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July 21, 2020

The Reckoning Is Here: The 2020 Summer Of Hate Will Be Known As The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back Leading To A Second Civil War

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

There is a lot that has happened, and is slated to happen in 2020. A presidential election in November.
A COVID-19 pandemic, with so many conflicting reports, infection rates and death counts, that all of the data is worthless at this point. Panic shopping leaving store shelves emptied of cleaning supplies, baking goods, toilet paper. Food supply chain disasters where millions of gallons of milk had to be dumped, cattle euthanized, and farmers had to destroy their own crops.

Tyranny, in the form of Medical Martial Law throughout the country, destroying entire economies, leaving tens of millions of people out of work.

With all that and more, including investigations into the "Deep State" antics regarding the Russian collusion hoax, the one specific "feel" to almost everything we are watching in the news, is anger, and hate.


Liberal cities imploding as rioters take over portions of their cities, while elected state leaders wring their hands and try to excuse their own lack of competence in getting control of their cities.

So-called "peaceful" protesters rioting for more than 50 days straight, burning down minority owned businesses and vandalizing buildings in their own cities.

"Peaceful" protests do not cost the city over $500 million in damages... just sayin'.

Antifa and some in the Black Lives Matter movement harassing innocent people on the streets of liberally run cities.

Every day there is yet another example or examples of a nation sitting on a powder keg, as rhetoric becomes threats, strangers verbally and/or physically attack others over social distancing, as shown below when a woman completely loses her mind and pulls out her measuring tape while screeching at the top of her lungs because another woman was sitting close to other people.

The short less-than-a-minutes video below is the absolute embodiment of the craziness and insanity "normal" Americans are watching play out across the country.

That is not an isolated incident, not the exception to the rule. It has become the rule to simply throw a temper tantrum against people that are thinking, speaking or acting the way these "Karens," disapprove of.

We have never before witnessed a time where violence is the first action that comes to mind, where destruction is the only thing certain groups of people understand, and where one political party would burn down an entire nation just to guarantee that a President is not reelected.

Politics has always been a rough and tumble game for those playing, but this has gone past an ideological, or cultural war, and has become a fight for survival and a battle to end all battles in the fight for our guaranteed constitutional rights.

It is, literally, the beginning stages of the second civil war, because there is a major difference that we haven't seen in recent history.

Liberals aren't the only ones angered now.

Conservatives, constitutionalists, veterans groups, patriots, second Amendment supporters and many many others have basically had enough of the antics on the part of liberals, the media (Yes, I know, redundant since they are now liberal activists), BLM, Antifa and Democrat politicians.

My headline came from a recent piece I read by Don Surber, where he refers to the Summer of Hate, stating the following:

Democrats are having a good old time these days, running around, torching churches, looting stores, pulling down statues, painting Official Graffiti on the streets, and hitting cops with baseball bats.

I say to each of them, knock yourself out because it is all fun and games until the election comes around and you have top pay for your Summer of Hate.

While Surber sees the blatant display of hate from protesters and rioters as something that will be politically advantageous for conservatives come election day, because Democrat politicians have hitched their wagon to rioters, I see something that goes way beyond politics and ideology.

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They are attempting to capitalize on liberal anger, somehow thinking the more they act out, the more they destroy and burn and vandalize will somehow be cheered by others liberals, and the media.

The liberals on social media are supporting the rampant violence and devastation, and are managing to not only draw lines in the sand but has conservatives ready to strike back rather than just sitting back and laughing at their idiocy.

The image above is the perfect example of how liberals, Democrats and the media, simply did not think this one out very well.

You have Antifa group members that live in Mommy and Daddy's basement when they aren't dressing in black, hiding their faces and mobbing innocent bystanders, thinking they can go toe to toe with veteran groups and Second Amendment supporters.

That is not going to go well for all.

They are prepared to bring bats, knives, brass knuckles and liquids to a fight where the other side is loaded for bear with actual weapons that fire bullets!!!

Again, not going to go well for them.

Dem pols decided early on to side with the "protesters" and then when the rioting began they had no way out of the corner they publicly backed themselves in to. So they doubled down and tried to justify and excuse the violence and anarchy from their supporters, all under the watchful eye of "normal" Americans.

The crazier they get, the more public it becomes and the more Americans wonder what the heck is wrong with those people.


There are a number of differences being noted between these protests and others, as well as the amount of anger.

Conservatives are also now protesting against the violations of their constitutional rights, and they are armed to the teeth while doing so.

Major difference there is that not one of those protests by armed conservative free speech advocates, including arson, vandalism and no one got hurt, unlike the constant videos and images of the liberal protests we have been seeing for last two months.

Another major difference is in how conservatives are reacting.

They use to watch and just shake their heads at the stupidity. Now they are arming up and saying "Come on, lets do this already."

Antifa and some BLM members seem to think it is fun to take over portions of the city, attack police and innocent bystanders, vandalize businesses and basically play at being "outlaws."

Conservatives are handling this all differently.

They are locking and loading. They are preparing for an all-out civil war with blood in the streets, if they are forced to defend themselves, their families or their communities, they certainly will... with extreme prejudice.

Many conservatives are preparing for the possibility of complete civil unrest and the collapse of civilization if the the fighting goes viral on the streets.

Antifa and BLM groups are still depending on local businesses or George Soros to feed them and provide what they need, because these little thugs are incapable of providing everything they need themselves.

Preppers, mainly conservative, are preparing for the day where they may not be able to hit the grocery store for dinner, while these thugs wouldn't last a week if civilization collapsed.

We see these differences, we note the increasing frequency of the rioting, encouraged by the media and democrat politicians, and we "feel" the difference in the air, the attitudes and the actions of conservatives who have had enough and are preparing to deal with it themselves if their local politicians won't.


Chatter online, via comment sections, forums, social media and other methods of communicating online, all indicate this powder keg is about to blow, not in small little explosions but in a major way which will have blood running in the streets.

The reckoning is here: The 2020 Summer Of Hate will be known as the straw that broke the camel's back.

Prepare. Stay alert. Stay free. Most importantly, get yourself right with God.

The reckoning is here.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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