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February 2, 2020
Are You Prepared To Shelter-In-Place Today? Imagine Turning On The News To Learn Coronavirus Had Arrived In Your City! Getting Ready For The Worst Case Scenario
The "official" number of those infected with Coronavirus is 13,000 worldwide, but the actual numbers are unknown because news from China, where the 2019-nCoV is believed to have begun, must be state approved and no one really knows if they have been totally forthcoming with their data, but it is unlikely that they have been.
What we do know if that the virus has now been confirmed in nearly 20 countries, including the U.S. The latest "suspected" case in the U.S. is in New York City, with a population of over 8 million people. This follows the recently confirmed case of a college student in Boston, which was the 8th to be confirmed in the U.S.
The World Health Organization has declared a global emergency, while the U.S. government has imposedtravel restrictions and mandatory quarantines over Coronavirus outbreak. Major corporations are taking their own preventative measures, such as WalMart that hastemporarily limited all non-business critical travel to, from, and within mainland China, and conducting all planned meetings virtually, according to their press release. Apple is closing all it's stores and corporate offices in China. The U.S. Defense Department has indicated they are prepared to offer quarantine facilities if need be. (That information is provided in the news clip at the bottom of this article.)
While Stefan Stanford has done an excellent job updating readers on the spread of the Coronavirus and provided a number of suggestions, and links, to items that can help protect from and fight the virus should it be reported in your state or city, as it spreads we thought it might be a smart idea to prepare to shelter-in-place if need be.
Make no mistake, we never want to see the government order it, that is too much like Martial Law, but Americans are smart and understand the best way to prevent catching any type of cold, flu or virus is to stay away from any body or anything carrying the virus.
I won't reinvent the wheel here but will Copy and paste those suggestions and links at the very end of the article, because I would like to focus on whether readers are prepared, today, right now if it came to that, to shelter themselves in place to ride this out.
Now, imagine turning on your TV or opening your favorite news sources online and seeing a map like the one at the top of this article, and seeing your state as having a confirmed case of this new global threat, then hunting where in the state and seeing your city, town or village....are you ready or do you need to put on your face masks, grab you anti-bacterial wipes and run to the store real quick to get ready?
The smart thing to do is prepare now. For those capable of sheltering themselves in place, just hunkering down and waiting until everything is under control, they are far more likely to come out on the other side without having gotten close to anyone that could be infected.
For those that absolutely have to work outside the home, well, some of the suggestions at the bottom of this article from Stefan's previous piece can help you protest yourself to the best of your ability.
Many ANP readers are already preppers in one form or another, and others are just starting, so a quick run-down of items not often mentioned in prepping pieces, enough to allow for an extended amount of time, might be handy, and we always encourage readers to list anything we didn't that they see as important to help guarantee that no family member needs to leave the house unless absolutely necessary.
Food and water goes without saying. What kinds of food depends on each individual, some may want a stock of meats because we aren't talking about an EMP or losing electricity, so a full freezer can't hurt, the food will eventually get eaten.
Other may want to have a month or two worth of emergency survival food, if they don't have it already. (Note: Stay away from items made in China for now!)
One of the main warnings that we have seen in our comment section and others is that many of those pails or buckets do not include meat, forcing consumers to buy meat separately if they want meat and more protein in their meal. For those that already have those, meat items alone will be linked as well. ANP is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.
First a few choices freeze dried foods that include do meat.
While we all hope and pray that this deadly Coronavirus doesn't continue to spread, there is never any way to guarantee the final outcome nor how far and wide it will spread, so being as prepared as you can be, without panicking, just making sure all your bases are covered, is simply the common sense thing to do.
For those that do notwant to wait the few days it takes for delivery from the links above... head to the grocery store, learn how to freeze milks and other perishables, stock up on foods you usually buy and like, just much more of them and prepare that way.
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