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May 2, 2022

The Agenda To Destroy America And Western Civilization Continues Virtually Unopposed - We'll Soon All Suffer The Ramifications Demonic Leftist Ideology Is Imposing Upon Us

- Selling themselves to China, Communism and government are requirements of Leftist ideology

By John Scotto for All News Pipeline

This Leftist ideology requires a person to refrain from the use of logic, critical thinking, reason and common sense.

It requires self-loathing and the hatred of self-preservation. It requires you to join the cult of climate alarmism. Your mind must totally suspend itself from reality and you must embrace the confirmation biases of the fellow members within your Leftist cult.

You must use the word racist with reckless abandon, within every form of debate you have. One must hate free speech and love censorship.

The government must become your god and technocracy your religion. You must have an affinity for being controlled and monitored 24/7. Cell phones and google are your best friends. Big Tech is your welcomed overlord. It helps darken your soul, with all the lies you must come to accept on a 24/7 basis. Convenience is your top priority and freedom your greatest enemy.

You have stopped using cash because it is either dirty or inconvenient. The monitoring of your every financial transaction and the loss of privacy and freedom that comes with this, sounds cool to you.

You embrace the governmental control of everything, including the control of your children, your medicine, your doctors, the food you eat, the air you breathe, the job you work and the very life you live.

Cognitive dissonance has become your ego massager. You must learn to hate clean American fossil fuel production, but worship the importation of the dirty foreign fossil fuels of dictators and rogue nations.

You must despise your own country. Revisionist history and or the deletion of history helps you forget. Leftism reminds you that the USA is a very bad and racist nation. It requires you to think that everything and everybody who founded this country and paid for the price of freedom with their very lives were evil, racist and or xenophobic.

You must live your life according to what the Leftist propagandist media spews and the self proclaimed Leftist "fact" checkers claim to "verify."

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Big Pharma is essential to your existence. The corrupt conglomerate which keeps your body and mind in a constant state of repair, confusion and delusion. Fauci is your prophet and government paid scientists are your faith keepers. You look to these medical czars to provide you with the prescription drugs that you hope will quell your depression and anxiety.

You must enjoy wearing masks and embrace government lockdowns. A sacred trust in government bureaucrats is a must.

Communist China has become your new mom and dad. You rely on them for all your gadgets, pharmaceuticals and essential products. You have to pretend their leaders are benevolent, even though you know they are pure evil. You enjoy funding the CCP army with every purchase you make.

When one becomes part of a Leftist cult, one must agree to "murder" one's soul and conscience every single day. Life becomes a dull existence, one must choose existing as a lazy slave, rather than take the time and effort required to live free.

You must worship Socialism, Communism, Marxism and reject Capitalism.

You must be a fan of massive gun control and despise the guns that your fellow law abiding citizens have within their possession.

You must choose to be a globalist and a citizen of the world. You are required to embrace a leftist totalitarian police state and reject any form of national pride you have.

One must hate western civilization and do everything possible to destroy it. Moral relativism affects everything you do. You must become a person who mocks the traditional nuclear family. You are required to laud homosexuality, transgenderism and anything which is considered freakish or perverse. Believing in God is something to be looked down upon.

You must choose to embrace evil and loathe good. The requirement of existing in an upside down world is a must.

One must be soulless and embrace the culture of death, including abortion on demand, paid for by everyone's taxes. You must detest private home ownership and embrace government ownership of everything. You must have an affinity for credit card debt, "free" college and everything else that the Leftist tyrants of the world promise you.

You must believe in higher taxes, endless government spending and perpetual debt.

Lefties must give passes to corrupt leftist politicians, while ignoring their very crimes and policies, which create misery for your whole family and fellow citizens. You never demand accountability for lawlessness, especially if it advances your political agenda.

One must accept and never question rigged elections and one must despise the idea of a person showing identification to vote. You must believe anybody should be able to vote, including non-citizens and dead people. You believe in elections, which last for weeks or months, you believe in counting as many ballots necessary, until your side wins. Illegal ballot harvesting and illegal mail-in voting is a good thing, within your warped perception of the world.

(ANP: All of the artwork in this story courtesy of GRRRGraphics.)

You welcome the idea of open borders. You believe in illegal immigration, which doesn't require any type of assimilation. You must ignore rampant child/human trafficking and the massive importation of illegal drugs, at your border. You believe in a world without countries or national borders. World government is your accepted fate.

According to the Left, education should be used as a tool in destroying young minds, by either Leftist indoctrination or brainwashing. One must agree that students ought to be told what to think, rather than cultivate critical thinking skills within each individual student. You must promote and praise the idea of young children being taught about sexuality at very young ages.

Leftism requires you to love irresponsibility and reject personal responsibility. You must become a fan of out of control crime and you must rue the rule of law and the US Constitution. You believe in a no-bail law for criminals, no matter what the crime. You believe in activist Leftist judges and corrupt Marxist district attorneys, funded by radical George Soros. You rely on these corrupt people within the judicial system to push your vile agenda at any cost.

You love the idea of Leftist presidents weaponizing the CIA, FBI, DOJ and other government agencies against rival political parties and US citizens. You must believe white supremacy and climate change are the greatest threats to your safety and national security.

The Left is pushing America's middle class to the point of obsolescence. Time is running out to save our republic. We as a people must take action soon, or suffer the ramifications that the Leftist ideology has imposed upon all of us.

The extreme Left is currently pushing us into a dystopia. We are approaching the point of no return. No matter what ideology we subscribe to, we must all share in some guilt, for the damage this demonic leftist ideology is currently pushing upon the world.

When will we stand up to these thugs on the left and turn the tide of our country, away from the advancement of the far left's radical agenda? An agenda that is destroying our country and western civilization....It is up to all of us to finally take a stand.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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