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April 16, 2022

Taking A Look Back In History And Through Prophecy At All Things Hidden, Some 'Not Of This Planet', Including Bloodlines, Secret Societies, 'Reptilians', 'Fallen Angels' And 'Alien Life Forms'

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

As long as I am on a roll with having to give cautions, caveats and apologies prior to beginning the meat of a column (as an example, my last one), please allow me to continue on track with this one. I know for a fact that I will inflame many, both because I will have seemed to diss their beliefs (which is not my intent, but rather to give my own personal opinion), as well as just the opposite in that I will have seemed to not go far enough in the eyes of others. So be it; that is just my nature, so the first paragraph on that article is still in force for this one.

Mythology; Merriam-Webster says it is an allegorical narrativea body of myths: such as the myths dealing with the gods, demigods, and legendary heroes of a particular people.a popular belief or assumption that has grown up around someone or something. That is something to keep in mind as we continue, especially the term Allegorical which comes from the noun allegory and means the expression of means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence.a symbolic representation. The emphasized phrases are of the most importance while reading and considering the following ideas and comments of mine, your mileage may vary.

Perhaps a good place to start is a further description of terms such as what is meant by a bloodline. The most obvious meaning is a sequence of direct ancestors and the study of which is called genealogy, an interesting hobby of mine. If you have ever studied history in any depth you realize that the ruling classes, especially the prime leaders like kings, queens and so forth, are usually kept in family circles. The prime sequence is father to son, and brother or other close kin if the direct line is severed. You should also realize that there is a lot if inter-marriage from one clans leaders to the next so that royal lines stay separated as well as for the cementing into place of treaties and trade advantages along with other things. Those bloodlines extend into other arenas like trade partners, guild leaders, religious elites, secret societies and the like. This concept is many millennia old and as given in the oldest scriptures is shown in the pedigree of Adam down through his posterity as so many of the ancient prophets are in the direct lines that go back to Adam, like Noah and his fathers as well as post flood lines from Christ back to David and Noah and finally to Adam as well. Very basic Bible studies show that lines of leadership follow the bloodlines and are of great importance.

The confusion is easy when trying to follow the secret societies leadership bloodlines, and I do not have enough information to follow them all that well, but I have found enough to know that they are very strict in utilizing bloodlines in their power structures just as typified in, for example, the various Mafias that are family units like the Bush mafia, the Italian mafia, the Biden mafia and so forth. Keeping this truth in mind, let us continue our quest. The following graphic comes from a story that covers Chucky Schwabs Nazi family roots, but the part I am interested in for this story is the nature of the They Live graphic which goes along with the theory that he is one of the mythological Lizard People, also known as the Reptilians.

The reptilian race is supposedly a byproduct of Anunnaki gods that come from the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonian religions interbreeding with humans while originating in star systems in the Orion constellation or even alternate dimensions. That is the stuff of science fiction and also translates into the modern mythology that abounds in deep driving conspiracy theories such as those popularized by David Icke. I find that idea fun to banter around just like I do with werewolves, vampires, Sasquatch and other shape shifters and popular myths. It all makes great fodder for a story and a movie, but not to be taken too serious. Perhaps we should look into the idea of bloodlines to help unravel this story as both the myth of reptilian and other forms of not of this planet alien life forms as it is also heavily invested thought that they are also of tightly controlled closed breeding systems. Perhaps it is that elitist property that gives rise to the belief that some were worshipped as gods and that they cannot breed with normal mortal men or women. The Japanese still have that idea floating around even seven decades after they, the emperors, were shown to be mere mortal men when the end of WWII showed them to be no such thing as veritable gods. But there are gods and then there are gods; which are of the good nature and which are of the evil nature?

This next portion is where I am really going to upset a lot of people. Although I love to watch monster movies and love to read the Bible, I also have a more pragmatic outlook on the stories and tend to look for the original meanings of the words used and that comes from looking for the ancient meanings and the required accounting for the mistranslations and possible misunderstandings that can lead to errors. Some might call that being a literalist or even the opposite as being a revisionist or, heaven forbid, a free thinker. I do not think so; I am perfectly comfortable with allegory and symbology like that used in the scriptures but also like to take note of what might be real or used as the basis of that allegorical content. Context matters, and the context on where or what is in the particular story makes a huge difference in understanding the story. As an example, lets look at the term Nephilim and what it means.

The word Nephilim is NOT in the Bible, at least in the KJV or most other translations, but is a derived term to cover for misunderstandings and has morphed into a mythology of its own. It is found in the original Hebrew versions and it is a term that means giants as the literal translation and that is where I will focus now. In Strongs Concordance the Hebrew word nephilim is defined as someone who is a feller meaning a tyrant or a bully while other defines it only as meaning giants. Yes, I know full well that there are skeletons of giants in the archeological record, and there are a huge number of them up in the northern realms of the Great Lakes as well as in Europe and the Middle East. The Biblical record is very clear that they existed with Goliath as the prime example, but that does not mean that all references means literally massive in stature. Anciently as well as currently, that term means a number of things and the one I am going to consider is the meaning that not only does it mean a man of great stature, but also of great renown, power and knowledge. Think about how many times you have heard of giants of industry or a man is a giant among men or the giants of their calling. Rush Limbaugh fits that definition as well as Pete Rose or Albert Einstein. The ancient Prophets were also Giants among men even though their physical stature may have been slight of build or not very tall. What I am trying to get you to understand is that the meanings of terms are not necessarily what are assumed and that holy men and religious leaders also fit into that definition of Giants.

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Lets take another look at Genesis chapter 6 using that understanding. [1] And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, [2]That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Obviously that means that as Adam and Eves posterity grew, they divided themselves into family groups and the men chose those women they wanted as wives, just as we do today. Note that the men were called the sons of God and that makes reference that they were indeed sons of the man Adam that God had made as well as the likelihood that it also implied that they were righteous men, just as today we call righteous men sons of God but it also implies there were men not of God that did create families likewise and that accounts for the masses of evil that God decided to cleans the earth of. I also think many or most of those good men and families were taken with Enoch who walked with God; and he was no more; for God took him.

[4]There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. So these righteous men mated with the daughters and produced mighty men men of renown which fits precisely the definition I gave above of giants. Some of them were undoubtedly physically giant and verse four relates that there were giants among them, but I suspect that there were only a very few of them that were physically giant as the archeological record indicates; when the term giants is used it usually means men of renown or men of a holy nature or sons of God and that is how I interpret its meaning. God then saw the wickedness of man and sent in the flood to destroy them all except Noah and his wife and three of his sons and their families.

The term fallen angels is another that I believe gets misused a lot and also needs some clarification. Yes, it relates to those one third of all men that according to John in Revelation 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born which I read as one third of the angles of heaven decided not to follow Gods ways and that the Dragon, which is Lucifer or Satan, got them to follow him so God threw them out of heaven and they reside here on earth to tempt the men who decided to stay with God to do as they did. They are the devils that try to convince us that God does not exist, that it is better to live after the manner of flesh, to hate and murder and despise and destroy our chances of living forever in the glory of our Creator forever. They did NOT however mate with mortal man (using the term Man as meaning mankind, and that includes woman) as they are spirits only. Job 38:7 makes it clear that angels have existed since the beginning of creation, and sometime prior to Genesis 3 Satan rebelled against God and was judged as indicated in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. They are then the fallen angels mentioned throughout the Bible or more commonly known as the demons or devils. They do have great powers but are also limited by God as to what they can do. Mating with mortal man is not one of those things available to them.

But what of the term Angel? That one opens a whole bag of worms so to speak. It appears that there are many beings that can be described as being angels, and we should now take a look at some of those. First we must acknowledge that Colossians 1:16 states that For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. So yes, God created all including Angels. In Genesis 2:1 is says that the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them which is before the earth was created which means also that all the host of them, which is the inhabitants of heaven, were all created before the earth, and that includes us as it was before the earth was populated that the one third of Gods children were dismissed from there and sent to earth. That also indicates that we were considered as angels of some sort prior to coming here in mortality and that the devils that followed Satan must also be considered angels, but as FALLEN angels. That also means that we were among those that, when the foundations of this earth were laid (Job 38:4), that we shouted for joy (Job 38:7) at the prospect of coming here as mortal sons and daughters of God.

Angels are, or can be, spiritual beings, meaning that they are Spirits. We also know that our being here on earth we have our souls, our spirit, living in the mortal temple of our bodies that God created for us. When we die that spirit returns to that God who made us as disembodied souls or spirits (I see nothing to indicate that our spirits are not one and the same as our souls although some biblical references indicate that it means the spirit and body together just one of the many inconsistencies in that great work). Many religious texts imply that all angels are spirits and I agree they and we were created as such, but I disagree that is the end of the discussion. Could not Enoch be considered an angel now, and we do not know but it is seemingly indicated that he went with God as a mortal man with his body and soul intact? How about the similar story of Moses, or of the Risen Christ? He was often considered the Holy Spirit come to earth as man and after He gave up his life, He took it up again in the first resurrection. When we are called up to meet Him as he returns in glory in the clouds, if we have passed by that time we will arise from our graves to meet Him, and that implies that we will also be resurrected with our spirits rejoining our bodies perfected to do so. Would we not then be considered as angels? It seems to me that we will be.

I also question the idea that angels have wings. Yes, I know what Isaiah said in 6:2 and that may be some sort of eternal creature in spirit form, an angel of some sort, but as for those who are of human form I do not see wings as a property of that being. When in script the term wings are used more often than not it means mobile, the ability to move around, the act of movement whether in space, heaven, on water or walking on earth. As those spirits created before the earth was made (including us), I do not believe they have wings. People are people and we look like our spirits so I consider that proof that we do not have wings nor ever will. Sure, we will be able to rise, to fly up to meet our Christ when the time comes, but that does not mean we require physical wings to do so. Sorry to burst anyones bubbles, but that is my reasoning on it. In the next life you will have a great chance to prove me wrong, and please do if I am.

As stated earlier, David Icke is the great promoter of those myths of reptilian alien invaders and sci-fi stories of their home planets and variations in races and all that foofaraw, and he got all of his ideas from a man by the name of Jordan Maxwell (also called the Master Defrauder) who invented it all for whatever he could rake in from it. He is also heavy into occult garbage and that stuff is of evil. He speaks nothing of Gods greatness, but only of the devils that drive his narrative of describing evil men as being some sort of alien human hybrids. I mentioned how evil reigns supreme in ancient bloodlines and how they can be misunderstood or even considered non-humans and then worthy of being called some satanic beast or another. No, they are still Gods children that have gone so far astray that Satan now holds them in his grip. Yes, I agree that many of those devils like the illuminati, the Rothschilds, the Satan worshipping child sacrificing murderers and so many more can be perceived as being some sort of mythical monsters, but they are spirit children of our Father just as we are but have fallen to the wiles of the evil ones in the passage of time here on earth. I pray for them as I pray for you that they may be converted and removed from Satans grip that will permanently lead them down to hell. As I have mentioned before, I do not limit Gods Creations to this earth (I cannot limit His powers whatsoever), and I do believe he has populated uncountable planets in this amazing universe, but I do not believe He allows cross pollination with them.

OK, this has been my diatribe on mythology and how it relates to so much of what we are hearing in conspiracy circles, so take it for what it is worth. It is also why I do not comment on posts that include what to me are mythical demons known as reptilians and that sort of thing. Again, please forgive me if I upset any of your beliefs, but I needed to clarify what I have come to believe just as you have every right to do the same although it may differ from mine in a rather drastic fashion. Argue as you must but I will not drop down to contention as that is of the devil. So when I call someone a reptilian I am referring to their being minions of Satan and not some mythical creature. And as my series on secret societies and the hyper evil demon men that run them continues rest assured that I am still in the realm of the so-called conspiracy theories although we know it is actual fact. And now you may better understand what I mean when I say theyre reptilians or some other derogatory epithet to better show my utter disgust with them.

As this coming Sunday is the celebration of the First Resurrection, that of the only perfect man to have ever lived, the Living Son of the Living God, this seems the perfect time to clear up that God is, he exists, and He created all that there is. Praise God that we are here in his loving arms.

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