While EMPHASIZING that Barack Obama and world leaders are USING AN ATTACK UPON FREE SPEECH to TAKE AWAY FREE SPEECH, the brand new 5 minute MUST WATCH video below from StormCloudsGathering completely exposes the hidden agenda behind the terrorist attacks in France as just the latest attack upon the liberties of all of humanity while offering all of us solutions on how we ourselves can 'overthrow' the 'New World Order'.
We don't need to SPECULATE how this event will be used by the NWO, all we need to do is read the headlines from the latest mainstream media reports. This latest attack will be used to expand wars, increase surveillance levels and legislate away our few remaining liberties, this video proves that the NWO will use this event to classify as terrorists even those who DISAGREE with the official explanation...humanity is clearly being played.
Sharing with us that his previous viral video with over 2 million hits suddenly got age restricted and the French version COMPLETELY BANNED, we have to ask, what is it in that viral video that the French don't want their citizens to know? That viral video is the 2nd one below.
As of this moment, the video below has nearly 2.5 million hits but has been age restricted and censored in France. Why?