April 14, 2022
We Were Warned Long Ago How 'Dark Forces' Would 'Divide And Conquer' And We're Now Witnessing Just That - The Globalists TRUE Agenda Exposed: They're Coming After Our Children!

Story submitted to ANP by 'Truth Warrior'
Attention, Vaxxers and kiddie soul snatchers--were onto your game! Forget the vulnerable elderly and the weak-willed, credulous adults who have followed blindly the devious Pied Piper.
Now that they have served their purpose, the curtain is lifting, and voila--the Final Solution and the real vaccine targets. They are coming for our children!
We have lately seen the game change as even the Associated Press admitted weeks ago that virus cases are in decline and omicron is on the wane. What better time to unmask the real target of this farce--a younger generation whose parents can be bullied into giving soul-destroying medication to their preschoolers and toddlers.
The aim isnt necessarily to wipe out a generation of children, but mostly to break the natural bond that keeps kids from honoring and obeying their parents. Adolph Hitler did it successfully with his Hitler Youth, and similar dark forces are using the plandemic to divide and conquer the family.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Just consider how vaccine hardliners are focusing their efforts downward, first promoting vaccinations for children between the ages of five and eleven and now introducing what they call the last major phase of the vaccination roll-out for babies six months to five years.
Even now, public health officials are quick to tell us that getting school-age children and younger vaccinated is crucial for ending the pandemic.
Incredibly, todays harsh vaccine scenario was prophesied nearly a century ago by Christian mystic and philosopher Rudolf Steiner. He looked into the future and warned about the development of an inoculation serum that would be foisted on the gullible public.
Steiner maintained that this serum would be calculated to not only play havoc with the body but would also destroy the soul, ultimately creating a depraved, godless population akin to mindless zombies. Though inoculations initially would center on adults, the real targets, he prophesied, would be children
Steiner predicted that just as inoculations had been developed in his time as protection against diseases like consumption, these new remedies would have serums to make humanity refuse to give a home to spiritual inclinations of the soul.
Even in childhood, testing will begin that will make the young lose any urge for spiritual life, he said.
Attorney Tricia Lindsay warned in a video shown on ANP recently about the war that has been declared on Americas children. We are at war for our families and our children, she stated. We cannot sit down. When you come for our children, you have declared war.
Adolph Hitler was an early advocate of enlisting the young to help transform Germany into a nation unified in war, A main purpose in forming the Hitler Youth was to indoctrinate kids into his ideology.
Though the Germans didnt have to force inoculation on children to join the Hitler Youth, those who refused were alienated and punished. The group not only pushed indoctrination, but let their leaders remove children from the influence of disapproving parents.
The point was to create a big divide in families, in many cases pitting children against their own parents who failed to pledge allegiance to the Fuhrer.
The same bullying tactics are being used today to bring parents into obedience to the vax mandates. A Natural Blaze article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reported about a case where some Florida parents were kicked out of pediatric firms for having unvaccinated children.
So if the atheists and humanists have their way, an inoculated generation will grow up with little or no exposure to biblical truth and no inclination to develop a spiritual life. Steiner calls them materialists
The Bible, however, in Timothy 3:8 calls them men who oppose the truth and people with depraved minds. The Apostle Paul goes on to describe turbulent times in the last days when people, especially the young, will be boastful, proud, disobedient to parents ungrateful, unholy, and without love.
He warns of a godless generation, unforgiving, abusive and without self control, advising others to have nothing to do with them.
So, as we look around we ask the question, Are we there yet? Have the anti-soul vaccinations already begun?
If so, we must join the war for our families and our children. As Attorney Lindsey warned, When you come for our children, you have started a war. The vaxxers have declared war. And we the people are answering to that war." ensure the success of the dark spirits in completely materializing many as human beings (10). This warning came almost a hundred years ago perhaps that vaccine already exists and is affecting our children and young adults today.
Footnote 10 from paragraph above: Suppose such a vaccine existed today which inoculated children at a young age. There would seem to be some epidemic of children being born who do not maturate like children, they would be unable to store feelings of their early childhood, they would have trouble acclimating themselves to other human beings, they will seem extremely intelligent with sharp calculating skills, almost machine-like precision of drawing and copying skills. Does this not sound familiar to the recent concerns of the sudden rise in the incidence of autism and its possible connection to certain vaccination processes? Have the anti-soul vaccinations already begun?
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