February 25, 2024
Government Has Achieved The 'Holy Grail Of Neurotechnology': Remote And Wireless Mind Reading And Mind Control Technologies That Can Control People From Miles Away
By Robert L. Kinney IIIand All News Pipeline
In recent years there has been a significant amount of reporting about the supposed efforts of non-government companies to achieve mind reading and mind control. The technologies used by those companies often, if not always, require brain surgery to implant some sort of small device. The companies making those devices are commonly known enough to not require mention here.
What is much less discussed though, are the technologies which can mind read and be used for mind control and do not require surgery or an implanted device anywhere in the body and/or brain. Such technologies are sometimes described as non-invasive technologies.
Americans should pay close attention to the U.S. governments collaboration with scientists to develop non-invasive and remote mind reading and mind controlling technologiesespecially the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), the Department of Energy, and others.
Americans might want to know about DARPA scientists describing very small substances like graphene which could help with said technologies. It is not clear if graphene or other very small electromagnetic transducers (also known as nanotechnologies) can enter the brain through consumption of food, drinking water, or other substances. Also, naturally occurring and synthetic iron nanoparticles are used by scientists for mind-controlling technologies. (The human brain cannot function without iron.)
Non-government scientists, even from Harvard University, have described technologies which read our minds by measuring brain activity and are used to attempt to determine a persons intentions. It is necessary to emphasize that mind reading technologies which measure brain activity are described by scientists as collecting biometric data. Common sense suggests that brain, or neurological, activity is also biological data.
In other words, it has been accepted and reportedly scientifically proven that mind reading and mind controlling with technology has been achieved to a certain extent. At one time in history one would be accused of mental illness if one simply wonder if, for example, medical technologies like electroconvulsive therapy could be improved and used as a type of mind controlling technology, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could be improved and used as a type of mind reading technology.
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But there is another significant point which is often ignored about mind-reading and mind-controlling technologies which do not require surgery and are non-invasive methods. These technologies often utilize some sort of energy found on the electromagnetic spectrumthis includes radiofrequency waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, x-rays, gamma rays, etc. For example, non-invasive mind reading and controlling technologies sometimes use near-infrared electromagnetic energy. Others use functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI.
One group of brain scientists has been working on technologies which utilize infrared technologies which can penetrate the skull in order to transmit visual images perceived by one individual into the minds of blind patients. Such technologies are a type of mind controlling technology. And the technology does not require surgery.
A more technical explanation is not going to be discussed here; the point to emphasize is that mind reading and mind controlling technologies utilize electromagnetic energy and those technologies do not necessarily require surgical implantation of a neural technology.
Now, one might know from experience that electromagnetic energy can be operated from miles away from a targeted location and go through buildings, homes, cars, and so on. Radios and other electronic devices work based on those technologies.
Similarly, the U.S. government has developed directed energy weapons and directed energy systems which utilize the same technologiestechnologies on the electromagnetic spectrumwhich can be operated from miles away from a target, can be directed at a persons brain, and are known to affect a persons brain.
In other words, such directed energy weapons and systems, which were reportedly known about since at least around or before the 1960s, can be used as mind controlling technologies. (As will be mentioned in a moment, such facts should have been enough for politicians to enact strict laws against those technologies, but it appears as though such laws do not exist.)
It seems reasonable, then, to ask whether such technologies could be used specifically remotely and secretly to mind read or control thoughts or emotions.
And, actually, scientists have answered that such an achievement would be the holy grail of neurotechnologies: Remote control of select neural circuits with magnetic fields is somewhat of a holy grail for neurotechnologies. In other words, remote mind control (remote control of select neural circuits) technologies are highly sought after.
Now, is the U.S. government likely to inform Americans when remote control of select neural circuits with magnetic fields is (or was) achieved? Probably not. (It has to be emphasized, again, that scientists are also using naturally occurringiron nanoparticles in such technologies; the technologies do not require surgery or implanted devices.)
The potential harm caused by such technologies and secrecy with which they can be operated makes such weapons arguably more dangerous than, or at least as dangerous as, nuclear weapons.
Thus, a discussion of laws prohibiting atomic weapons is relevant. A U.S. Federal law prohibiting atomic weapons is partially as follows:
It shall be unlawful [] for any person, inside or outside of the United States, to knowingly participate in the development of, manufacture, produce, transfer, acquire, receive, possess, import, export, or use, or possess and threaten to use, any atomic weapon.
It should not be a controversial law; and, of course, there is no law enforcement exemption which allows the FBI or police to use atomic weapons for investigative or protective reasons.
Thus, federal and local laws prohibiting directed energy weapons and systems or other technologies which could affect the activity of the human brain and/or body (similar to laws prohibiting atomic weapons) would be reasonable. (Similar laws against observing brain activity, a biometric potentially collected in biosurveillance, would also be required but are not elaborated here.)
Consider the following potential preliminary wording (requiring improvements), which substitutes directed energy weapons and systems for atomic weapon and specifies prohibitions for law enforcement and others:
It shall be unlawful for any person or entity, including law enforcement, local, state, and federal police, FBI, intelligence entities, investigative entities, and any other government or non-government person or entity, inside or outside of the United States, to knowingly participate in the development of, manufacture, produce, transfer, acquire, receive, possess, import, export, or use, or possess and threaten to use, any Directed Energy Weapon or System, or any other technology which remotely, secretly, and deliberately affects the human brain or body, others property, vehicles, other equipment [etc.].
It is necessary to prohibit technologies which merely affect the human brain or body; some technologies could be secretly used to affect the human brain and forcibly cause thoughts without any outwardly observable harmful effects. Technologies affecting the brain could directly cause forced and involuntary bodily movements; such technologies might already exist. The law would require specifications and improvements but the reader should get the idea.
Regardless, Americans should at least be aware of the potential for mind reading and mind controlling technologies which do not require surgery or implanted devices.
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