Summer officially starts on June 21, 2023 and with it comes some warnings about power outages, preparation, storm warnings, and spikes in electric bills as Americans try to stay cool on the hottest of days.
We'll start with the energy costs, which according to theEnergy Information Administration, will see a 2% increase from the Summer of 2022, on top of the increases seen in 2021-2022. While that is an average, we note that New England states will see an approximate 11% increase from 2022.
Retail electricity prices in the New England states are some of the highest in the country, and we expect that summer 2023 retail prices in that region will average 27 cents/kWh, about 11% higher than last summer. Much of this expected increase in retail prices reflects regional natural gas prices that have been higher than in other parts of the country. The New England power market experienced record-breaking cold weather this past winter and, combined with limited natural gas pipeline capacity, added upward pressure to natural gas prices, which ultimately affects regional electricity prices.
With the overall higher prices due to inflation, especially food prices, extremely high electric costs aren't something many Americans can afford right now, so mitigating the costs while still having the ability to stay cool during the Summer months, is on many minds as the heat approaches.
As we can personally attest to, central air conditioning is much more expensive than either window units are those nifty portable air conditions that will cool entire rooms in your home.
We learned this because living on top of a mountain where we have a basement which half of is built inside of the mountain, while the other half leads to a sliding glass door that is at ground level, then the main floor and the top floor.
Each floor has its own has a different temperature. The basement stays cool all year, no AC necessary, the main floor is only used for cooking, so rarely do we have to deal with even slightly warmer temps, but the top floor is always warmer than the rest of the house, getting quite hot during the summer months.
After years of spending a small fortune just so we could sleep comfortably on the top floor, we finally got smart and picked up a window unit for the bedroom, which cools the entire top floor, and boom, our electricity bill during the summer months because lower than ever, sometimes lower than in the winter months.
Whether in an apartment, a one story home, or a multi-level house, there are usually rooms you don't use, so why spend good money to cool them?
The point here is that with all the other increased costs, from food to clothing to appliances, the last thing most Americans need right now, is higher electricity bills each month.
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Our electric company emailed us our "Prepare for summer storms" warning recently, which always provides us with a chance to go over our preps to make sure we have everything covered, which in turn gives us the opportunity to offer the same chance to our readers.
While most ANP readers/preppers have most of these items as part of their regular prepping supplies, we have noticed in going through these checklists, we usually find something that either needs to be replaced or that we need more of.
Last but not least for this section is generators for those that have been putting off purchasing one, if finances permit, they help us avoid the need to use some of the prepping supplies listed above, allowing us to save those for a SHTF scenario.
For the record, it is not just summer storms that can cause outages as we see new reports regarding the push by the Biden regime for green energy, causing major blackouts.
Bidens transition to green energy is affecting the electric grid and its capacity to supply energy this summer. The North American Reliability Corporations (NERC) summer reliability assessment forecasts that no less than two-thirds of the United States, including most everyone living west of the Mississippi River, could experience power outages. The major problem is that dispatchable generating resources (coal, natural gas and nuclear) are retiring far too quickly and in quantities that threaten the ability to keep the lights on, as insufficient wind and solar power are being added to replace the retirements.......
Fast Facts:
Americas grid may fall short this summer, according to the body responsible for ensuring the lights stay on. Over two-thirds of the United States is at risk for blackouts.
The U.S. government is forcing conventional energy into retirement too quickly and replacing it with intermittent wind and solar power at a slower rate, producing a gap.
Battery backup is being rushed into the market with up to 70 percent of its costs paid by taxpayers.
Americans may no longer be confident that electricity will be there when they need it.
Even the most advance preppers forget to restock, or top off their preps, or even miss an important survival item now and then, I know we have here a time or two.
Before the official start to summer begins, make sure you are ready for any eventuality, and the bright side of prepping, is you always end up using what you have gotten at some point. Nothing goes to waste.
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