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September 16, 2024

The 'Big Story' Isn't The Second Assassination Attempt Against Donald Trump, It Is How The National Media Has Created An Army Of Unhinged Liberals With Their Fake News

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Big news of the day seems to be that another crazed leftist, tried to assassinate the Republican nominee for President, who happens to be a former president, Donald Trump.

There were no reported injuries during the incident on Sunday. The Associated Press, CNN, and other outlets citing law enforcement sources identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58-year-old man with ties to both Hawaii and North Carolina. His motive is under investigation.

What should be the big story of the day is that the frenzied national liberal media, along with and in cohorts with, Democrat politicians, continue to incite violence against Republicans, specifically targeting Trump every chance they get.

They lie about Trump, misquote him, deliberately report inaccurate claims, and basically terrorize their liberal audience to the point where many of them are literally losing what minds they have left, after years of being spoon fed fake news.

I have long been a firm believer that what a person does is on them, their responsibility. The media didn't put the gun in the hands of the assassins.


With that said, the national media has gone above and beyond in creating sick minds and mentally ill liberals, and they have been doing it for decades.

Lies about climate change, formerly known as global warming. More than 50 years of predictions about the climate bringing the end to everything. Not one of their doomsday climate predictions ever came to pass. What those failed predictions and fake news did do, is terrorize multiple generations of liberals that think if the "news" media says it, it must be true.

These terrorized children have grown up to do things like throw paint, or soup at priceless art in museums andblock roadways, angering motorists just trying to get t work or home.

The media also creates mentally ill liberals with false claims of there being 72 different genders, which not only causes children to become gender confused, but also causes a much higher suicide rate among those that believe that bit of media nonsense that those that do not. This gender confusion has also created multiple "transgender" and "non-binary," mass shooters.

The media, along with Democrats, and on behalf of Democrats, because the majority of the media are Democrats, lie extensively about Republicans. They tell their already unhinged cultish believers, that if a Republican, or since this year Trump is the nominee, that Trump will ban abortion nationwide, or that Republicans will use the "Comstock Act" to get the same result.

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Perhaps the very best indicator that the majority of Democrats/liberals are, in fact, unhinged, is their obsession with the killing of the unborn.

Think about how liberals aka Democrats are against the death penalty for those on death row who were found guilty of heinous crimes, yet have no compunction about killing the most vulnerable among us, the unborn.

It isn't only the unborn, although we have seen far left liberals argue for the "right" of a mother to kill her unborn baby right up until the moment of birth, when that child would be capable of surviving outside of the womb.

Other than abortion, we see Democrats fight harder for the "rights" of pedophiles than the children they harm. Imagine how messed up in the head one has to be to argue that Pedophilia shouldn't be a crime.

NYT 2014:Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime

NIH 2022:Humanizing Pedophilia as Stigma Reduction: A Large-Scale Intervention Study

Snopes 2018:A TEDx speaker gave a talk that referred to pedophilia as an 'unchangeable sexual orientation.'

USA Today 2022: The complicated research behind pedophilia

Salon around 2015:'I'm a pedophile, not a monster.

The link above is not to the Salon piece because after years of controversy, they removed the article from their website, so I linked to the Independent.

There are plenty more links, but these are enough to prove my point that liberals in the media are more concerned with protecting pedophiles than the children that are harmed by them.

Up above we spoke about how Democrats/the media encourage gender confusion, which increases suicidal thoughts and attempts in those the Democrats/media have managed to confuse. That point belongs here as well because it isn't just "making them crazy" or unhinged, but it is literally killing the children, teens or even adults if they haven't tried to kill themselves before adulthood.


While any Democrat/liberal reading this would inevitably say I am calling them mentally unstable out of bias, or just because I am a conservative, there are multiple studies going back decades, showing that liberals have far more mental problems than conservatives do. Diagnosed mental health issues.

One study conducted from200518, "identified a significant gap in depressive attitudes between liberal and conservative teens. This gap was present in all years observed in the study (200518). It grew significantly starting in 2012, however, as depressive affect unilaterally spiked among liberals."..

While many would try to convince us it is a coincidence, it appears that the further to the left the media moved, the rise in depression among liberals increased.

Although the study by Gimbrone et al. was focused on trends among young people, the well-being gap between conservatives and liberals is not unique to youth. The gap manifests clearly across all age groups and is present as far back as the polling goes. In the General Social Survey, for instance, there has been a consistent 10 percentage point gap between the share of conservatives versus liberals who report being very happy in virtually every iteration since 1972 (when the GSS was launched).

Academic research consistently finds the same pattern. Conservatives do not just report higher levels of happiness, they also report higher levels of meaning in their lives. The effects of conservatism seem to be enhanced when conservatives are surrounded by others like themselves. However, in an analysis looking at ninety countries from 1981 through 2014, the social psychologists Olga Stavrova and Maike Luhmann found the positive association between conservative ideology and happiness only rarely reversed. Liberals were happier than conservatives in only 5 out of 92 countries and never in the United States.

Emphasis mine.

It isn't only happiness versus depression either, but actual mental illness is found and diagnosed in liberals far more than in conservatives.

One such study found that it was specifically "white liberals" being diagnosed with mental health issues.

Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as very liberal or liberal have been told by a doctor they have a mental health condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates, the study found.

Yet another study finds that children with liberal parents are "more likely" to suffer from mental health problems.

Children who grow up in politically liberal households are more likely to suffer mental health problems than their conservative peers, according to a new study.

An Institute for Family Studies-Gallup report found that "political ideology is one of the strongest predictors" of which caregiving styles a parent adopts, and conservative parents are associated with the best mental health outcomes for their children.

Related:Why Depression Rates Are Higher Among Liberals


The bottom line here is simple. The "big story" of the day shouldn't be about the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump, but rather those creating the unhinged, then aiming them like a weapon at their target: Donald Trump.

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