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August 12, 2024

From Bathrooms To Olympics, An Evil Depopulation Agenda Is Being Shoved Down Our Collective Throats As Gender Confused Suicide Rates Remain Higher Than The National Average

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

As regular ANP readers know, I personally have not been able to contribute much to the very site Stefan and I own, and with him being as sick as he is, taking care of him has been a full time job in and of itself.

I only note this so readers that haven't been with us for very long understand why I am coming to this topic a, a lot, late to the "game" so to speak, but I have been literally fuming over the what the Olympics has become, and what they have done to an event that countries could be proud to compete in.....but not anymore.

From the opening slap in the face to every Christian or person of faith, almost any faith, to allowing men, people with XY chromosomes, otherwise known as "sex chromosomes" to literally beat on a woman, all in the name of "inclusion," has cost the event the respect of any decent human being, from any nation.

More on that a little further below.


A copy of Leonardo da Vinci image:

The Olympics Disgrace:

In this scene from the Olympic opening ceremony, the famous painting of The Last Supper is recreated, but Jesus is replaced with an obese woman, while queer and trans figures (including a child!) depict her apostles, Jenna Ellis, former 2020 campaign attorney to Donald Trump, told her 1 million followers on X.
She described the ceremony as containing overt pagan and satanic symbolism.
To those of faith,The Last Supper is the final meal that, in the accounts of Gospel, Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion.
To those downplaying the deliberate insult to people of faith, they are liars, pure and simple. To the so-called "artistic director," Thomas Jolly, they didn't mean to offend anyone.
Only the stupid, non-believers, atheists or democrats would believe that nonsense. Seriously, do they think anyone, even the most nave, could possibly believe the director, and cast, didn't know they were sending a huge FU to people of faith?

By the time the games got around to men competing against women in a sport where people hit each other, and men took the medals in the women's category, anyone still watching after that disgrace of an opening, should be determined to never watch the Olympics again.

Viewers should boycott the event.

Not just the next Olympics, nor just the Summer Olympics, but rather never again watch them. Do not attend, nor watch on television. Athletes that train all their lives should instead train for local, state and even country events, specifically ones that respect their athletes and viewers.

Events sponsored by World Athletics, which has bannedtransgender women from competing in the female category at international events. Or the international swimming federation (FINA) which adopted a policy in 2022 that states transgender women must have completed transitioning by age 12 to be eligible to participate."

The same concept can be applied to what colleges parents send their children to, as theNational Association of Intercollegiate Athletics announced a policy that all but bans transgender athletes from competing in women's sports at its 241 mostly small colleges across the country.

The point here is if athletes, Americans, or any people of faith from any country, wants fairness, they have choices, and the Olympics has shown, they are no longer an acceptable choice for many looking for said fairness.

Hit them where it hurts, the wallet.

PLEASE HELP ANP!With the mounting costs of healthcare for Stefan, along with the the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)

The answer is clear, just as it was/is regarding the controversial issue of allowing transgenders to use bathrooms of those of the opposite gender as the sex the transgender was born.

A new category, as was suggested by man about the bathroom issue back when Barack Obama's administration crossed those lines.

But no, offering transgenders their own bathroom, a third choice, men's, women's and trans, wasn't good enough for them, they demanded to be allowed in the bathrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms of those of the opposite sex.

Men have no business in areas specified for women, and vice versa.

It isn't a difficult nor unacceptable compromise with the people that like to pretend their are the opposite sex as which they were born, as back in July 2023, Forbes reported "Swimming Announces Open Category For Transgender Athletes."

World Aquaticsthe international governing body for swimmingannounced Tuesday it will start an Open category that includes all transgender athletes, after the body joined several other sports organizations and issued restrictions on transgender women last year.

Yes, we have heard the nonsense from the Olympics about how the male boxers that beat on the women boxers, stealing their medals, weren't "transgender", but rather tested as men while having the private parts of women, yet testosterone gives those men more physical strength, so that answer is a bunch of BS, and frankly makes no difference.

Biological men, those with XY chromosomes do not belong in women's sports, girl's bathrooms, or ladies' spaces such as changing rooms and locker rooms, nor do biological women with XX chromosomes belong in any boys or men's spaces.... end of.


The LGBTQ+ agenda is evil at its core. Ask yourself this, "how many children are gay men or women going have "naturally," without adopting nor using artificial means?

Despite claims to the contrary, men pretending to be women dubbed transgender "women" by the complicit media, do not produce eggs, do not menstruate and cannot carry children, with or without surgery, they do not have the parts to do so.

Women pretending to be men, dubbed transgender "men" are given amounts of testosterone that make it highly unlikely they will carry a baby to term unless they stop taking it very early on, meaning they are having a baby as a WOMAN, not a transgender "man."

.Then we have the fact that suicide rates among the transgender population, aka the gender confused, is far higher than the national average, yet another way to kill off the population.

Studies have proven that year after year, going back nearly a decade, but for the purpose of this article I gathered links from 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, showing suicide rates among the gender confused. Confused I might add by the media, schools, and liberal state leaders.

The study, published in April, found that individuals who had undergone gender transition surgery had a 12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who had not, a statistic that sparked significant attention online Friday.

The study was conducted using data from 90 million U.S. adult patients between the ages of 18 and 60. It did not include minors.

The excuse used to be non-acceptance, they were bullied, ostracized, etc.... yet the media, liberally run states and schools have been pushing this agenda since the Obama administration, so frankly, that excuse no longer represents the facts, yet they keep repeating it.

The powers that be aka "The Blob" will continue to find ways to further their depopulation goal, and going after our children, confusing them, is just one of the latest methods to kill off what they consider "useless eaters."

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