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June 11, 2022

'America Is In For A Summer Of Hell' As Our Descent Into The Abyss Accelerates Exponentially Towards 'Rule With An Iron Fist' - Absolutely Everything That Made Us 'Free People' Now At Stake

- The 'Death Toll Of Communism' Awaits Us All If We Continue Down This Path

By John Scotto for All News Pipeline

Ever since the 1970's, Communism has been on the rise. When President Nixon took America off the gold standard, the US began its decline into the abyss. Nixon also paved the way for Communist China's entrance into the modern world and eventual admittance into the WTO. The impact of these actions has caused significant economic damage in America and the world has become a much more dangerous place.


Communism and all its other forms, such as marxism, socialism and globalism have had an increasingly negative effect upon all the governments throughout the world. The US is currently being transformed from a free society into a highly governmental dependent society.

Ever since Papa Bush declared the US was entering this transformative phase that we all come to know as the new world order, I could sense that dangerous times were ahead. Since the first Bush presidency, the hybrid ideology of Communism/Globalism has accelerated exponentially. It has done what communism is supposed to do, increase the power of the elite, impoverish the masses, decrease the wealth of the US, make America dependent upon foreign nations and shrink the middle class.

The framers of our US Constitution were highly intelligent and virtuous human beings, who exuded great wisdom and prescience. Our very own US Constitution is based upon individualism. Our United States Of America has been built upon the concepts of individual liberty and freedom. We individual Americans received a great gift, the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. As Joe Biden once said, you know the thing.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

We, as unique individuals are capable of doing great things, mainly because we exist within a free society. Only in a free society are people capable of thriving and being creative. Freethinking human beings have a great capacity to solve problems and innovate. Unfortunately communism stifles human creativity and promotes stagnation.

The lethal hybrid of Communism/Globalism has now infiltrated every facet of American society. It has turned America from a society based upon individualism into a society based upon collectivism/conformity. All communist countries breed collectivism and conformity. These communist regimes stifle human being's ability to dream. Communism attempts to destroy the human soul.

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Globalism is Communism By Another Name

Socialists ignore the side of man that is the spirit. They can provide you shelter, fill your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you're ill, all the things guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave. They don't understand that we also dream. -Ronald Reagan-

Communism has become the most disastrous ideological plague ever to be unleashed upon humanity. It attempts to set up a system, where in theory "well intentioned social/economic equity" is supposed to manifest a Utopia. A whole bunch of things about communism seem great in theory, but when this policy is enacted in practicality, we see nothing but negative results.

History has proven that this evil system of government only produces despotic dictators, along with endless poverty, chaos, worry and misery for its citizens. Dictators like Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro, and countless others, have shown to rule over their people with an iron fist. These demonic dictators all have one thing in common, the millions upon millions of dead bodies which they have left behind.

How do you tell a Communist? Well, its someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? Its someone who understands Marx and Lenin. -Ronald Reagan-

Everything about communism involves the installation of a tyrannical dictator/elite ruling class and the peasants they rule over. Government supremacy is maintained through state ownership of all land and all property. Censorship and a puppet state run media are vital to a Communist country.

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. -Frank Zappa-

When we construct a society where private home ownership becomes obsolete and the state owns just about everything, things tend to get neglected/run down and eventually crumble. Private property rights encourage economic growth and development. State ownership creates stagnation.

Communism is a system where the hope of a better tomorrow becomes extinguished. The whole basis of the traditional American family has historically focused upon upward mobility, people working hard so their children could have a better life within the next generation. Upward mobility is impossible within a communist system, it produces a society where there is no room for a middle class. The fact remains that communism breeds nothing but mediocrity. This ideology creates an environment where there is no incentive to work harder.

There is one glaring fact about capitalism and communism, which stands out. The only certainty that remains steadfast is that capitalism works, communism doesn't work and never will. History has proven this. The only time capitalism doesn't run efficiently is when communist ideologues take control of a capitalist system. Hello, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

America is in for a "summer of hell" thanks to the reckless/leftist open border policies of Joe Biden. Illegal migrants from Central and South America will soon attempt to cross our Southern Border in droves. One of the main reasons these migrants are all coming to the US is because they are attempting to escape all the failed policies of the communist regimes of their origin.

If you haven't seen the speech below from the movie, The Fountainhead with actor Gary Cooper, you're in for a real treat. This speech depicts the reality/difficulty most of us within free nations face today. The American citizens are now fighting for their very survival. An endless battle between the individual and collective is taking place.

The leftist technocrats/globalists (modern day communists) are attempting to push a collectivist/hive type society upon mankind, where individual critical thinking becomes obsolete. In modern society, many clueless people are becoming seduced by convenience, happy to give up their freedom and privacy. Free thinkers need to keep sounding the alarm about how dangerous the situation in America is becoming. America finds itself within a never ending culture war between conservatives and leftists.

IMHO, this was the greatest speech in the history of cinema.

The Fountainhead courtroom speech by Howard Roark:

The US patriots are fighting for the soul of our nation and the very economic survival of our friends and families. America 2022 is experiencing a serious economic and social culture war, with so many things hanging in the balance. We are all clear on what is at stake:

-The Individual verse The Collective

-Individual Liberty/Freedom verse Tyranny

-America First verse America Last

-Good verse Evil

-Truth verse Lies

-Reality verse Confirmation Bias

-Capitalism verse Communism/Globalism

-Made In America verse Made In China

-The Free Market verse Leftist Policy Induced Inflation

-Responsible Government Spending verse Excessive Taxation/Deficit Spending

-The Wall Street Insiders verse The Little Guy

-Personal Responsibility verse Credit Card Debt

-Physical Money/Cash Verse Convenience

-US Energy Independence verse The Climate Change Cult

-US Farming And The US Cattle Industry verse Government Regulations And Synthetic Beef

-The Sanctity Of Life verse The Culture Of Death

-Good Health/Natural Supplements verse Big Pharma

-Freedom Of Autonomy verse Medical Tyranny

-US Patriots verse Lifetime Politicians/Government Bureaucrats

-Free Thinkers verse The Conformists

-Peaceful Protests/Civil Disobedience verse Rioting and Anarchy

-Law and Order verse Mob Rule And Lawlessness

-The Second Amendment verse Liberal "Good Intentions"

-Personal Privacy verse Big Brother Government Surveillance

-Private Property Rights verse State Ownership

-Rational, Respectful and Vigorous Debate verse Repeatedly Accusing Your Adversary Of Being A Racist

-Intelligent Practical Ideas And Sane Political Policies verse Leftist Fairy Tales/Pandering And Demagoguery

-Freedom Of Speech verse Censorship

-Independent Media With Facts/Evidence verse A State Run MSM/BigTech Armed With Propaganda

-Public Education verse Liberal Indoctrination

-US History verse Leftist Revisionist History

-American Sovereignty verse Wide Open Borders

-Legal Immigration/Assimilation verse Illegal Immigration/ Colonization

-The English Language verse The Tower of Babel

-The Melting Pot verse The Salad Bowl

-Free and Fair Elections verse Voter Fraud

-The US Constitution verse Leftist Activist Judges

-American Exceptionalism verse Mediocrity

-Traditional American Values verse Leftist Platitudes

-Virtue verse Pornography/Leftist Perversion

-Success Based Upon Merit/Character verse Success Based On Race/Gender

-Standing For The National Anthem verse Kneeling For The National Anthem

-The US Military verse Wokeism

-Common Sense verse Political Correctness

-The United States Republic verse The WEF Leftist Technocracy

-Humans verse Machines

-The American Dream verse The Communist/Technocrats "Utopia"

All of the above are what all of us need to seriously ponder. We must realize nothing above which is positive comes without a price. Many in the past fought and died for the freedom and principles that we all live by today. To think any of the concepts above are up for debate, basically depicts how lost we have become as a people and a country.

Everybody has been seduced by this virtual world of convenience and leftist fairy tales. We must return to a nation in which we value God, the family, the country, individual freedom, privacy, personal responsibility, critical thinking, logic, virtue and common sense above all.

ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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