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May 22, 2023
Target Store Partners With Literal Satanists For 'Pride' Collection As Adidas And Sports Illustrated Use Male Models Pretending To Be Women In Swimsuits
- LGB Group Wants A Divorce From TQ (Transgender & Queer) People
Before Bud Light and its parent company Anheuser-Busch learned how many billions of dollars they could lose by erasing women by using biological males pretending to be women in their advertising campaigns, the department store Target, suffered their own "woke" backlash in 2016-2017 for their "transgender bathroom policy," publicly announcing they would allow men into the girl's bathrooms and vice versa.
Target Chief Executive Brian Cornell hadnt approved the April 19 post, which responded to a move by North Carolina to legislate bathroom use, said people familiar with the episode and its aftermath at Target. He didnt see an email notifying executives of the post, and was surprised to learn about it.
The next day, a conservative Christian nonprofit, American Family Association, called for a boycott of Target, saying the policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. Protesters picketed stores from Clovis, Calif., to Mount Dora, Fla.
At Targets Minneapolis headquarters, executives scrambled to control the damage, according to the people familiar with the aftermath, perplexed that they were pilloried for a policy common to retailers. Sales started to decline and have now in every quarter since.
That should have been a huge lesson for not only Target, but for other companies about the backlash that happens when large corporations decide to jump into culture wars and alienate half their customers.
Unfortunately it wasn't.
Starting with Target, we now see that not only is Target to begin offering their own "pride clothing line," for LGBT supporters, but they have partnered with a designer named "Abprallen," who blatantly associates themselves with "Satan."
The woke Target Corporation has partnered for its new Pride clothing line with UK-based designer Abprallen, which insists Satan loves you and Satan respects pronouns.
Among other items in its Pride line, the mega retailer carries Abprallens Cure Transphobia sweatshirt, which bears the message Cure transphobia, not trans people.
Abprallen mixes a good deal of satanism with its pro-LGBT activism, asserting on its Instagram page that Satan loves you and respects who you are; youre important and valuable in this world and you deserve to treat yourself with love and respect.
The owner of the design company Abprallen claims that Satan is "a symbol of passion, pride, and liberty."
A look over at their website and we find out exactly how evil these people truly are.
For example, they sell "Heteronormativity Is A Plague," enamel pins.
During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
They sellvinyl sticker bundles with sayings like; Times up for transphobes; Sorry you are CIS, get well soon; Witches and Wizards love trans people; Bury CIS feelings, are just a small sample of the sickness that is Abprallen.
Obviously Target has not learned their lesson, and as we will show below, other companies that should have learned the lesson that alienating half of consumers is not a good idea, have ignored said lesson.
Both models, who are described as 'they' online, have hairy chests, visible bulges and their description says they are 6ft 2in with a 34' chest and 27' waist. Additionally, one of the biological male models posed in a sports bra.
Despite marking a win for the LGBTQ community, it sparked outrage from conservatives who were quick to compare the trans-inclusive cover to the widespread backlash Bud Light received after teaming up with transgender social media star Dylan Mulvaney.
Except Kim Petras is not there because of her popularity with SI readership, but because SI editorial despises its readership, just as Bud Light management despises its customer base, one Twitter user wrote in response to SIs tweet about Petras cover. This really pure class contempt. Ha ha those dumb beer-drinking SI readers!'
Another user curiously accused the publication of mind rape, writing: The goal is to trick hetero men into sexual desire for other men.
For Sport's Illustrated this is a special kind of stupid, since now they are alienating the majority of their base....men.
Imagine a man looking at that cover, smiling, then being told it is a man he is looking at. It would be like going out on a date with someone you though was a woman just to find out they have a penis. The betrayal won't be advertised as much, because straight men aren't going to publicly admit they didn't know at first, but those same men will likely never buy another issue of Sport's Illustrated.
Like I said...a special kind of stupid.
To indicate how badly the transgender community and their supporters, including the "broke because they went woke" companies, have overplayed their hand, we now see a group calling themselves LGB, for Lesbian, Gay and Bi, making it very clear they want nothing to the transgender backlash.
Via Twitchy, we see the group LGB, offering a thread as to why they want nothing to do with the TQ segment which has been "forced" on them.
LGB people and their advocacy always revolved around same-sex attracted people. It never included transgenderism. No one is making us separate from the TQ+. We, ourselves, want separate from them.
LGB 🏳️🌈 (@theLGBgroup) May 21, 2023
Who majorly has grouped us is the media. They have always force-grouped TQ+ with us. Even now in LGB shows, there's an irrelevant side character who is apparently transgender just for representation and has no storyline just to force group the trans.
LGB 🏳️🌈 (@theLGBgroup) May 21, 2023
Transgenders are always feeding off of gay shows and representation in the media. Pile ons have nothing of their own.
LGB 🏳️🌈 (@theLGBgroup) May 21, 2023
Trans Identifying Woman gets triggered over being called "ma'am". You can see that she is abusive and has anger issues, which is a commonality amongst trans cultists. The cross-hormone drugs & mutilation clearly deteriorated her mental health further.
The LGB group profile states: "A youth movement to separate LGB and TQ. LGB is about same-SEX attraction, & TQ is about 'gender identity'. Sex Matters."
A look at their timeline shows that, while I do not ascribe to be part of their group, mainly because I am a straight woman, they are speaking out against the mutilation of children under the guise of "trans health care."
As a woman, who is nowhere close to be a feminist, I still find it offensive and disrespectful to women to allow men into "women's" sports, the "woman's room" and other female only spaces.
Erasing women, without a peep from the modern feminists.
The fact that Target is now teaming up with literal Satanists to create a "pride" collection specifically for the LBGT community, finally exposes the true purpose of the transgender community.
Satan worshipers.
With Adidas and Sports Illustrated now jumping into the fray, offending half of the population, perhaps more when men find out that "chick" on the cover of SI, has a penis and those breasts are fake, we are seeing Satanists come out of the closet.
The only way to fight back is the power of the wallet.
Act accordingly.
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