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December 5, 2023
The Vaxxed 'Walking Dead' Dropping Like Flies In 2024 Ensures Medical Tyranny - The Globalists Create The 'Problem,' 'The Public' Cries For 'A Solution': Forced Vaxxes & Death Camps
According to this new story by Ethan Huff over at Natural News, full-scale medical martial law will be coming to America in 2024 with several US states already signing into law mandates to 'put Americans into quarantine camps'if the politicians or 'police state' in those states so desire, totally casting aside the US Constitution and the 'Rights' that those Americans have long enjoyed in the interest of 'public health'. But as we saw during the last 'scamdemic,'America's public health agencies and politicians TOTALLY FAILED America when it came to 'public health,' but they ALL pushed medical tyranny.
With Huff warning within his story that, as more and more formerly 'healthy,'but now vaxxed, Americans grow sick and die, and as time goes on and the bodies of the fully vaccinated degrade even further, there will likely come a point when a critical mass of sick people creates enough of a public health scare that the infamous "quarantine camps" are opened and filled with the "sick,"we can see that THAT is how close we now are to full-scale medical tyranny. It's only one bad winter away.
Because as Dr. Peter McCullough recently reported,every single person who got even just one COVID jab is now experiencing some kind of problem or series of problems related to the heart,whether they realize it or not. And as Zero Hedge reports in this must-read story, the genocide taking place across America and the world right now is only part of the globalists overall war upon humanity, with four different 'pillars of civilization' now under attack by an anti-human death cult of very real eugenicists who happen to control most governments across the planet, including ours here in the USA.
With Dr. McCullough warning us that 'the walking dead' often don't even realize they now have heart problems due to the vaxxes pushed on them by people like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Joe Biden, and when they do finally realize it, it's often far too late as they most often discover it by surprise when they suffer a totally unexpected cardiac arrest or worse, can you imagine what America might look like in the days ahead when more and more of them start dropping dead?
And while you might think that things like'forcing people into camps'or 'forced injections' could never happen here in America, let's take an important look back to the year 2020, when all of this 'medical martial law' madness was first being unleashed upon us, and we can easily see why Americans should keep buying more and more guns and ammo as we go forward into 2024 and move closer to the Deagel Report's depopulation'target date' of the year 2025.
According to attorney Alan Dershowitz as heard in the must-watch 30 second video from 2020 we've embedded directly below, Americans have NO RIGHT NOT to be vaccinated if 'the government' orders it, NO RIGHT NOT to wear a mask if ordered to do so by 'the state,' and NO RIGHT to keep our businesses open if we're ordered to shut them down, and if we refuse, we can be forced to do what that 'government' wants.
Meaning that if 'government' creates a bioweapon in an attempt to 'secretly' murder 100's of millions of Americans before those Americans figure out they've been 'sacrificed' to the 'global warming cult' that insanely believes it needs to 'exterminate' 7 billion of us to 'save the planet,' then we have NO RIGHT to refuse that 'kill shot' and it can be forcefully injected into us, that would be the 'line in the sand' that 100's of millions of Americans would resist.
Because such actions, by a terrorist government bent upon committing genocide, would PROVE we were living in a very real tyranny, and as America's Founding Fathers clearly understood, there should NEVER be a 'safe space' for tyranny here in America. So before we continue, please take a listen to Alan and let us know what you think about this question in the comment section below:
If a government of now proven genocidal maniacs was attempting to forcefully inject you and your family with something that would kill you and them, would you resist those genocidal moves?
Seemingly showing the US government, including the US military, and our public health agencies, working hand in hand with the Communist Party of China, until this 'anti-human death cult' that is attacking the human race is PERMANENTLY 'extinguished,' we'll continue to see such madness unfolding as these psychopaths/eugenicists race to get the population of planet Earth down to about 1 billion.
In the first video at the bottom of this story, Tucker Carlson discusses this 'death cult' that rules over humanity with Michael Shellenberger, the author of the must-read book "Apocalypse Never", about the obvious disconnect between global elites and the general public,especially about environmental policies,with Shellenberger warning us "The hypocrisy of the globalists is simply Orwellian." From that Zero Hedges story.:
As Shellenberger recently wrote on his Public substack, flying on private jets to a climate conference to announce plans to make energy even more expensive for working people is bread-and-circuses, except theres no bread, and the circus consists of rich people celebrating their wealth, morality, and superiority.
"Global Elites used to pretend to care about people but they're not even pretending anymore..."
And while their discussion mainly focuses upon the globalists 'climate agenda,' as we can see if we look closely enough, that 'climate agenda' ties right into their 'scamdemic/vax everything/genocide' agenda, with these globalists insanely believing they need to 'eliminate' a huge portion of the population so that there is enough food and other resources to go around for them, damn the rest of us.
Simply put, the current environmentalist movement has become nihilistic and anti-human.
So," the journalist continues, "the attack on cheap energy is truly an attack on modern civilization and it should frighten us and we should be aware to, and alive to it."
Shellenberger concludes with perhaps the most poignant thought of the whole discussion:
What gives me hope is that I think its finally becoming obvious to people that its a scam...
...and that the people that are pushing this really hate civilization, or at least they hate civilization for others.
They want it only for themselves and that theyre in the grip of a really dogmatic cult philosophy.
I mean, I think its fair to call it a death cult at this point, when youre stifling energy supplies that are necessary to keep people alive...
I dont know what else to call it other than an anti-human death cult.
Carlson replies:
"That's right. It's not environmentalism. It's the snarling face of tyranny."
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With governments of all kinds of shapes and sizes and colors and different political views being the biggest mass murderers in history as reported in this May 21st of 2020 story over at Medium, as we're warned within that story, government's killed 262 MILLION PEOPLE in the 20th century alone.
Showing us that they have no problem continuing that trend into the present day with the COVID bioweapon they unleashed upon the planet, forcing the public to 'demand' a 'solution' which they had all along, the next 'bioweapons' in the form of mRNA 'vaccines,' we've seen that 'solution' has also created a new 'problem,' the sudden and unexpected deaths seen in young and healthy people worldwide.
Which will lead to the public once again demanding a 'solution' once we reach that 'critical mass' where countless numbers are getting sick and dying, completely unable to put together in their heads that the original vaxxes had created that 'surge of death,' happy to blame it on some 'new' virus or 'white lung syndrome,' as this Medium story points out, we've seen this over and over and over again through history. From that story.:
Democide is death by government and was the number one cause of death worldwide in the 20th Century. Political scientist R. J. Rummel revived and redefined the term democide as:
The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.
Rummel explicitly excludes battle deaths in his definition. His research concluded that the death toll from democide is far greater than the death toll from war. Six times as many people have died at the hands of people working for governments than have died in battle. He argued that there is a relation between political power and democide. Political mass murder grows increasingly common as political power becomes unconstrained. At the other end of the scale, where power is diffuse, checked, and balanced, political violence is a rarity.
The more power a regime has, the more likely people will be killed. This is a major reason for promoting freedom. Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth. Power kills, absolute Power kills absolutely.
Democide was responsible for the death of 262,000,000 people worldwide during the 20th Century. On average governments killed 2,620,000 people per year, 218,333 per month, or 7,178 per day.
Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century.
The 2nd video below takes a look at those absolutely astonishing numbers. So with government's PROVEN TO BE the biggest mass murderers in world history, would you put it past the government of Joe Biden and the USA to carry out such atrocities? As the final video below featuring Mike Adams interviewing the producers of the movie "Shot Dead" clearly points out, very real genocide in America is already being carried out upon the American people this very moment, and has been for the past several years; and now they're preparing to do it all over again.
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