May 18, 2021
As 'Woke' Propaganda Pushes America Closer To Barbaric Totalitarianism, The Colossal Red Pilling Of America Continues As The 'Awakened' Work To Tear Down The Globalists House Of Cards
- 'Woke' Has Its Roots In Tyranny As Millions Of Leftists Work To Enslave Themselves

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Over many years now, we've seen how a visit to the many comment sections of news websites across the internet can give us a deep look into how many people are really 'awake' compared to how many people are just 'woke', and for those who are not aware, there is a HUGE difference.
While the term 'woke' has sprung up in leftist vernacular over just the past few years, the term 'awake' has been around for longer in America than 'woke' has, and it describes a much different vision of'reality' than 'woke' purports to do, though 'woke' has its historical roots in totalitarianism.
And while visits to the comment sections of stories from left-leaning or right-leaning websites always are sure to bring up viewpoints 180 degrees opposed to each other, taking visits to websites such as the Daily Mail, where all sorts of different people go to comment, and looking at their comments and the 'up votes and down votes' on them gives us a much better indication of just how many people are now 'awake' vs those who are 'woke'.
So we'll be taking a jaunt around the internet within this story, looking at some different stories and their comment sections to get a peak at where America really is, remembering that several years ago, many, many so-called 'news websites' (aka globalist propaganda) totally dropped their comment sections due to comments triggering a 'red-pilling' of people reading them and then investigating the information contained within those comments themselves, quite often finding out the msm was lying.
Leading to 'news' websites such as CNN, MSNBC and others completely prohibiting comments on their stories because the 'very well informed' were 'red pilling' the 'dumbed down masses' who'd been eating up their propaganda for years, not bothering to investigate their 'reporting', as we'll see in this story, despite what Democrats and the mainstream media might want Americans to believe, the 'red-pilling' continues unabated in 2021, leading to a mass awakening though many remain 'dumbed down' to the core.
And with many different once so-called 'conspiracy theories' now proven to be 'truth' as even the Readers Digest had reported in this story titled "12 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True", and Democrats and the mainstream media labeling as 'conspiracy theories'many 'inconvenient truths'surrounding them in 2021, what else is being hidden and what more will the American masses learn in the days/weeks/months and years ahead?
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While to those who either haven't been paying attention to world history or to those who get all of their information from the mainstream media, 'woke' might sound 'cool', as this August of 2020 story over at the National Interest warned, "Wokeness Is Based On CommunismHere's Why We Should Worry." An extended excerpt from that story before we continue.:
Wokeness has become the nomenclature for the ideology or mentality of radical leftist activists on college campuses, at protests, and on social media.But wokeness has not been limited to just a handful of activists. Its becoming a dominant mindset in the American workplace, in both the public and private sectors, as a method to promote anti-racism.
A Heritage Foundation panel on July 24 addressed first what wokeness actually is, but also how it has crept into corporate boardrooms and why its such a problem.
Angela Sailor, vice president of The Feulner Institute at The Heritage Foundation, said that pervasive trends under the guise of equality makes diversity training in government, and corporate America, and schools, destructive, divisive, and harmful.
James Lindsay, the co-author of a forthcoming book, Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identityand Why This Harms Everybody, says wokeness is actually a combination of many different ideas.
"Wokeness is a fusion of the critical theory school of neo-Marxism, which is a form of identity politics, and radical activism that has a very particular worldview that separates the world into liberationists versus oppressors or oppressed versus oppressors, said Lindsay. It marries that, Lindsay said, with postmodern theory, which holds that all applications of truth are actually applications of politics by other means.
In other words, the truth is malleable, based on power and who drives the narrative of what truth really is. In effect, 'the' truth is replaced by 'my' truth.
Marxism is a mostly economic theory, with origins in the 19th century. Those ideas, he said, led to some of the worst atrocities in world history.
Traditional Marxist ideas were adopted but changed in the 1920s by Italian communist Antonio Gramsci and others, and became the project of the Frankfurt school of critical theory. That new theory focused more on shaping culture, Lindsay said, marrying traditional Marxism with Freudian psychology and other social theories to change the way people think.
The goal of postmodernists who were part of that movement was to deconstruct the very meanings of things, said Lindsay.
Those ideas reached a new phase with the writings of Herbert Marcuse, a Columbia University professor in the 1960s and 1970s who advocated radical activism based on identity politics.
But this radicalism burned out, Lindsay said, because its violence ultimately made it unpopular.
The radicals then left the streets and embedded themselves in our schools and universities.
It has all of the conflict theoryseparate the world into oppressor-versus-oppressed classeswith zero-sum conflict, no ability to agree or understand one another across those, and then takes on the postmodern understanding of truth being just politics by other means, which removes all of the brakes standing up against it, Lindsay said.
Seeing the world through that lens is what constitutes wokeness.
All levels of government, as well as nonprofits and corporations, now have human resources departments that have adopted critical race theory as their dominant functioning ideology, he said, adding that its become a particularly big problem at the federal level.
The permanent bureaucracy, no matter who the president is, has adopted critical race theory as its ideology of choice.
Thats leading to a change in regime that has never been voted on or approved by the American people, Rufo said. The result is that the machinery of the bureaucracy will be weaponized against the American people.
And as we've reported previously numerous times on ANP, America's younger generations are alarmingly falling for 'communism/socialism', believing such barbaric political philosophies to be the answer to their own life problems. From this Wall Street Journal story from back in 2016.
Millennials are one of historys luckiest generations. We were fortunate to be born around the end of the Cold War a quarter century ago, when the tyrannical Communism embodied in the Soviet Union came tumbling down, also knocking socialism down a few pegs along the way. We have grown up in a world where, for the most part, economic and personal freedom are the rule rather than exception.
And apparently we hate it. How else does one explain why so many millennials seem to long to live in government-run economies, or worse?
A Gallup poll in June 2015 found that almost 70% of U.S. millennials would be willing to vote for a socialist presidential candidate. Even more shocking, a poll conducted before this years presidential election by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that barely half of millennials believe Communism was or is a problem.
The same poll found that a quarter of millennials hold favorable opinions of Vladimir Lenin, while 18% think favorably of Mao Zedong. More than 10% even have positive feelings about Joseph Stalin. Never mind that these men were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions and the impoverishment of hundreds of millions.
These polling numbers are frighteningespecially when the Communist-ruled and socialist nations in the world today, from North Korea and Cuba to Venezuela, show so clearly how such systems invariably lead to repression and declining standards of living for their populations.
And remember, that story was written back in 2016, prior to the outlet that published it, The Wall Street Journal, joining so many other 'news' outlets forgoing truth and pushing 'critical race theory'. So while many on the increasingly radicalized left fall for socialism/communism, believing it to be 'the answer' to the problems they face, we can't forget that even as that Wall Street Journal story pointed out, such political philosophies excel at 'death by government',with mass starvation quite often 'the killer'.
So while the American people will constantly be told one thing by the mainstream media 'propagandists', a perfect example of how 'awakened' America and the world are come to us in the comment section of this Daily Mail story titled "Trainee nurse, 18, who received the AstraZeneca vaccine is hospitalized with THREE severe blood clots after doctors dismissed her symptoms and sent her home THREE times until she could barely breathe". The two top-voted comments by huge margins.:
When are they going to admit there is a problem with this vaccine.
Good luck to all those that have had the vaccine .. you are going to need it.
And then the two lowest rated comments on that same story.:
The only person that thinks the clots are linked to the vaccine is her. Non story. Sad but let's not petrify people with misinformation during a pandemic eh?
The Daily Mail has had to go to the other end of the Earth to find evidence that a vanishingly small number of people may have been adversely affected by an inoculation.
Another perfect example are the top-voted and worst-voted comments on this Daily Mail story titled "Dawn of vaccine passports. Americans set to learn on Wednesday if they will be allowed to fly to Europe as the EU looks to lift restrictions on well-vaccinated countries". The two top-voted comments.:
Are these the vaccine passport we were told numerous times would not happen? Are these the vaccine passports that have been planned for several years? Are these the vaccine passports that are only the start of what is to come?
This is all about the sinister BIOID tyranny that is unfolding all round the world. Those still asleep will never know what hit them when they find they didn't get their freedom.
And the two worst-voted comments.:
I'm ready to get mine, husband too. If you don't want one then fine, enjoy being confined to your local county. I prefer to LIVE my life.
Again, we need implantable chips with basic medical data encoded. Sick of all these cards and aps.
We 'need' implantable chips? Uh...
So while the journey into 'critical race theory' and the communist agenda leftists are pushing upon America might sound like we've been set upon an unending, terrifying road to madness, as the previously excerpted story at the National Interest had also reported, there are ways that we can fight back right now, peacefully and legally, while we still can. From that story before our conclusion.:
Rufo spoke of potential ways to stop this form of regime change. He said that its important to create institutional infrastructure to protect people from being targeted and canceled.
Gonzalez said that it is essential to inform other Americans of the transformation taking place and warn them of the radical changes to come if these ideas are not stopped.
The more we write about this, the more we expose people to what has taken place, to why, who did it, how they did it, and what is their real goal here, we can start to demolish this idea that no, this is nice because people need justice, Gonzalez said, adding: Lets really be honest, and without rancor in our heart, just expose them. Sunshine can be a great disinfectant. Lets really allow in the light and expose this for what it is.
In the 1st video below, Infowars talks with us more about this 'great awakening' now taking place, warning that the 'Great Reset Agenda'being heavily pushed by the globalists is 'falling like a house of cards' as the world awakens. And in the 2nd video below, we see proof that Nazi-style vaccine propaganda is being used on and against Americans in 2021.
And in the final video below, we learn another way of 'fighting back'against the 'woke' agenda as comedians speak out against the lockdown and against'politically correct comedy' proving to us that not only is laughter the best medicine but it can be a potent weapon to awaken the masses in the fight against encroaching tyranny as well.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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