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November 2, 2022
Understanding The Real Evil Behind The Atrocious Leadership Of America As High Treason Is Committed Upon 'The People' And The CFR And Globalists Finalize Their 'New World Order'
In our last discussion we covered how it is the CFR that selects our Presidents and not the vote of the people; they only make it look like it was We the People voting them in rather than the CFR installing them as controlled puppets. I would like to start this discussion with a reminder of who the CFR really are with this note from chapter 30 of Don Fatheringhams excellent book, The President Makers. No president has been elected or re-elected since Hoover without the blessings of the CFR. Aspiring candidates both Republican and Democrat eventually discover the secret road to the White House. This requires a little skill in demagoguery and a commitment to the Insiders global and socialist agenda. Little else is required. This explains well how such incompetent idiots like Carter and Biden and such criminals as LBJ, the Bushes and the Clintons were installed. Our next president will be no different even if it appears to be otherwise.
Last May in our column considering the history of the New World Order we mentioned this about the CFR; In 1920 the British Institute of International Affairs became the Royal Institute of International Affairs which had many Pilgrims Society members and in Paris in 1921 they formed the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) chaired by Elihu Root and funded by John D. Rockefeller. Please note the inclusion of the primarily British presence in the CFRs formation and that Pilgrim society is (again quoted from our May article) (in) 1902, a British empire builder / business man named Cecil Rhodes died and left a number of wills that included his last that started the Rhodes Scholar program with its basis derived from his 1877 vision of what he dreamed of creating; the Confession of Faith which along with his friends, formed The Society of the Elect in 1891 which became known as The Pilgrim Society and other further developments. We went over this in more detail a few months back, but suffice to say this, according to many, was to be the beginnings of the current design for the New World Order. This is important to understand as we proceed further in this discussion.
Please also note that in that May column I referred back to previous columns done on the NWO and its many tentacles, a search of ANP should show those if you want to refresh your memory.
In a speech delivered to the American Newspapers Publishers Association in April of 1961, President John F Kennedy said The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings... Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe... no war ever posed a greater threat to our security.
If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent...
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.
No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
I am in complete agreement with that superb declaration, and will add that in my opinion the Great Whore of All the Earth is just exactly that; all the massively wealthy Satanists that make up the worlds various Secret Societies to include the Rothschilds empire that basically own the worlds wealthier families and their corporations. True, and almost all of protestant religions including the born again and evangelical sects say that the Catholic Church is that Beast spoken of in scripture, but I disagree as that limits the Beasts power too much even though the Vatican Bank is supposedly the worlds most wealthy bank. It is in the City of London, more commonly known as the Empire of The City or just The City, that we find so much of that power and wealth ensconced and that combination of secret societies is blissfully ordered and controlled. Going on a bit further we can find massive obelisks in Egyptian style (paying tribute to the pagan sun-god Amen-Ra) that indicate the respective location is a headquarters for those who control over 80% of the worlds wealth. And make no mistake, the Red Shields, or Rothschild family is at the very center of it all. Those cities are the city of London, Washington DC and the Vatican. The Vaticans involvement will require a column of its own to cover, but for now just note there are many linkages including the Knights Templar which is the mother organization to many of the other current secret societies as well as to the City of London and the Crown in its current form.
During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Cleopatra's Needle, Washington Monument, Obelisk in St. Peter's Square
Interestingly enough, these three power centers are also the Trinity of Globalist Control as well as organized entities that are independent of their respective nations and not really under the control of the respective nations civilian governments. They operate as independent nations within the hosting countries. And they make up the three primary centers of power that includes Finance (London), Military (Washington DC or perhaps better referred to as the District of Columbia) and Religion (Vatican City). Notice how well that this mirrors the three primary items or concerns of organization in the New World Order plans for the Earth at large. We have seen much recently of the Catholic, the Islamic and the Hindu (primarily) forming the basis of the new One World Religion with the Vatican running the whole evil mess. All religions are supposedly to come under this umbrella, but I cannot visualize the various Jewish sects let alone the numerous other religions joining in voluntarily, even though many or even most Jews are on board with it (not to mention some of the Jewish sects are also some of the most eager founding members) and I am guessing, but Catholic in this instance may be better referred to as the Christian/Jewish orders of religion. The biggest surprise was the covenant with Islam the Pope signed in June of 2019. It would seem the millennia long separation of the Catholic (that term means universal and may give a hint of why they are the control group) and the Orthodox Christian sects is very mild in comparison. Government is not included in that list of the three Power Centers as it seems the owners of the world want regionalized governments to control vast areas rather under one all powerful roof. But the end result of their schemes is still one world government under the control of the Central Bankers headed up by those that actually own the worlds riches and its wealth, the Rothschilds and friends whose primary center is in the City of London and controllers of that evil corporation.
Many researchers and historians believe that the City of London runs the world through their power of ownership of the bulk of the worlds corporations and other wealth creating systems. Henry Makow, PhD said (forgive me but the link to this is not working, it has disappeared) Conspiracy theorists like myself believe modern history reflects a long-term conspiracy by an international financial elite to enslave humanity The real villains are at the heart of our economic and cultural life. They are the dynastic families who own the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and associated cartels. (Please note that the Rothschilds own these banks -AB) They also control the World Bank and IMF. Their identity is kept secret, but Rothschild is certainly one of them.
England is in fact a financial oligarchy run by the "British Crown"which refers to the "City of London," not the Queen. The City is run by the Bank of England, a "private" corporation. The City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London. Considered the "Vatican of the financial world," the City is not subject to British law. I will also note here that the British Crown has much to do with it even if this guy does not think so. David Rockefeller, a founder of the Tri-Lateral Commission and a board member at the time of the CFR founder of the Trilateral Commission, a Bilderberg member and board member of the Council On Foreign Relations said in his Memoirs Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
Top of the pyramid is the Rothschilds, Vatican and the City of London, British Crown- the NWO
The City of London is the worlds financial power center and supposedly the worlds wealthiest square mile on earth likely because it contains the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, Lloyds of London, London Stock Exchange, headquarters of ALL of England banks, branch offices of close to 400 foreign banks and at least 70 US banks. It has its own courts, laws, flag and police force and pays no taxes to the British Commonwealth. For centuries the Bank of England has been the center point of the worlds fiat money systems, a direct child or artifact from the Knights Templar system of using wealth tickets, a writ of value that could be exchanged in another greatly separated Templar Bank for the currency of that nation or a Templar coinage. The Rothschild banking cartel (also based on the templars model) owns or at least has a very tight control of the global money system and it is this control of wealth that allows the Rothschilds to control the worlds money supply including our own Federal Reserve which is no more than, in effect, a subsidiary of the Rothschilds banks including the Bank of England. They then, in effect, control all of the worlds wars funding all sides of the conflict, weapon manufacturing, control of the worlds food supply systems, medicines, and all of the other basic necessities of the worlds population. In effect, it is they, under cover of the WEF which they also control (and was formed under their directions), that are executing the global depopulation andgenocide. Yes, a New World Order thing, but then who controls the NWO? Power is in the hands of the wealth that controls the other powers that run the world, and that is centered in the city/state of The City of London.
Although The Crown is a private corporate entity known as the City State of London, it is NOT the British Monarchy. It is a Council of 12 members (actually serve as proxies for the worlds 13 wealthiest banking families who are primarily Rothschilds or direct members of the immediate family remember that Blood is the key to membership) that rule under a mayor referred to as the Lord Mayor who is the director of the City of London Corporation. The mayor of London is not in any way to rule over the regular City of London Mayor, they are rather subject through the power that The City has over them just as they are over the world at large. Also note that there are actually two Crowns in England one is the Royal Family and the other is the Crown of those 12 banks that run The City directed by the Bank of England and that means the Rothschilds. When the Royal head wants to meet with the City of London to do any business there, they are met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar meaning the Templars Temple. The Templars are still alive and in control of the worlds wealth under the direction of the City of London, the Rothschilds and the Royal crown, which is why Obama bowed so deep to the Queen.
First Seal of the Knights Templar, the forerunner of the City of London and the Rothschild family
The City came into real power when Mayer Amschel Bauer (later changed his name to Rothschild, or Red Shield) sent his smartest son, Nathan Rothschild, to London to establish a bank there. Much of the initial funding came from the British East India Company and using stock trading schemes the Rothschild family gained complete control over the British economy which was already the worlds financial center and forced England to revise the Bank of England with Nathan in full control. How did he do that? By using war as the vehicle when in 1814 during the Battle of Waterloo Napoleon appeared to be winning and the early military reports to London said so, then a courier of Nathans brought him the news that a win was not going to happen a full day before the crowns courier arrived with that information. Because of that Nathan spread the rumors that England was defeated and panic hit the stock markets when Nathan began selling all of his stocks and the values dropped toalmost nothing. At this point, Nathan began purchasing all of those worthless stocks and gave the Rothschilds complete control of the British economy, much as George Soros has done to other nations and tries to do here in the US.
The British Parliament and the Prime Minister are actually the public front of the hidden powers of these ruling families that own the world. And here at home, as Senator William Jenner said in 1954, Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means... We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state.It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government... This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century... This group... is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts.
It is practically irremovable."
And this group is directly related to the City of London, the Rothschilds, and the constitution for the District of Columbia bears no resemblance to the Constitution of the USA. The Act of 1871 that congress passed created a separate corporation known as The United States and corporate government for the District of Columbia which is now a corporation operating outside of the Constitution and outside of the laws and best interests of the People of this nation. That is High Treason and is why they are under the control of the City of London and therefore under the direct control of the Rothschilds and seems likely why Obama bowed so deep to the Queen of England when he visited there, giving obeisance to what he considered the real ruler over the US. Although the Royals have a lot of power and wealth, they are also under the control of the City of London. This makes the USA a crown colony of The City and under their final control. In effect, our very bloody War of Independence was neutralized and we are now in effect a colony of the Empire of the City of London. We are a Corporation and that makes the President merely president of the Corporation along with his cabinet officers, other elected officials like Congress merely workers for the City of London. In other words, for the Rothschilds.
Remember that the Council on Foreign Relations are primarily made up of massive corporations chief officers, who are also under the control of the City of London and the Rothschild banking syndicates monopoly and therefore under control of them as well. So when in the last column I stated that it is the CFR that appoints the President and that we are voting, essentially, in vain (except for the major error on their part of not allowing for the real support Donald Trump had which gave him a massive actual win which is why you must vote), I was not joking nor stretching the reality of it. The reality is the Rothschilds and their related families through their ownership of the worlds banks and therefore of the worlds wealth and industry and even whole nations, are the real power that makes this world what it is. It will continue until their literal worship of Lucifer and direct oversight of that evil being are subdued by the return of our King of Kings that they are put out of power and relieved of duty. Then the world will see the real evil behind the atrocious leadership of this nation and things are finally righted, where our Constitution can flourish and, I believe, be the model for governments around the world under the Kingship of our Creator. But for now, our presidents are appointed, selected by the Lucifarian church and directed by that as well through the management system of the CFR and its members.
May God bless -
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