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February 6, 2015

"They Will Be Coming For Us" - Hagmann And Hagmann With Nathan Leal

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine


Doug and Joe Hagmann are joined by Nathan Leal from The Watchman's Cry in Thursday night's show for a blockbuster analysis of the "overt, covert & subliminal" Illuminati messages seen on public display at the Super Bowl 2015 at the beginning of February, but it is the beginning of the show before Leal joins, where the headlined topic is discussed in depth.

The discussion before Leal joins the show at the bottom of the first hour surrounds the recent speech Barack Obama gave at the National Prayer Breakfast, his equating Christianity with the recent actions of the terrorist group ISIS, who recently released a brutally savage video of a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage, as well as Obama's strange wording when he stated "And so, as people of faith, we are summoned to push back against those who try to distort our religion -- any religion -- for their own nihilistic ends."

Some believe that once again Obama has aligned himself with the Islamic extremists and recent events, such the secrecy surrounding Obama's recent meetings with Muslim leaders where the White House has refused to divulge the names of those who attended, give credence to these assertions.

Those that will not conform to a state religion, those that won't muzzle themselves, those that dare criticize Islam, for example - Make no mistake "They will be coming for us." - Doug Hagmann

Doug Hagmann also informs us that "we are at a turning point and the screws are beinning to tighten," and the show details the warning signs of what is coming.

Leal is then introduced around the 38 minute mark, where he details his analysys (images and highlights can be found at his website here) of the Super Bowl 49's not-so-hidden messaging of "the arrival of the beast," and "The World Will Burn."

Both topics are critical to listen to because they do tie in together the "one world" agenda with the messaging as Doug Hagmann makes the point that "we are watching the fulfillment of Revelation," right before our very eyes.

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