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July 6, 2019

With The US Senate Now Hinting At A Catastrophic Grid Down Scenario Ahead, Americans Should Prepare For The Total Chaos That Will Be Unleashed By A Return To The Dark Ages

- What Does The Senate Know That We Don't Know Or Are They Finally Catching Up To Speed?


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While we were happy to learn that the US government is finally taking moves to protect our nation's electrical grid after the US Senate passed the King bill to protect our energy grid against cyber attacks, as this new story from Justus Knight which Steve Quayle had linked to on his website Friday asked, "why the sudden need to do so now?"

Pointing out within his story that for years, the independent media has been warning about the vulnerability of the grid and what might happen here in America should it come crashing down,Knight also warns in his video that we've embedded at the bottom of this story that the long and short term implications of the severity of this threat is something that we should have prepared for long ago: "No trains, no planes, no food, no sanitation, no phones, no moneyjust darkness!"

Butas Forbes reported in this July 3rd story, rather than 'going forward' to 'secure the grid' with new technologies, the US government's surprising move to secure our electrical systems will be using 'retro technologies' to do so.:

Rather than bringing in new technology and skills, it will use analog and manual technology to isolate the grid's most important control systems. This, the government says, will limit the reach of a catastrophic outage.

"This approach seeks to thwart even the most sophisticated cyber-adversaries who, if they are intent on accessing the grid, would have to actually physically touch the equipment, thereby making cyberattacks much more difficult," said a press release as the Securing Energy Infrastructure Act (SEIA), passed the Senate floor.

And while our hats go off for the moves finally being made with Senators Angus King (I-Maine), co-chair of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, and Jim Risch (R-Idaho) leading the charge, the Bill still has to be passed by the House of Representatives before being implemented and even if that happens, a two-year pilot program which will be used to study and implement the program leaves plenty of time now for those who want to do America damage via hacking our grids to do so.

So we'll take a look within this ANP story at all of the latest signs that we should be preparing for a grid down scenario including the recent 'cloudfare incident' which took down the Drudge Report, ANP and much of the independent media as well as several recent countrywide grid outages and rumors of cyberwarfare now ongoing between the US and Russia. And we'll look at preparing for such a catastrophic scenario that we pray never happens but in preparing for just such a scenario, will give our families and loved ones a fighting chance should this 'nightmare scenario' come to pass.

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As The Hill had reported back in May of 2016 in this story titled "Why A Power Grid Attack Is A Nightmare Scenario", America being a 'civil society' completely depends upon this: electricity. Turn the power off for any extended period of time, America will nearly immediately devolve into total chaos. In order to restore civilized society, the power has got to be back on, said Scott Aaronson, who oversees the Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council (ESCC), an industry-government emergency response program.

Warning within their story:Stores are closed. Cell service is failing. Broadband Internet is gone. Hospitals are operating on generators, but rapidly running out of fuel. Garbage is rotting in the streets, and clean water is scarce as people boil water stored in bathtubs to stop the spread of bacteria. And escape? There is none, because planes cant fly, trains cant run, and gas stations cant pump fuel. This is the nightmare scenario that lawmakers have been warning you about.

A massive electrical grid blackout in South America just a few weeks agocast tens of millions into darkness in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay and while the 'chain of events' that caused the massive disruption was blamed upon a transmission point between two power stations that was getting too much power, causing a grand overload, Argentina's Energy Secretary issued these vague words of wishful thinking: "There is zero chance that this will repeat itself. It CAN'T repeat itself". But in this day and age of mass internet hacking, it surely can.

And according to this July 4th story over at The Verge, internet outages across America and around the world are getting much more serious and while it's been fun for some to joke about facebook, instagram and other big tech outlets going down, with the world totally interconnected in 2019, these outages have very real world effects.


As the Prepping Guide reports in this story titled "Grid Down Scenarios: How to Survive a Power Grid Attack",a grid-down scenario is a preppers worst nightmare. And it is something that preppers and the government share a mutual fear of.

In just one month in a grid-down scenario, services, supplies, and necessities will be so severe that your neighbor would kill you for food, and law enforcement will be so understaffed that they wont be there to help. You might think this is the stuff of movies, but it is very possible, and in a very real grid-down scenario, society as we know it would stop to function.

Every single process that is run on the electric grid would come to a sudden halt. Much of what we need to survive, such as the things we eat, what we drink, and many of the comforts we have, are automated. Without a stable electric grid, they would cease.

And its not as if someone can just fix a power unit, or flick a switch and the grid comes back on. If crucial components of our power grid go, they need to be made again. But how can you make and repair a grid without electricity? It would be like trying to replace a lightbulb in your living room without light bulbs.

So in preparing for a long term grid down scenario, we need to take into account not only having food and water stored up but the physical protection of our families, potentially even against neighbors who we've socialized with before, but also rampaging mobs such as this 'flashmob' which recently robbed a Northface store blind of winter jackets and clothing, stealing more than $30,000 worth. As Steve Quayle had mentioned in an SQnote while linking to this story over at the Daily Mail reporting upon the event, "imagine this scene across America for food first, then everything else!" We've embedded a video of that 'flashmob robbery' at the bottom of this story.

As the Prepping Guide story also reports, preparing for a long term grid down scenario is not easy with so much having to be taken into account, especially being able to survive without the modern technologies of today. The final video at the bottom of this story takes a look at group survival in a long-term grid down scenario.

In fact, you will find it would be much easier to prep for a storm or natural disaster. These events are temporary in how long they last.

One week into a grid-down scenario and you are likely to see poverty, starvation, lawlessness and a societal collapse. Preparing for this type of event doesnt involve just having a simple food supply and a bug out bag. It requires knowing how to live without technology, and power, and develop sustainable methods of harvesting water, and providing food.

In this worst-case prepper scenario, your best method of survival is to work with a community of like-minded individuals that are able to share the workload of food growing, water collection, security, and rebuilding a society.


In this June 29th story over at Common Sense Home titled "When the Power Grid Fails 12 Things You Need to Prepare" they drop some stunning numbers: "About once every four days, part of the nation's power grid a system whose failure could leave millions in the dark is struck by a cyber or physical attack. Warning that without a plan in place, most of us would be in bad shape with an extended grid outage, experts have warned that a long-term outage that lasted for a year or more could leave 90% of Americans dead due largely to civil unrest, famine and mass starvation.

As the Common Sense Home story reports, the 12 things that we need to prepare for should the grid go down long term should be: Lighting, Batteries, Water, Toilet, Garbage, Back-up Power, Off Grid Cooking Supplies, Food, Heating and Cooling, Communications, First Aid Supplies and 'Everything Else' which includes money, supplies and protection.

So we've gone ahead and put together a list of many different items that can be purchased right now that could help you and your family make it through a 'grid down scenario' and while our list certainly isn't exhaustive, we welcome you to please share any prepping product link that you think might help others in our comment section below.

DuroStar Hybrid Dual Fuel DS10000EH 10,000-Watt Portable Generator

Champion 3800-Watt Dual Fuel RV Ready Portable Generator with Electric Start

Duromax XP4850EH 3850 Running Watts/4850 Starting Watts Dual Fuel Electric Start Portable Generator

DuroStar DS4000S, 3300 Running Watts/4000 Starting Watts, Gas Powered Portable Generator

Champion Power Equipment 48034 25 ft. 30A 125V Generator Power 3750 Watts (L5-30P to Three 5-15R) Extension Cord, yellow

Baofeng Emergency Communications Radios

BaoFeng BF-F8HP (UV-5R 3rd Gen) 8-Watt Dual Band Two-Way Radio (136-174MHz VHF & 400-520MHz UHF) Includes Full Kit with Large Battery

2019 Unlocked IsatPhone 2.1 Satellite Phone with 100 Unit Prepaid SIM Card (77 Minutes/Valid 90 Days) - Voice, SMS, GPS Tracking, Emergency SOS Global Coverage - Water Resistant

Personal Emergency Communications: Staying in Touch Post-Disaster: Technology, Gear and Planning Paperback April 24, 2012

Augason Farms 1-Year 4-Person Emergency Food Supply | Shelter-in-Place Kit | 360 Large Cans | 30 Year Shelf Life

Augason Farms 6-Month 1-Person Emergency Food Supply | Shelter-in-Place Kit | 60 Large Cans | Up to 30 Year Shelf Life 5-07011

3 Month Long Term Emergency Food Supply Kit - Eden Valley Farms

Wise Emergency Survival Food - Freeze Dried Meat & Rice Bucket (240 Count)

NuManna INT-NMFP 144 Meals, Emergency Survival Food Storage Kit, Separate Rations, in a Bucket, 25 Plus Year Shelf Life, GMO-Free

Freeze-dried Meat by Nutristore | Assorted Premium Pack (Beef Dices, Chicken Dices, Ground Beef and Sausage Crumbles) | 80 Large Servings | Survival Food | Amazing Taste | Perfect for Camping

Augason Farms Breakfast Emergency Food Supply 11 lbs 1.8 oz 4 Gallon Pail

Millennium Energy Bars Assorted Flavors Including Emergency Guide

Wise Foods Gluten Free Freeze Dried Fruit 156 Servings

Survival Tabs 60-Day 720 Tabs Emergency Food Ration Survival MREs Food Replacement for Outdoor Activities Disaster Preparedness Gluten Free and Non-GMO 25 Years Shelf Life Long Term - Mixed Flavor

Crystal Geyser Pallet Of 84 Cases, Of Alpine 100% Natural Spring Water, 24 16.9oz bottlesper Case, Bottled at The Source

Mightie Company Worlds #1 Water Purification Tablets

Aquatabs LifeStraw Personal Water Filter

And for those who may not yet be preparing, not quite understanding the wisdom of having extra long term survival food, it's easy to sum up: While you may not need that food now, won't it come in handy during the next snowstorm that makes the roads impossible to navigate or the next hurricane or the next grid down scenario?So why is the US Senate finally after all of these years ordering the US to prepare to protect the electrical grid? For 300+ million Americans, a long-term grid down scenario will almost certainly lead to massive loss of life as America retuns to an infrastructure built to support far fewer people and our return to the dark ages.

EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Despite generous donations, the still dwindling advertising revenue over the course of the last two years has forced us to completely deplete all our savings just to survive and continue to keep All News PipeLine online.

So ANP is accepting emergency reader donations during the month of July.


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