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August 19, 2022

The Globalists Own Words Prove Those Who Pulled Off The 2020 Election Coup Have No Intention Of Freeing America And 'The War On Americans' Is Very Real And They Want Us All Dead

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

We've long been warned that we can find out what information is 'true' and 'legitimate' in this day and age of 'official US government sponsoredmisinformationanddisinformation' by watching out for what the 'official fact checkers' are doing and what stories they're trying to 'debunk' and we're witnessing just such a scenario now with MSM outlets coming out of the woodwork in 'debunk' mode about some remarks made by Barack Obama.

As they say, when a so-called 'conspiracy theory' is directly over the top of the truth, they'll take a heavy shellacking from the MSM attempting to keep 'truth' hidden by lies and over the past few days alone, the Associated Press, PolitifactandReutershave all put out stories attempting to debunk remarks made by Obama back in April of 2022 that had suddenly gone viral once again on social media.

With the Associated Press and other outlets claiming remarks Obama made to Stanford University back in April showed Obama 'explaining the process other people have used to sow distrust, not endorsing such actions,' please check out the comments made by Obama in the video we've embedded directly below and then let us know what you think in our comment section, was Obama explaining how others sow distrust or was Obama showing us the globalists game plan? His remarks before the video.

You just have to flood a countrys public square with enough raw sewage.

You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing that citizens no longer know what to believe.

Once they lose trust in their leaders, in mainstream media, in political institutions, in each other, in the possibility of truth, the games won.

Yet with 'the game' Obama speaks of nothing less than the every day lives of the American people, as a recent story Steve Quayle linked to on his website warned, globalists talking about 'games' means war is coming to America and the world on so many different levels,with winds of war blowing all across the planet in 2022 while the globalists push for eternal rule over their 'ultimate prize,' America.

As we pointed out in this May 8th story on ANP titled "Take A Look At Who's REALLY Running America, It Sure Isn't Joe Biden, But The 'King Of Disinformation'"after Obama had originally made those remarks, while Obama was speaking of Russians and Republicans in the video, he also exposed a key strategy of the globalists/democrats in doing so.

So while outlets such as the AP, Reuters and others have just pointed out that Obama was talking about Steve Bannon and Vladimir Putin while making those remarks back in April, who listening to them and reading this story really believes that people like Hillary Clinton, Obama, Biden and Democrats haven't used such tactics before? The fact that these tactics are so prominent in Obama's mind tells us all we need to know, especially at a time when Democrats have put a noose around America's neck.

Nothing less than Orwellian doublespeak and proof these globalists have a 'Ministry of Truth' pushing their 'big lie' and a 'cabinet of disinformation,' we can also learn a whole lot by listening to what these globalists devils 'accidentally' say, and how their 'gatekeepers' in the MSM try to spin it.

Such as words uttered by Kamala Harris who back in October of 2020 actually claimed "Were in the middle of a crises caused by this pandemic. Were looking at over 220 million Americans who just in the last several months have died. It breaks your heart," is it just a strange coincidence that back in 2018, the website Deagel's forecast for 2025 America showed a 'die-off' of 227 million people?

Note that back in 2020, America's ENTIRE population was only about 327 million so if Kamala was correct and 220 million Americans had died from COVID in the 'past several months' preceding Kamala's 2020 gaffe, that would be approx. 66% of the US population that had 'died off.' Just Kamala's 'wishful thinking?'

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

So with the globalists already quite obviously stealing the 2020 US Presidential election, installing Obama's puppet Joe Biden into office and quite literally giving Obama a 3rd term, while they censor any information and reporting that points out their treason, quite literally demonizing free Americans as potential terrorists for any number of different reasons, who really believes they'll simply 'allow' any future elections here in America to 'undo' what they've created?

With Joe Biden and the Democrats quite literally doing anything they damn well please, to hell with the US Constitution or state laws, we saw a perfect example of that just recently in Texas where the Texas National Guard locked the gatesat a major border crossing with Mexico, only for the US Border Patrol to come by quite literally moments later to unlock the same gates and allow illegal aliens in.

Reporting within that story that in 2022 under Joe Biden and Democrats, over 2 million illegal aliens have been allowed into this country, a 22 year high, as the top-voted comments on that story pointed out, this leaves absolutely no doubt that Americans and America are under all out attack, with one commenter correctly pointing out that this is one of the reasons Americans don't trust government with Biden's US government quite metaphorically dropping a nuclear bomb on their own credibility.

DMAficionados, Las Vegas, United States: "This is why citizens no longer trust the federal government. Such reckless and irresponsible behavior on the part of the feds causes deep, irreparable loss of respect and trust."

emilytheterrible, Bay Area, United States: "Who is going to answer to the destruction of this country? Everything seems like it's going to Hell and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. I pray for our children."

brett.sinclair, cap ferrat, France: "America is facing a grim future"

And with what's happening at our Southern border also helping to explain why a whopping 53% of Americans actually believe America is being invaded under Joe Biden and the globalists, with 33% of Americans believing illegal immigrants are being groomed to 'replace' people who were born here and raised here and have paid taxes to keep this country going, each of the videos below take a look at various topics discussed within this story that show 'America' and 'Americans'now under all-out attack.

With the first video below from Infowars taking a look at the globalists of Joe Biden now going after the American people, the 2nd video from a couple of months ago took a look at Obama's Stanford University remarks, warning Obama's quite literally pushing 'disinformation' while he was warning about 'misinformation.' And in the final video below, Steve Quayle joins Doug Hagmann of the Hagmann Report to warn 'normal is gone forever' as the globalists carry out their end game.

ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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