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March 27, 2021
The Disaster That Is Joe Biden - His First Press Conference Showed Biden As Weak, Frail, And Forgetful Which Is An Invitation For Hostile Nations To Attack America
(Biden reading numbered cheat sheets on who to call at presser)
Joe Biden was a disaster at his press conference and since it was openly televised, every single world leader, especially those that hate America and would love to attack us, now know we have a weak, frail, old man with memory issues sitting in the White House.
He appears to be quickly getting worse.
He stumbled. He bumbled. He lost his train of thought and moved on. He was given a cheat sheet, numbered, with pictures of the reporters to call and in what order for questions (blatantly bypassing any reporter that might lob a difficult set of questions at him). He also had cheat sheets which gave him pre-written answers to be read to a number of specific topics.
This short, painful-to-watch, clip below offers a prime example of what world leaders just witnessed.
It was not just his forgetfulness, nor the fact that he needed a numbered, pictured, pamphlet-type sheet in order to know who to call on for questions, and when. More importantly, who not to call on for fear of getting more than softball questions without any meaningful follow ups.
Just imagine if President Trump sounded and did what Biden did above.
The media would have been reporting about his seeming 'dementia' for months to come, yet a look through the news show the major MSM outlets, barely uttered a peep about Biden's performance, and those that did are more conservative than the far left liberal press.
President Biden appeared to repeatedly lose his train of thought early on in his first press conference as commander-in-chief Thursday, asking reporters if they wanted him to go into detail in his answers, forgetting questions and relying heavily on cue cards from a binder he brought along.
The president took ten questions at the 62 minute presser, repeatedly consulting his binder before calling on the next reporter.
The three-ring binder also held the opening remarks he delivered at the start of the briefing, as well as notes on topics of major concern he was likely to be asked about.
Now for just a moment imagine Biden sitting across from world leaders.
Would he need a sheet reminding him of their names, or better yet, little cards to tell him how to respond to anything the world leaders might actually say or ask?
No wonder it was HeelsUpHarris (Kamala) that was charged with making first contact with some world leaders, they don't want Biden talking to anyone important, or anyone he might have to speak to without the use of cheat sheets and informational cards.
Again, I ask, what would the media's reaction have been if Trump couldn't answer a question or only asked questions of "friendly" reporters, while never once allowing an objective or conservative outlet to ask a question?
It would have been wall-to-wall coverage for weeks, bringing in so-called experts to declare Trump mentally unfit and pushing for the 25th Amendment to be used to remove him.
Anyone that doubts that assertion certainly hasn't been watching the state of media this century.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Please consider donating to ANPto helpkeep us in this 'Info-war' for Americaat this critical time in US history. With 'slow-Joe' Biden occupying The White House, and at a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread Democrat corruption, truthful media and alternative views are crucial for America's future.)
The partisan reactions came in as the press conference was live, but many made perfectly valid points about the "hard-to-watch press conference, as shown below, from New York Post:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) also focused his ire on Bidens immigration comments, retweeting a video of the president appearing to imply at the presser that he was not going to allow cameras in migrant facilities until after he had addressed the issues that reporters wanted to see. Actual transparency from Biden would be to immediately open the Donna facility to press that is at 1,556% capacity, the border state senator wrote.
With all due respect, this press conference is hard to watch. The misinformation being given by President Biden on immigration is stunning. Its clear he does not have the situational awareness he needs to understand what is going on at the border or how to fix it. - Lindsey Graham
Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer took note of the lack of topics covered and the politeness of the members of the media chosen to take part in the presser.
The President took 30 (including follow ups) questions from 10 friendly reporters for 59 minutes covering 5 subjects, Spicer tweeted.
Fellow former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany also noticed the reporters friendliness, writing on Twitter, Right out of the gate, the White House press corps stands for President Biden.
Would have been nice if they would have routinely shown that level of respect for President Trump.
There were also reactions to Biden's use of the cheat sheets, from Newsweek, via MSN:
"Joe Biden had a cheat sheet with the names and faces marked of which journalists to call on, and he knew EXACTLY what questions would be asked of him. That was not a press conferencethat was a play put on by bad faith actors in a pseudo-democracy," far-right activist Candace Owens said on Twitter after the marathon press conference.
"It was not very reassuring today that Biden relied so heavily on generic notes from staff to discuss the growing threat from China," Steven Miller, a senior advisor to former Republican President Donald Trump.
BlazeTV journalist Elijah Schaffer said the cues were further evidence that Joe Biden's memory was deteriorating.
Liberals, of course, defended the use of the cheat sheets and completely ignored his stumbles, bumbles and memory loss.
As a quick aside, it appears that team Biden and Team Harris are already at odds, as neither one wants to be accountable for the border crisis or finding a solution.
Biden recently said that Harris would be in charge of the leading the border effort and that "she speaks for me."
A little over 2 months into the Biden occupation and apparently there is already trouble in paradise.
Aside from what could be considered elder abuse by using a clearly confused Biden to push the liberal agenda, we must look at how this all appears on the world stage.
The powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent an eerie message to the United States on Tuesday, as Biden administration officials arrive for high-level talks in Japan and South Korea.
We take this opportunity to warn the new U.S. administration trying hard to give off [gun] powder smell in our land, Kim Yo Jong said in a statement referencing joint U.S. and South Korean military exercises in the region.
If it [the U.S.] wants to sleep in peace for the coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a stink at its first step, she added, according to an English translation.
Kims comments, carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency, are the first reactions from Pyongyang since President Joe Biden took office, and coincided with the arrival of Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in the region.
Biden generates no respect and many a nation will see that weakness as an invitation to attack, whether cyber attacks or more concerning, physical attacks.
We knew, and many reported on Biden's mental decline before the election, but the media did everything in their power to protect him and hide the knowledge from Americans.
That has put the nation at risk.
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