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October 14, 2022

Breaking Down The Cause And Effect Spiral Of America's Slippery Slope Tumble Into Tyranny - What's Going To Fall Next As The Globalist Cabal Works To Destroy Us All?

Alan Barton All News Pipeline

Cause and Effect. The big topic for high school and college essays it seems, and the base structure for many news commentaries whether implied casual relationships or direct it matters not; they are always interesting to consider. Basically noting a relationship between actions or events where it appears that one or more are the result of the other or others. Easy to do, and often mistakenly so. False cause and effect claims are also known as fallacy or as the phrasing goes Correlation does not equal Causation. That phrase shows how simple it all seems and is true enough but also how wrong such linkages can be. But what of those that seem to be accurate and yet absolute proof is not obvious, but where the correlations are so tenuous and the causation may be hidden, but where further study brings them into focus regardless?

Let me explain using one example to start with; the Bush war in Iraq was caused by the 9-11 attack and the Patriot Act was the result of that attack. That act was 342 pages long and was passed 45 days after the September 11 2001 attack on the twin towers. As it was mostly a remodel, a series of changes to previous laws along with some new and terrifying additions, it should be obvious to most people that it was not written in haste after the fact of the false flag demolition of those towers. I believe the Bush War should more accurately be named the World Banks Income Enhancement war that also, coincidently, showcased what the US military could do to wayward nations that did not accept our government and directions outlined for their nations. In other words, what we will do to you if you do not play ball with our over-lording of your nations doings. But that is not the direction I wish to take; butrather, the connection of the Patriot act and its relationship to the Twin Towers demolition.

Cause and Effect. Doesnt that seem obvious to you? The attack on the US by evil Saudis means we need to install far harsher and totalitarian or even Fascist laws against our own people and destroy Iraq because some supposed Saudi Arabian terrorists ran some jets into some buildings? Oh, wait just what does Iraq have to do with Saudi Arabian actions? Never you mind, it is too complicated to explain and you would not understand; just realize that your objections have been noted and are on record so if you tick us off, you are dead. Beside all of that, you are not entitled to question our motives and actions says the government, and we now have new laws in place that will severely restrict your reactions and allowable comments on the matter or you will be enslaved and maybe murdered if you continue to question our absolute authority; the new laws we just enacted says so, you impudent and obstinate knaves.

For such a complicated act that covered so many revisions of existing laws and very detailed linkages between them along with the new ones enacted would seem to indicate that there is no way that a group of lawyers could constrain their egos enough to have battled out what was going in and what was not. At least not within such a short time period and even if assisted by some select think tank groups and associated elected Congressional officials and associated Federal agencies to help smooth the way --- Again I must back track, so sorry. It is the involvement of those other groups that ensure that it is impossible to have been written, proved, and prepared for implementation such a massive revision of our First, Fourth and other specific Constitutional rights. No, not even close. This act must have been prepared and completed ready for enactment far ahead of time.

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In an editorial in Global Issues in May of 2002 (originally published in a Truthout page now in web Archive) the author Jennifer Van Bergen said Many people do not know that the USA PATRIOT Act was already written and ready to go long before September 11th. Recent criticism of Bush's admission that he had received warnings only weeks before September 11th has made it more important to understand the origins of the USAPA.

The USA PATRIOT Act - the so-called "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001," a.k.a. theUSAPA -- was enacted in the immediate wake of 9/11, riding a wave of fear that spread over the nation.

In addition she noted that it is obvious that the proponents of this amendment know it is an end-run around the Fourth Amendment. They have had many years to think about it and have repeatedly shown their willingness to enact carefully crafted, unconstitutional laws. They know the amendment allows intelligence to conduct criminal investigations on American citizens without adherence to basic constitutional protections. Furthermore, under the information sharing provision of section 203 of the USAPA, information gathered in this way can now be shared with other intelligence and law enforcement agencies, for whatever uses they want. That is most important to understand and is not unique to this law alone. She ends her column with this line that is very important to understand; Most significantly, it is clear that the events of 9/11 gave the proponents of this amendment the opportunity they needed to slip it by Congress.

Please note the phrasing they needed to slip it by Congress as that is the primary thrust of todays column of mine.

In a Freedom Forum Institute article a First Amendment scholar named David Hudson Jr. wrote that Since its passage 45 days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the USA Patriot Act has been a lightning rod for controversy.Supporters contend the Patriot Act is responsible for preventing further catastrophes.Detractors counter that the Patriot Act represents a loss of individual liberty and a naked grasp for power by the executive branch of government, particularly over the judicial branch. That is what is most important about that law, and he goes on to note that the massive law, 342 pages long, amends at least 15 separate federal laws, including the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, the Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.

The law permits roving wiretaps and so-called sneak and peek warrants, adds new terrorist crimes, knocks down the wall between foreign and domestic intelligence, amends the definition of domestic terrorism and makes many other changes too numerous to catalog.

He also mentioned that he believes it is in the Fourth Amendment where the most damage is done to our Constitutional Rights when he said the Fourth Amendment prohibits government officials from engaging in unreasonable searches and seizures. Normally, the Fourth Amendment requires law enforcement officials to obtain a warrant based on probable cause before searching a persons home. The standards are relaxed under FISA if the subject is suspected of being, say, a foreign spy. The Patriot Act lowers those standards even more and he quoted the ACLU as saying The Patriot Act eroded our most basic right the freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into our private lives and thwarted constitutional checks and balances. This article goes on with many more infringements and later revisions passed by Congress and modified by court battles that helped a bit, but that is not the point I wish to make.

The point is that it was prepared beforehand and was implemented by a False Flag event that was specifically prepared for use as a means of putting it into law and that alone proves that this is a well funded, well planned and well conducted attack on the People of the United States by ITS OWN GOVERNMENT! Cause and Effect; notwhat was intended by the instigators to be viewed as such as it was the false 9-11 attack that caused it to become law they said, but the real cause and effect was to put into law the Patriot Act from the very beginning. Now consider the DOJ, FBI and the White House and their attacks on Conservatives including the Mar-a-Lago attacks on President Trump among others in the context of legality and implications of terror attacks and the like. Yes, old Joey dementia did say that over half of Americans are terrorists and that Laws passed under duress have far reaching entanglements. I see a direct relationship between the Patriot Act and the vague authority used to attack conservatives. Cause and Effect. The Department of Homeland Security also falls under this same umbrella and is integral with the 9-11 reason for being.

The Patriot Act is not alone in this web of deceit and subterfuge that they use to enact laws of this sort and the methods used to render them inevitable to passage. For instance, what was enacted after World War Two? For one example consider our involvement in the United Nations which is a front for the New World Order and its looming One World Dictatorship. The looming destruction of our worlds economy and the implementation of a world digital money system(s) is one very near future cause and effect that is well planned and has been in the works for decades now.

Consider the 1960s well planned race riots and the resulting racial laws and ensuing hate speech laws that presaged the current insanity of woke censorship or Obamas Hate Crimes Prevention Act that does just the opposite of its claimed benefits? What cause and effect can you see in the assassination of John F Kennedy and Lyndon Johnsons pushing for the Social Security monies to be moved from the safe box into the General Fund to pay for his war in Viet Nam and the enrichment of the war machine industry? How far have they gone to remove the Second Amendment from our lives and how far do you think they will go to complete this evil scheme to destroy our having any way to defend ourselves from their fascist dictatorship? A little bit at a time, the creeping up of laws and court decisions to eliminate that aspect of our personal security is well underway and it seems inevitable that a full on false flag will occur to enable enactment of ALREADY WRITTEN statutes to do just that. You can be assured that it is well underway right now.

What other world or national events that may appear to be accidental or just happenstance that in reality are well planned events to enact laws that severely limit our liberties or to push us into actions that we would not otherwise engage in? I think we could write a book on just that topic alone let lone fill up a column, and perhaps that is a signal to finish this one off. My intention was to illustrate one example of a well planned attack on our God Given Liberty to show that it is being done and will continue to be done. The Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act and the START Treaties also come to mind as laws enacted after triggering events but were well planned and written long before those events. Do NOT believe what they say about world and national events as they pertain to our lives but consider what the real intention may be, especially after they enact laws based on a so-called reaction to those events as illustrated above.

Perhaps look into the Nixon era inflation and crash and the resultant loss of the gold standard and the strengthening of the Feds money rule or World War two and FDRs major changes in the strength of the White House versus the balance with the courts and Congress. There are so many sets that can be made and you should believe that so many are also pre-planned and prepared with the trigger being fabricated to ensure its passage. Many of those laws were decades in the making and waited years to decades for the right opportunity to be devised and enacted to ensure its passage. Written not by people that love this nation but by secret societies that want to enslave us all and we have written many columns on those societies and will continue to do so.

Things are not as they seem and the world cabal that intends to destroy us completely is ever present and will continue to enslave us so be forewarned. Keep an eye out for what the real intentions might be if you can figure it out; crisis to crisis and enactment of law to enactment of law, it is all planned out. Nothing happens by accident in politics, and it is all politics.

God bless until next time my friends.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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