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August 26, 2021
Stranded, Abandoned And Begging For Help - Marine Vet Brings Us Heartbreaking Tales Directly From The Ground In Afghanistan After Botched Withdrawal Leaves Americans To The Taliban
With the situation on the ground of Afghanistan worsening by the minute after the Biden regime's botched withdrawal of our troops, stranding Americans and abandoning many Afghan allies to their brutal fate at the hands of the Taliban, along with the hundreds of thousands of U.S. weapons and vehicles now in the hands of the terror group, the updates coming directly from Afghanistan are heartbreaking.
We'll catch up with the most recent news, before going to the messages being sent via military, to veterans in America, explaining what the situation truly is on the ground, the news the Biden regime is twisting itself into pretzels to distract from.
Today we see a bomb went off at the Kabul airport, the only route to escaping the worsening conditions in Afghanistan, killing at least 11 and injuring dozens more, including U.S. troops.
[UPDATE]Some reports now have the death toll at 60, but we are still awaiting for final numbers.
Officials reportedly told CNN that there are reports of wounded Afghans. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed that there were a number of US and civilian casualties. The explosion occurred outside the Abbey gate at the airport.
Breitbart reports on a second explosions at or near a nearby hotel, and a number of children were killed in the explosions.
An ISIS militant wearing a suicide vest was responsible for the first bombing, two U.S. officials and a person familiar with the situation told POLITICO, detonating around 5 p.m. local time just outside Abbey gate. Three sources said the U.S. troops returned fire soon after.
Only took Biden less than a year to give ISIS a platform again after Trump annihilated their previous positions and land-grabs.
Biden's mouthpiece, Jen Psaki, has gone from denying anyone has been stranded or abandoned, to reluctantly admitting things are not going as planned and some Americans will likely be left behind after the Taliban's August 31 deadline.
We are also leaning that a number of supposed Afghan refugees brought to America, have been "flagged by terrorism watchlists."
There is an ongoing and high threat of terrorist attack. Do not travel to Kabul Hamid Karzai International Airport. If you are in the area of the airport, move away to a safe location.
"Because of security threats outside the gates of Kabul airport, we are advising U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to the airport and to avoid airport gates at this time unless you receive individual instructions from a U.S. government representative to do so," the U.S. Embassy in Kabul said to Americans.
Nobody seems to know the exact number of Americans that are stranded in Afghanistan, because the Biden regime doesn't appear to know the numbers or are too incompetent to obtain the numbers, but between Americans and Afghan allies that helped forces, the numbers are in the six figure category.
What no one seems to disagree on, is that it is impossible to evacuate them all, by the August 31 deadline, meaning many will be left to the brutality of the Taliban, and now ISIS as well.
As for Biden, he has held multiple press conferences, refusing to take questions at any of them, while in some he attempts to "change the channel" and distract from the mess he made.
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In the wake of President Joe Biden's ruinous withdrawal of U.S. personnel from Afghanistan, not a few leaders and former leaders among America's allies have denounced Biden's action, calling it a "catastrophe," a "debacle," and "dishonoring."
But hey, at least we aren't seeing anymore "mean tweets" from Orange Man Bad, right?
What a mess.
The most heartbreaking part of all of this, comes by way of American veterans, still in touch with military members on the ground in Afghanistan, and getting updates on what the conditions on the ground are.
Even with the some media taking a hardline against Biden, they still aren't fully describing the pain, the terror and the likelihood of the worse hostage crisis in recent history of Americans left behind by Biden.
Thread: I have been fielding/connecting individual veterans efforts to get friends and their families out of Afghanistan. Ive spoken with some Americans in Afghanistan. This thread is their messages directly to me over the last week:
Ive been helping try to get an interpreter out-his wife is 9 months pregnant. We were so so close but they are basically closing evacuation ops tomorrow from what I hear so I dont think they are going to get out.
I have been working from 6 am to midnight over the last 3 weeks. My family is still stuck. Tying to evacuate them on 70 of my staff. The irony is that I am helping evacuate others to the US, But cant do anything for my own family Because of bureaucracy.
I got my terp out in 2020. He lives in Dallas now but it took us 9 years to get him here. Im trying to get his brother and his family out now
terp that worked with eod techs. He is a us citizen here in the states his wife is in Afghanistan 9 months pregnant he is trying to bring her.
It's crazy what the [EOD] techs are doing on their own in order to help those interpretersand their families that helped us.
Nevermind. Got word even the agency is pulling everyone out. Got her a fam escort and contact at gate. The rest is prayer. I heard from a contact that its all over in 48.
started trying to get 2 buddies out of Kabul a week and a half ago. Terp and commando. I worked with orphans and refugees for ten years in conflict & disaster zones. So, I began figuring out what they needed. Well, before I knew it, by Friday I was helping over 1,500 SIVs
What Ive witnessed in this time is absolutely UNFORGIVABLE. What this administration has done. We have AMCIT families still in hiding.
The Taliban has already killed a few of my terps family members
no one from the government will get me out. so ive gotta take a risk ans go soon
Please rise my message to the world, I'm habib noori from Afghanistan, presidential and Ministry award holder, its been 5 day's I'm waiting in front of HKIA I'm waiting for evacuation to get in to airport kindly help me my life is in danger I'm not safe i want to get out of Afg
It has gotten to the point where individual news organization like Fox News and ABC News, have arranged their own rescue missions to bring people out safely.
While the Biden administration was getting ready to abandon anywhere between 1,000 and 1,500 Americans along with thousands of Afghans that helped American troops over the course of the last 20 years, ABC reported on Wednesday that they had made moves behinds the scenes to help one Afghan interpreter, his wife, and three daughters escape the country as the Taliban nipped at their heels.
FOX News Media successfully evacuated three Afghan nationals, as well as an Afghan colleague from a regional media company, and their respective families who formerly served as freelance associates, from Kabul on Sunday.
Those associates included consultants who served as local producers, translators, drivers, and security guards supporting our correspondents throughout FOXs coverage of the war in Afghanistan for nearly two decades. A total of 24 people were evacuated from the embattled area.
While no one wanted to be in an never-ending war, the method of withdrawal, closing U.S. bases, pulling troops out, without first evacuating allies that will be killed by the Taliban for working with U.S. forces, news outlets and allied forces, was not only irresponsible, but should be criminal.
How can any nation every trust America again?
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