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January 29, 2022

Breaking Down The Role Hunter Biden's 'Laptop From Hell' Plays In The Buildup To World War 3 As The War Mongering Left And Their 'NeoCon' Monkey Pets Rush To Cover Up Their Treason

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Why do we bring up old subjects that the MSM has forgotten? Because they matter; and that is also why the powers that be want them forgotten. Hunters laptop, the subject of so much speculation and worse, of so much political bull and lies that it is difficult to figure out unless you know who is most likely to lie about it and who is most likely to benefit from it versus those who are most likely to see past those lies and benefits. Although it is somewhat important to know basically what was on it, it is much more important to see how it affects the current world situation and how it will continue to do so because it shows the way that the elites play their games and indulge in their evil fantasies.

In our last column we looked at how the Bidens and other national democrat leaders are involved in treasonous business and social commitments with not just foreign businesses (which is not a bad thing in and of itself) but with the intelligence and military leaders, the very top intelligence and military leaders, of our nations worst enemies. Namely, the Chinese Communist Party, the Russian counterparts, Ukrainian leadership, associated nations and states and including the worlds economic and power brokers more commonly known as the Powers that Be or the New World Order satanic secret societies. These things are directly related because one is ruled by the other and the laptop gives us a rare view into what that might entail. The MSM calls it all a conservative rage against their own prejudices and calls any discussion on what was inside a non issue, but that is not true. The emails in it prove that Joe is the Boss of his family organized crime syndicate, and that they operate along with the Clinton Mafia, the Obama world domination group under the auspices of the Illuminati, and so forth. The fact that it was in the Trump DOJ and FBI hands and NOTHING was done about it is a tribute to the control that the Kenyans minions has over those agencies.

How was it that Rudy Giuliani as Trumps legal team member had several copies of it yet no more than brief censored mentions were made rather than a full disclosure of what was on it? No prosecutions? I do not have an answer, but I do think it relates directly with the current war situation in Europe as described by Jason Miciak in his analysis that Devin Nunes suggests Hunters laptop had evidence that the Bidens are directly involved in the current Russia and Ukraine problems, in the possible invasion of Ukraine directly. Seems more like a protection racket for Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden is like a reverse James Bond, international man of mystery, only fcking everything up..Hunter, you see, on his own, may lead our country and several others, into a war he wrote, and continued with quoting Nunes from a Maria Bartiromo interview And I believe what theyre going to do is, you know, probably,you know, force the hands of the Ukrainian people and basically put a choice in their hands of do they really want to fight and have bloodshed or is Putin going be able to install someone that he can control? This implies that it is Ukraine that wants to start the war and it is BECAUSE of Hunters laptop says Miciak, since there is major evidence that sat on the laptop and the FBI did NOTHING with it. The American people deserve the right to know, what is it that the Russians, the Chinese or the Ukrainians have on politicians in this country.That information is known to the FBI, but yet, the American people still dont have a clue. See the First and Second Videos below for more from Nunes.

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Fox News recently stated that emails on that laptop prove JiaQi Bao, a Chinese government researcher connected with the CCP and was assigned to work as secretary for Hunter when he went into business with the secretary-general of Chinese energy company CEFC, Patrick Ho. Hunter himself described Ho as the spy chief of China. Nice friends he has, and it is on his laptop. Pelosis son and husband are also playing that sort of treason right beside Hunter and friends.

The American Conservative mentions that the laptop shows Hunter, through a number of front companies, accepted money from Chinese and Ukrainian entities and moved that money to the U.S. where it was parceled out to other entities, including Joe Bidens brother. Some of it then went back to Chinese hands. There is no way a simple read-through can tell if the money was legal consulting fees or illegal money laundering and tax fraud. But it all smells bad: multi-million dollar transfers to LLCs without employees, residences used as multiple business addresses, legal tricks from Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands, and even a minor CIA connection.

The majority of the contents of the laptop are a jumbled record of Hunters international business ventures and financial records. Outstanding in the haystack are a large number of wire transfers. Those with traceable addresses appear to be mostly anonymous shell companies run out of lawyers offices, with no employees and fuzzy public paper trails. One off the top involved $259,845 traveling on April 2, 2018, from the Hudson West III in New York to a numbered account held by Cathay Bank. Hudson West was created by Hunter Bidens own law firm, Owasco, with several Chinese nationals, including a Ye Jianming associate, Gong Wendong. Ye Jianming is chairman of CEFC China Energy, whoreportedlyhad close ties to both the Chinese government and the Peoples Liberation Army. Hes been arrested in China on corruption charges and has conveniently disappeared. This is only the tip of the iceberg and far more is listed in the source quoted above. Among others, one of the associates mentioned is Christopher Heinz, Johnny Ketchups boy. In places like China and the Ukraine, where corruption is endemic, it is assumed the sons of rich and powerful men have access to their father and that access is for sale. Hunter Biden traded on those assumptions for millions of dollars, and Joe stood by understanding what was happening..Joe, as well as the Obama State Department,knewabout Hunters antics.

Nor should we neglect to consider little upchuck boy Schumer and his being funded by two European companies that fund Nordstream 2, Putins natural gas pipeline into Germany. There are so many democrats on the Russian payroll that it isnt even a joke anymore; they are ALL TRAITORS to this nation. The spirit of treason is strong with those in the party of the jack-arse people.

So many of the videos that cover how this laptop is a primary proof that it is the Bidens actions that are the cause of this almost war in Europe are ones that have been removed by YouTube, but that is no surprise as they are just low end pimps for the radical leftist components of the New World Order monkeys. The real question is will we be going to war in the eastern European theatre, and my answer is yes, but not likely immediately. Putin already has troops in parts of Ukraine even though he says he does not, and even though the war mongering left in the USA and their NeoCon little war mongering monkey pets are doing all they can to engage in it, I dont see it happening right now because neither the Russians nor the Chinese are quite ready to start it. I may be wrong, but I see it as Russia showing little Joey and company that they are small players in the whole picture and they better watch out because they may get burned badly if they try to push anything. They are proving that they know what the Bidens and friends little mafia gang are up to and they know that the US moves are to cover for whatever it is that they wish to hide. It is a game of intelligences, and the Bidens and their political directors led by Obama are far in arrears in that department. Remember that Putin is NOT a good guy, but plays the part for his nations betterment. He is still a master KGB agent in training and actions, so do not believe anything he says or does. It is all for show or effects on others.

The Sun said that Putins forces are already inside Ukraine coordinating saboteurs as claimed by Kiev. Ukrainian secret service the SBU said the Russia-backed group was planning assaults on city infrastructure in a bid to "destabilize" the border region.It comes amid repeated warnings over a potential false flag attack by Russia that could be used as a pretext for an invasion.And it came as UK Armed Forces minister James Heappey claimed that parts of a "Russian military advance force" are already in Ukraine. No doubt about that as it is standard in all warfare. It also means that it is coming, but perhaps not right away as they are still jockeying for position politically and in the worlds viewpoint. Such false flag attacks would likely be by Russian troops and Ukraine mercenaries to destabilize the area and prepare the false flag required to justify an invasion by awaiting armies. Although our coup regimes peppermint patty Psaki warned: "The operatives are trained in urban warfare and in using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russias own proxy forces" we can see that overall it is still just in the bragging and threatening stage of the fight. But be prepared for surprises as the Bidens and others in DC do all they can to hide their Treasons against the United States including those shown in the drugged up perverts laptop.

In spite of the very poor preparatory condition of our own armed forces including the debilitating effects of the mRNA shot infected, we still have many advantages over Russia and over China, but that cannot last much longer. When combined, the two front war along with likely a third front in Iran (possibly still not armed with nuclear weapons) with Israel and perhaps a fourth in the looming war with India and China with a second front in that conflict being nuclear armed Pakistan, the chances of world nuclear conflagration is now very high with all involved having nuclear capabilities except perhaps for Iran.

Devin Nunes demands investigation of Hunter Biden's laptop.

'Laptop from Hell' lays out explosive Hunter Biden scandals.

WAR IN UKRAINE? Biden COMPROMISED By Ukraine/Russia Corruption!

The contents of Hunter Biden's laptop revealed

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