I would certainly do so adding that recently, to deal with the stress, I had gotten back to the much better habit of regularly reading my bible. Better to take too many verses that too many glasses of wine! remarked Lloyd.
As we were about to hang up after I wished Lloyd and Mary a happy anniversary, I was moved to tell him, I cant tell you how much I appreciate and respect you. Your persistence and courage and hard work in standing on the truth over many years is much admired and respected by me!
God bless you brother! Lloyd replied in his usual happy and cheerful manner.
It has indeed been an honor and privilege to have known Lloyd Marcus. I know he is looking down on us now from heaven with that amused smile on his face hoping and praying that we get it right in November by getting on-board the Trump Train.
Lloyd, your spirit and your courage and your encouragement will be deeply missed. God bless you and keep you! Thank you brother for all you have done down here on this tiny little planet called Earth.
Robert Kirk, a retired Prosecutor, suffers from a rare malady that only afflicts a tiny percentage of his fellow Californians common sense conservative thought. For more info or to contact go to:www.alienanthro.com