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December 10, 2023
New Studies Prove Those Who Refused To Comply With Medical Tyranny Are Much Healthier Than 'The Vaxxed,' Who Continue To Bounce Around Inside Of Their 'Echo Chambers'
- They Keep Getting Vaxxed And Keep Getting COVID, Then Blame The Unvaxxed
According to pompous talking head Piers Morgan, if he'd have just gotten the latest COVID booster, he wouldn't have gotten COVID,again, and he wouldn't be feeling so rough. Blaming, of course, the fact that he listened to the anti-vaxxers, who he called 'ill-informed imbeciles,' the responses on 'X' to Morgan were priceless.
With 'X' user TruthSeeker01001 responding to himwith"'If I got another booster I wouldnt have gotten Covid AGAINbroread that back to yourself but slowly and by sounding it out. You got Covid multiple times now and youre thanking the vax for working 🤣🤣🤣 what?," "X" user Mike O'Day hit Piers with"That makes zero sense. Youve already been vaccinated & boosted yet you still got Covid and your saying you wouldnt feel as bad if you got another booster. What is the point of a booster and the vaccine if it doesnt prevent you from getting it?You're just injecting yourself with poison that does nothing to prevent the problem while increasing your risk of myocarditis! You sir are actually a certified moron."
And another response to Morgan from an'X' user called 'Speckofdustonthisrock' also hit the nail on the head with "Omg if I would of had more poison the first poison would of worked 😂🤣😂," we remind Morgan that one definition of insanity is "Doing the same thing over and over and over again, but expecting different results" from those actions.
Yet with Morgan blaming the 'ill informed anti-vaxxers' for him getting COVID, again, despite the fact that he'd previously bragged about being 'fully vaxxed,'with Morgan admitting he'd been jabbed 6 times as heard in the 3rd video at the bottom of this story,(and those vaxxes definitely DID NOT stop him from getting COVID previously, who knows how many times!,) the fact that he REALLY THOUGHT he wouldn't have gotten COVID this time, if he'd just gone out and gotten the booster, proves the totally braindead mental capacity of these blowhard 'talking heads,'people that a sizeable portion of the Western world still listen to.
Which helps to show why the country and the world are still in the mess that they are in, with these bioterrorists in the US govt continually extending their 'killing spree' by using 'legal loopholes' they've signed into law that allows them to keep conning the dumbed down portion of the public to keep getting those vaxxes that aren't working to stop the disease, but are definitely leading to even bigger health problems, including, far too often, sudden and unexpected deaths, for many.
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So while Piers Morgan is screaming about how he'd be feeling a lot better now if he'd have only gotten 'the booster,' as Ethan Huff reports in this new story over at Natural News, new studies out of South Korea prove that if youve been vaccinated, youre far more likely to suffer from ear diseases, blood disorders and hair loss, among other health problems, than the unvaxxed.
Reporting that those researchers took a look at data from the Korean National Health Insurance Servicewho had compared current health between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed to see if they could establish any patterns, the results of their studies might not surprise many ANP readers but would stun those who took medical advice from the medical establishment and went out and got an unsafe injection.
Reporting that pretty much all the way across the board, those who got vaxxed are much sicker than those who stood strong against public pressure to get the jab and refused to comply, even if that meant their jobs, as Natural News reports, in one of the studies they looked at, researchers discovered that rates of 13 different immune-related non-fatal adverse events (irAEs) are notably higher among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.
These non-fatal problems include menstrual disorder, bruising, tinnitus, inner ear disease and other forms of ear disease.
"Vaccination significantly increased the risks of non-fatal irAEs," wrote Dr. Eun Mi Chun and colleagues from Ewha Womans University's School of Medicine.
And as we've reported time and again on ANP over the past couple of years, we're witnessing an astonishing increase in sudden and totally unexpected deaths in people who were young and seemingly healthy, with these sudden deaths often occurring among athletes, and often within days, weeks or months of them getting 'vaxxed'.
And while people like Piers Morgan would be sure to call these facts of a huge spike in unexplained deaths a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' we thank Doctors such as Dr. William Makis MD, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Paul Alexander for having the courage to speak out against the medical establishment, continually warning us of the very real dangers of 'the vax,' andoften to newborn babies as we read in the next section of this story below.
And with CDC director Mandy Cohen back telling Americans to 'wear masks'as we enter 'virus season' despite the fact that the masks didn't 'work' last time to prevent people from 'getting' or 'transmitting' COVID, more proof our so-called 'government health agencies' have gone totally insane by thinking that somehow, someway, the masks will prevent the spread of a virus when it was already proven the last time around that it wasn't stopped by masks, as Dr. Paul Alexander reports in this new Substack, the masks did more harm than good last time around, especially for children.
Reporting that a number of different studies found the potential dangers of the chlorine, polyester, and microplastic components of the face masks, as Dr. Alexander bluntly warned, the body of evidence is unequivocal, the COVID face masks never EVER worked and are harmful. From Dr. Alexander's story, also published here at the Brownstone Institute.
Emergent reports, albeit nascent and anecdotal but nevertheless vitally important (and will be clarified and defined in time) regarding the manufacture of masks, where, many of them (face masks) are made of polyester, so you have a microplastic problemmany of the face masks would contain polyester with chlorine compoundsif I have the mask in front of my face, then of course I inhale the microplastic directly and these substances are much more toxic than if you swallow them, as they get directly into the nervous system.
A very recent 2022 British publication (Jenner et al. Detection of microplastics in human lung tissue using μFTIR spectroscopy) focused on polypropylene that is a component of the face masks and reported that such microplastics were identified in all regions of the human lungs using μFTIR analysis. Furthermore, polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate fibres were the most abundant. Researchers concluded that inhalation was a route of MP exposure. And that this study is the first to report MPs within human lung tissue samples, using μFTIR spectroscopy.
There were also early reports of toxic mold, fungi, and bacteria that can pose a significant threat to the immune system by potentially weakening it. Of particular concern to us is the recent report of breathing in synthetic fibers in the face masks. This is of serious concern.
Loose particulate was seen on each type of mask. Also, tight and loose fibers were seen on each type of mask. If every foreign particle and every fiber in every facemask is always secure and not detachable by airflow, then there should be no risk of inhalation of such particles and fibers. However, if even a small portion of mask fibers is detachable by inspiratory airflow, or if there is debris in mask manufacture or packaging or handling, then there is the possibility of not only entry of foreign material to the airways, but also entry to deep lung tissue, and potential pathological consequences of foreign bodies in the lungs.
So with that research and paper totally contradicting the advice given just days ago by babbling talking head Mandy Cohen over at the CDC, while virtually no one outside of their 'echo chamber' believes a word they say after the last COVID go around, how long will it be until Cohen and the CDC and Biden are once again 'ordering' people to go out and get another untested and sometimes deadly vax?
As Dr. William Makis MD warns in this new post over at Substack, Turbo Cancer diagnoses and deaths continue to explode in people who'd gotten vaxxed, with Dr. Makis warning us of 32 tragic cases of the most aggressive COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer study ever published.
With the study focusing upon those who'd gotten either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA injections, he reported that these people are dying within hours, days or just weeks after their leukemia diagnosis.
And with Dr. Makis also reporting on a recent, heartbreaking study on babies between the ages of just born to two years old who had died following either a Pfizer or a Moderna mRNA injection, as he reported in that heartbreaking story, there were 25 different baby deaths presented, and as he warned in his story, the 'scamdemic' exposed countless pediatricians, and other medical doctors all across the board, as either grossly incompetent or con artists who willingly harm children, and other people, for profit.
With the former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon warning us in the 1st video below that 'big pharma' deliberately created bioweapon, intentionally created to trigger our own immune systems to attack our own bodies, and Yeadon calling what we're now witnessing a 'black swan event,' that is what we're dealing with as we go forward into 2024 and the future, a medical establishment, big government, big pharma cabal that has sold out humanity as long as they continue to make billions and billions of dollars in profits, while their 'bonus' in this madness is them killing off a sizeable portion of the population as they race towards their dreams of a greatly 'depopulated' planet Earth by the year 2025.
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