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February 4, 2024
How The Satanic WEF Propaganda Network Uses A.I. To Carry Out Brainwashing To Control The People Through Dystopian Dark Psychology, Trying To Turn Demonic Deceptions Into 'Truth'
- You must be grounded in reality to determine what is truth and what are lies
Computers. They are all over the place and even reside in many things you may be surprised to realize they are controlling. This hackneyed component of modern life has been around in some form for millennia from the simple numeral frame to the more advanced abacus and included the use of fingers, stones etc to represent multiples and sets of other numbers (I will admit to still using that method for quick calculations). Their basic history and functions are actually easy to understand and we have covered it before, but a refresher may be a nice option at this point. The first computers were mechanical and even hydro mechanical and in the 1900s electro mechanical and then fully electronic computers were invented that at first used vacuum tubes as the state switches before transistors were developed to fill that role at much reduced cost, size and power consumption to say nothing of increased speeds of operation and reliability.
Computers work best at repetitive calculations and were first not just deployed but actually developed to do the major bulk calculations and comparative analysis that was used to break codes during World War Two. They are excellent at that kind of work because they are fast, and unlike humans, handle repetitive calculations well. Crypto analysis is the primary goal of those first computers and the modern super computers are the same thing, just a lot faster and more powerful but designed for the same reasons. Yes, they are used for scientific and other tasks that require massive amounts of data manipulation and analysis but they are all based on the same principles that were useful for breaking military codes rapidly. Times have changed and the computer has a much more nefarious purpose that we will cover next.
On a personal note I get irritated at those people that have no understanding of the difference between Electric and Electronic. They use electronic for anything electrical and that makes them look like uneducated and sloppy writers. Sorry everybody, but that is just one of those weird things that gets into my cornmeal so to say. Electrical is anything that uses the motion of electrons controlled to vary the voltage, current, resistance and such to meet some end goal. Your flashlight is electrical; your furnace motor is electrical as is your toaster. Electronic means that the actions depend on the PROPERTIES of the electrons themselves such as their movements inside a semi-conductor. One might simplify that to mean if it uses the energy of the electron then it is electric while if it is the medium for manipulating something using electrons such as the radio you may be listening to or the computer you may be reading this column on then it is electronic. Off of my soapbox and back to the subject at hand.
Computers work fundamentally on simple logic systems and programs but when those systems are put into place to do real work they become complicated very quickly and the simple reasoning of the fundamental (yes I know, over simplified) If-ThenElse logic flow cascades immensely. When you search for something on the internet, when you dont even think of what is going on when you push a button to dial a phone a thousand miles away and connect almost instantly with someone from billions of possible telephone numbers then you can see the practical applications of the power of a computer. Manipulating graphic images, streaming multiple movies on one connection or even on just one computer; even something seemingly simple as editing an email involves massive amounts of data manipulation. And all of it is based on the more simple building blocks of basic coding systems multiplied manifold for creating the end result. Understand this fundamental operational concept and you will know enough for most purposes.
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Early Electro Mechanical computer
Psychology dot Org has an interesting article framing the 25 psychological manipulation techniques you should be aware of. We should be familiar with most of them even if not associating them as variations on a theme. Dark psychology is the term that covers manipulative techniques used to control you and includes the common use of deception and lying, bait and switch, withholding information as well as the less well known systems like Stockholm syndrome, mirroring, and cognitive dissonance. All of these are used liberally by the so-called powers that be to manipulate others to do as they bid and to stop anyone from objecting to their control mechanisms. Fear mongering, gas lighting, intimidation and others of the like are the ones they brought out (and I especially want to focus on the use of FEAR) that those over us induce to control us and they are the subject of todays tirade by yours truly. Dark Psychology manipulation techniques are pervasive and inherent in just about everything involved in our modern life and seemingly our very beings, it is that bad now.
NSA, the National Security Agency, is the one ring to rule them all so to speak many say. Sorry Frodo, but if the image fits then I will use it. Originally formed to decipher codes during the Great War and the following wars, it evolved into a bit more as the years passed. It was the so-called War on Terror that put the teeth into that agency and its surveillance are now global and without limits for all practical purposes. The argument is whether or not the CIA has more power or the NSA and their comparative budgets may give some indications, but remember that those budgets do not include massive black ops or other dark monies. Officially the various US intel agencies operate within their callings and since the Department of Homeland Security was formed in November of 2002 with the homeland Security Act and it encompasses many independent offices under the control of the Executive powers that run the White House. The NSA, CIA and some others are supposedly independent even of the Executive Branch and with the mandated info sharing and resources that independence or operations may not be the case. One is supposedly military intel and the other civil intel but it all is for the deep state to control ALL of us around the globe, the theory that they do not spy on us in America is one of the creepiest lies of all time. The argument is still NSA or CIA, you decide I think they are battling for kingship still.
The question now is what Artificial Intelligence is and what does is have to do with the above discussions. Lets break it down a bit; Artificial means according to Merriam-Webster Man Made, lacking in natural or spontaneous quality. Other terms they use is Imitation and Sham to describe it; keep that in mind. The term Intelligence they describe as the ability to learn or understand, to apply knowledge, the ability to perform computer functions. That last one is interesting and pertains to this discussion we have before us. Understanding this word helps to understand the purpose of our many intelligence agencies and presumably what they may be after. Wikipedia mentions that all of these agencies work both separately and collectively to conduct intelligence activates that supposedly support our national and international goals and objectives. Please note the term collectively, it is important.
Now we get to combine the preceding discussions into one whole to see how they are related and how things seem to be working. Artificial Intelligence, AI for short, is the current buzzword for frightening the citizenry but it really need not be so. AI has taken on a symbolic nature that is far above its actual stature and capabilities, even having some say it is self aware meaning it has a God Given Spirit inside of it. That is one of the worst total bullsh umm, crappy lies I have ever heard. Only God can create life and do not be dissuaded by scientists saying they have created life by combining some other living things with each other, or DNA modifying something to create new life. Only God can do that, they are only manipulating that which God as created. AI can be no more than sophistication in programming an electronic device to simulate intelligence. It is ONLY a simulation by clever manipulations of data. Remembering what I said about programming a computer, we will find that they have been programmed to not just compare data sets but to manipulate them to obtain whatever goals the programmers have set. That is the primary purpose that they were designed for so many decades ago and they are very good at that function.
The first Colossus computer developed in Britain to break codes in WWII
Loading in the data in truly massive quantities directly and indirectly by giving them information sources such as web searches, books, historical data and so forth they can control how the data is analyzed by the algorithms that they employed in its programming. They cannot come to some miraculous conclusion because of some theoretical intelligence that does not exist. The programmers decide what weight to put on any dataset, what conclusions are acceptable, what the controlling agencies want as the output, and so forth. The real question is not what the computer calculated but what the people running the operations are paid to get as the results. Look at who is in control and you will see what the results will be just as in any other computer simulation or problem to be solved. Whether data manipulation to modify a picture or create a synthetic representation of a specific persons voice, actions or appearance is controlled by the programmers. It is not magic even though it may appear to be so. It is a deception as described in the Dark Psychology section above and nothing less.
The powers controlling all of this are the same ones that control the wealth of this world and therefore what that wealth can create and control. When something comes out about how miraculous some AI creation is, then consider first what may be the desired result of releasing that information. These systems are so sophisticated now that it can be difficult to determine what is and what is not real; what is intentionally manipulated and what actually occurring in video or even in real life. That is the real purpose of AI, to create the systems to convince us that a lie is not a lie; that the deception is believable and that you are an idiot if you cannot see what is right before our eyes and ears. Remember the definition of Artificial in the term or name AI; it is of absolute importance.
A few days ago The Expos article said that the evil little boy Billy-Bob Gates wants to engineer AI so we can end polarization and save democracy. In order to end polarization they would be required to control absolutely whatever anybody has the ability to say or even think. Remember that hate crimes are ONLY a form of mind control; they can only drive hate away by controlling your thought processes. Democracy using the lefts definition is the freedom to think what you want and to have a hand in what the powers that are government will do. But remember that the French Revolution was supposedly about democracy when in actuality it was the elites turning the control of government from the royalty over to the hyper arrogant and rich socialists of the time, one of the worlds first communist revolutions in fact and a direct comparison to what the members of the ruling elites are pushing for today. America was formed in its revolution as a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected representatives and a supreme law written with the direct influence of God as the Founders put it.
AI would have to be engineered in a way to control speech and impose lies as facts brainwashing the population with propaganda anddeceiving people until everyone is forced to agreefor the sake of unity is how Natural News put it and I have to agree. The whole idea of AI is to abrogate the influence of the elites and to have some form of god like intelligence tell everyone just exactly what it is that the elites want us all to believe. Deception is the key word here, and as it is the elites that control the AI engines it is their will that gets spread around with FEAR as the enforcing control. Please watch the short video below to understand the Fear factor better.
One visible source of that manipulation of information to fit the agenda of the satanic elites is the way the largest source of web links with over 85 percent of the search market share and 95 percent of mobile traffic, Google is by far the most popular search engine (talk about monopolies). It's a Google dictatorship. The Google Nazis are spreading propaganda and censoring anything that counters the mainstream "narrative." I think Natural News hit that one right on the head and as a personal matter; I do not use Google for searches as I can never find what I am looking for. And do not doubt for a moment that googles engines are very much artificial intelligence in action.
One hopeful point about a stumbling block in a world AI dictatorship (no such thing actually, it is still just the normal elites running things under guise of an ultimate god of mans invention) is that the slobbering, underage girl sniffing and babbling buffoon infesting our White House is far to inept (including his handler Bammer boy) to take full advantage of it but those above them are what worries me. Big League Politics said that the little girl sniffer did not get a couple of items in the 2024 NDAA parts of the bill that would have allowed the US Defense Department to contractually work with several groups such as NewsGuard, and the Global Disinformation Index (GDI) organizations that work diligently to censor free speech. They then continue with this tidbit, Due to the USs robust free speech protections, the Swamp regime cant directly infringe on free speech rights. So it has to pivot towards forging an unholy alliance with private and non-governmental organizations. The part I do not agree with is that they already do all of those things and the bill will not stop the already criminal actions that have been underway for a long time and will continue to do so. Two of those disinformation groups are NewsGuard which is a dystopian censorship group and Global Disinformation Index, a UK-based think tank that flags suspected sources of disinformation, compelling advertisers to blacklist these sources, thereby threatening their financial sustainability.
Nice folks, eh? That is how the WEF has determined the best way to bust up bad content sources meaning those of us who do not toe the line on the satanic WEF propaganda network and all of its lies and falsehoods. The best part of it all? The AI story and the false directives it will make to improve our circumstances is the way they can have an outside source back up their propaganda and convince fools that they are correct in destroying our world, destroying Christianity, destroying most life on this Earth and say it is for our own good at the same time.
AI is their false god, the One to be Worshipped. It is in and of itself really nothing to worry about; it is the concept that it is all knowledgeable and wise that man cannot imagine such goings on, but it is just the world elites monkeys using it as the scrape goat, the Judas to force their wicked ideas on the world while claiming innocence in their own deceptions. Yes, AI can create convincing fakes, display unreal images and vids, try to prove the satanic deceptions as being somehow truth, but do not fear a computer program, fear those that hide behind it. Could this in part at least be a piece of the final anti-Christ? Maybe, keep your mind open.
God Bless
Watch this short vid for sure.
This one is amazing
Many fake news peddlers didnt care if Trump won or lost the election. They only wanted to pocket money. But the consequences of what they did shook the world. This is how it happened.
Do not believe anything right off you must be grounded in reality to determine what is truth and what is not.
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