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December 2, 2024

We Live In The Age Of Snitches And Sneaks Where A Single Complaint That Is In Line With The Great Reset Can Lead To Significant Changes While Thousands Protesting Are Ignored

By Dr. Vernon Coleman -  All News Pipeline

We live in an age where snitching and sneaking are encouraged.  No doubt this will go towards boosting people’s social credit scores.

Governments are introducing laws to encourage people to report their friends, neighbors, and colleagues to the authorities.  A single complaint that is in line with the Great Reset can lead to significant changes while thousands protesting against the Great Reset are ignored or dismissed.

When I was young (many years ago, I admit) it was considered bad form to snitch on anyone. At school, a teacher might threaten to keep the whole class in detention if someone didn’t tell him who’d buried the exploding caps under the tobacco packed down neatly in his pipe bowl. But no one would snitch and we’d all share the punishment with pride.

Today, sneaking and snitching are encouraged and are an essential part of “social credit.” The latest fashion for reporting any slight or mild offence or even imagined to the police is also part of “social credit.” And the authorities positively encourage the public to see offence in every word or gesture and make their complaints accordingly. Anyone accused of causing “distress” to a complainant (usually described as a victim) may be questioned, harassed, arrested and tossed into a cell for 24 hours to decourager les autres.

We live in discouraging times and things are, I fear, only going to get worse.

The following paragraphs appear in my book `Social Credit: Nightmare on your street’.

Snitches and Sneaks

We already live in the age of the snitch and the sneak. Governments everywhere are constantly bringing in new laws to encourage people to ‘tell’ on their friends, neighbors and workmates. The aim, of course, is to ensure that none of us trusts anyone else.

And in this new world, of course, it only takes one complaint to produce a result.

A hotel I enjoyed visiting because it had a huge open fireplace with crackling logs burning throughout the winter got rid of its open fire and replaced it with a log burner – with the doors always safely shut. The manager told me that the local council had received one complaint from a visitor who felt that it was dangerous to have an open fireplace. And so, on instructions from a man (or woman) in a cheap suit, the hotel had installed the log burner.

A church where bells have rung out for 500 years had to stop all bell ringing after the local council received a single complaint from someone who had bought a house within earshot of the bells.

A motor racing circuit which had held meetings for half a century, had to dramatically limit its events because of a newcomer to the area had complained to the council about the noise.

Generally speaking, if a complaint supports the general aims of the Great Reset then a single complaint will be quite sufficient to be effective. On the other hand, if a thousand protestors complain about some aspect of the Great Reset, their complaints will be ignored, dismissed or filed as irrelevant and merely troublesome. Indeed, protestors who complain about aspects of the Great Reset are quite likely to find themselves reported to the police, their professional or trade organization or their employers.

In the future the snitches and sneaks will be everywhere, making personal judgements and telephoning the police.

Indeed, the sneaks are already everywhere – they can now download an App onto their smartphones to use as a speed camera. I hope those who use it learn to polish their boots and click their heels.

In the 11 May 2022 edition of a magazine called Country Life I read this: “Anyone who feels concerned about potential fire risks, for example (because they see) people using a BBQ in an area where they shouldn’t be, should call the police on the non-emergency number 101,” says James Herd, director of reserves management at Surrey Wildlife Trust.

Passers-by who do this will doubtless receive bonus marks for their social credit score.

For some years now, lawyers and accountants have been legally obliged to report their clients to the authorities if they suspect them of committing, or having committed, any sort of crime. If the lawyer or accountant warns the client that what they are doing may or will result in their being reported, then the lawyer or accountant will themselves be guilty of a serious crime and be sent to prison.

The tax authorities use snitches too and I know of situations where people under investigation have managed to close their own investigations by giving the tax inspector someone else’s name as a possibly better target for investigation.

The paragraphs above are taken from the book `Social Credit: Nightmare on your street’ by Vernon Coleman, which is available via the bookshop on Dr. Coleman’s website.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practiced medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.

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