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June 14, 2023

Media Incited 'Trantifa' Terrorism Is Out Of Control As Transgender And LGBT Militants Continue Calling In Bomb Threats To Stores Across The Country

Trantifa terrorism

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

As the Biden regime with the help of their sycophants in the media continue to target conservatives as potential domestic terrorists, actual terrorism has continued throughout the country by the Ts in LGBT.

Transgenders, which most everyone knows at this point are people 'identifying' aka pretending to be the opposite sex as they were born as, are literally terrorizing businesses across the country.

The legal definition of domestic terrorism is as follows, with the portion in bold and underlined that applies to what we will be discussing below:

18 U.S.C.2331(5)

the term domestic terrorism means activities that (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States

Below we are going to detail actual, continued domestic terrorism that is not being highlighted, and some believe not even being investigated, because it is not white, straight men/women that are perpetuating these criminal activities.


A quick recap to catch us up: For "Pride month" Target had prominent LGBT displays, some of which were for items for "transgenders," including "tuck-friendly" bathing suits. Tuck-Friendly are female bathing suits created so a man could tuck his junk away so he could look more like a woman.

Parents with children, mostly conservative, were not comfortable with these displays being so prominently displayed where their kids could so easily see and be influenced by it.

A grassroots boycott, for lack of a better word since it wasn't organized, started with consumers deciding to shop elsewhere, costing Target billions of dollars.

Having watched the same type of grassroots boycott hit Bud Light (Anheuser Busch), costing them tens of billions, Target did what any smart business would do, they moved the items so they weren't as prominently displayed, and removed some altogether.

Target has lost up to $15 billion dollars, and being a business, they are not there to lose money.

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As soon as Target announced they were moving the LGBT display to less prominent locations within their stores, multiple locations in a number of states received bomb threats, forcing stores to be evacuated.

Target stores in Utah, Ohio and Pennsylvania were 'targeted.' (Ok, bad pun!) That was in late May.

By June 12, 2023, we see these bomb threats have continued against Target stores, in five different states.

Target stores in at least five states were evacuated over the weekend after receiving bomb threats, apparently over their removal of some Pride Month items last month.

The Washington Post reported Monday that local news outlets in Louisiana, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Oklahoma received emails from anonymous people about bomb threats at the locations.

One email sent to Oklahoma City NBC affiliate KFOR listed seven locations in and around the Oklahoma City area and claimed that two of them already had bombs in them, hidden inside the store products. The email read that "the bombs will detonate in several hours, guess which ones have the bombs. Time is ticking," and ended with the date "4/19/1995," which is the date of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Literally domestic terrorism, by definition, and yet no arrests have been made to date.


The new face of extremism unmasked: The UN and Republicans are watching 'Trantifa' - the hard-left transgender activists who flirt with violence to promote their radical agenda

Get ready for "TRANTIFA": Experts warn of growing violence within transgender community

THE MEDIA LIES..........

The media continues to make false claims about the LGBT community being "under attack," labeling legislation being passed in multiple states as "anti-LGBT."

Those are lies, outright fake news.

The types of legislation they highlight are laws protecting minors from puberty blockers or life-altering, mutilating surgeries. some examples of said legislation shown below. They refer to to these laws protecting children as "attacks on LGBT rights."

Let us take a look at what they consider "attacks against LGBT rights":

We'll use Alabama as an example:

HB261: Prohibiting participation of biological males in athletic events conducted for females and the participation of biological females in athletic events conducted for biological males.

HB405:This bill would define man, woman, boy, girl, father, mother, male, female, and sex for purposes of use of the terms in the Code of Alabama 1975. This bill would require the state or political subdivisions that collect vital statistics for certain purposes to identify each individual as either male or female at birth.

HB354:This bill would provide that classroom instruction or discussions related to gender identity or sexual orientation may not be provided to public school students in kindergarten through eighth grade or to public school students in a manner that is not age or developmentally appropriate.

SB96:An Act relating to parental rights in a child's education; relating to access to school records; relating to sex education, human reproduction education, and human sexuality education; relating to school disciplinary and safety programs; and providing for an effective date.

SB211:This bill would require all public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education to prohibit biological males from participating on an athletic team or sport designated for females and prohibit biological females from participating on an athletic team or sport designated for males.

All these are referred to as "Attacks on LGBT rights," or "anti-LGBT" legislation, by the media, convincing the Transgender part of LGBT that they are being attacked when in reality these bills are being passed to protect children, parental rights and women's sports.

Other states have bills keeping pornography off the shelves of young students, disallowing men to use female facilities and vice versa, prohibiting children from attending lewd drag shows, preventing school employees from transitioning children without parental permission or notification, banning the "gender transitioning" of minors with surgeries, hormone therapies or puberty blockers, etc.....

All those are listed as "attacks on LGBT rights," and all these laws are in response to men being allowed to claim they "identify" as a woman to participate in women's sports, use women's bathrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms.

In response to reading material in elementary schools that discuss masturbation, anal sex and other age inappropriate content.

In response to children, unable to grasp the lifetime ramifications, being allowed to have surgeries that mutilate them for life.

In response to public images of drag shows with half naked men performing in a lewd manner in front of young children, while in some cases those children are allowed to put money in the drag queen's clothes like a strip club.

To be as clear as I can possibly be, none of these are "anti-LGBT," but rather pro-protecting children, women, and parental rights.

Related:Totally Stable Trans Activist Seen Dragging Woman By Her Hair Through Weekend Protest


We all know that whenever members of "Antifa" participate in a counter-protest violence ensues, and now we have "Trantifa" in where the T in LGBT, aka transgenders are becoming militant in nature and becoming emboldened by the MSM that continues to falsely tell them they are under attack.

Our nation's children are the ones under attack, by activist teachers trying to convince them they were "born in the wrong body," or adult drags shows that allow children, gay pride parades with naked men and women performing sexual acts in front of children.

For the record the LGB portion of LGBT, is not happy with the transgender "bullies," either.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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