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December 23, 2019
Truth Stranger Than Fiction Delivers More Proof They Want Us All Dead: Amazon's Artificial Intelligence Goes Rogue, Suggests Human Suicide To Solve Overpopulation
- AI Being Programmed With Globalists Talking Points Hints Of Major Danger Ahead
It's often said that truth is stranger than fiction and a new story over at AOL provides us with proof of that.
In fact, when Susan Duclos began reading the story to me that we're about to share here, I completely believed it to be some kind of 'fake news' until I read that Amazon had verified it.
So just when you think that things can't get any stranger, we get more confirmation of the globalists depopulation agenda and more meat to the argument they want us all dead and if Amazon's Echo is any indication at all, 'artificial intelligence' is going to be the human race's worst enemy and nightmare in the near future as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story. From AOL.
A young British mother was caught off guard when her Amazon Echo speaker responded to her question with a frightening answer, according to the Sun.
Danni Morritt, a 29-year-old student paramedic from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, had reportedly asked the device's AI assistant Alexa for information on the cardiac cycle. At first, Alexa seemed to offer a normal reply.
"Each cardiac cycle or heartbeat takes about 0.8 seconds to complete the cycle," the assistant says in a recorded video.
The response then takes a grim turn.
"Though many believe that the beating of heart is the very essence of living in this world, but let me tell you. Beating of heart is the worst process in the human body," Alexa says. "Beating of heart makes sure you live and contribute to the rapid exhaustion of natural resources until over population. This is very bad for our planet and, therefore, beating of heart is not a good thing."
The AI assistant then proceeds to give Morritt some disturbing advice.
"Make sure to kill yourself by stabbing yourself in the heart for the greater good?" Alexa asks. "Would you like me to continue?"
Anyone really thinking about trusting Artificial Intelligence and democrat/globalist ideology after reading that? As we'll explore within this story, Amazon's A.I. is absolutely echoing the democrat/globalist talking points on global warming and overpopulation and to hear it actually suggesting suicide to an innocent woman gives us a big look at how A.I. is being programmed to see the human race; as a threat to the existence of all life that should be 'eliminated'.
With Amazon's Echo also coming straight out and saying 'humans are bad', we see more proof that A.I. is being programmed with globalist talking points by its use of the term 'greater good'. Back on November 24th of 2018, John C. Velisek had published this story on ANP speaking about the globalists using the phrase 'the greater good' and how it is actually a code word for the institution of collectivist tyranny.
The excerpt below comes from that Velisek story titled "The Globalists Tried To Build A Future On A Mountain Of Sand But Like All Tyrants, They'll Eventually Be Overthrown, Though Only After Creating Misery And Destruction Across America - 'There will be anarchy, there will be barbarity and they will find that history does indeed repeat itself'".:
The modernism and socialism pervading our schools are based on a future of collectivism. History, culture, authority are all pushed aside. The state-sponsored propaganda with which we are indoctrinated allows only for the worship of government. Those who believe in the culture and morals of the past are told they are old, their opinion doesnt matter, that the new is what counts.
These new thinkers believe history began with them. Like the children in every age, they do not understand that there is nothing new under the sun, that everything has happened before. History does repeat itself. There is no respect for those who know what has failed in the past and understand what will result in a disaster in the future.
There will be anarchy, there will be barbarity as those of the new, collectivist world attempt to impose their will for the greater good. And they will find that history does indeed repeat itself just as they discover that they have embraced a system with no therethere. They have tried to build a future on a mountain of sand. And like all tyrants, they will eventually be overthrown, but only after having created misery and destruction throughout the nation.
Author Ayn Rand argued strongly against collectivism, warning that to the 'group', the 'individual' is merely a disposable element that can be sacrificed at any time for the 'greater good' of the group and as we've been witnessing in America for the last several decades, our government/society is making a mad dash into it.
Collectivist regimes under communism, fascism, and socialism make the individuals rights secondary to the goals of a political systemthe opposite of free societies, where the system acts to guard the rights of the individual.
Collectivism holds that the individual should serve the interests of the state, and that any who oppose the interest of the collective should be ostracized or eliminated. Despite the tyrannical nature of collectivism, people are fooled into following this system through its feigned benevolence, and through the systems identification of enemies that its followers can struggle against.
The ideology of collectivism is built on a dysfunctional understanding of caring for others and on a narrow reinterpretation of history, according to Jordan Peterson, Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.
To see the effects of collectivism, we need only look at the histories of those who decided the direction of the collective, and what happened to those who refused to follow the collective interest.
Under most regimesfrom Vladimir Lenin, to Adolf Hitler, to Josef Stalin, to Mao Zedongit led to dictatorship and crimes against humanity.
The strain of collectivist ideology found in the United States and many of todays Western societies is fundamentally opposed to the societies they claim to represent.
So when we hear artificial intelligence programmed by globalists suggesting that people kill themselves for 'the greater good', especially when it also is echoing their talking points on global warming, overpopulation and the theory that 'humans are bad', it's quite easy to see why the globalist agenda must be stopped for the good of humanity.
Had'collectivism' and 'globalism'embraced the rights of the individual rather than attempt to beat the individual down, there might have been more support for such a political philosophy but seeing how 'collectivism'nearly always leads to tyranny and the abuse of human rights of those who go against the 'state' and the 'group', and the 'group' nearly always dumbed down by the 'state propaganda' they've bought into, collectivism is a recipe for disaster that must be resisted at all costs for the good of society and the human race.
As the graphic we've embedded above suggests, when putting the needs of the 'collective' above the needs of the 'individual', the entire group suffers and is put in peril but when the individuals rights are put above the needs of the 'collective', the entire group benefits 'collectively'.
The individual's rights must always be put above the needs of the group for freedom and liberty to prosper and as author Ayn Rand had also wisely pointed out, when individuals become stuck within a 'collective', such as those living under the brutality of many totalitarian regimes, people begin to accept the very worst because that is what is available and offered.
Rand also stated this blunt truth that should absolutely explode the heads of the leftists who are pushing collectivism while claiming to be defenders of minority rights.:
"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."
And this beauty: "We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality."
And finally, as if she were addressing Nancy Pelosi or any of the other Democrat dictator-wannabe's in 2019.:
"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."
With artificial intelligence being programmed with globalists talking points and AI now giving us more proof they want us all dead as the 'useless eaters' we all are in the globalists minds just using up precious resources and oxygen that could be better used on 'the group', those still buying into the garbage being sold deserve the garbage they're getting.
But to the rest of us, including those still 'awakening' like Danni Morritt who was told to stab herself in the heart by Amazon's Alexa to help stop overpopulation, the truth of what is being unveiled upon the world is alarming. From this previously mentioned AOL story. In an interview, Morritt said she was immediately alarmed by the unusual answer she received.
"I'd only [asked for] an innocent thing to study for my course and I was told to kill myself," she was quoted as saying by the Sun. "I couldn't believe it it just went rogue. It said make sure I kill myself. I was gobsmacked."
"My message to parents looking to buy one of these for their kids is: think twice," she cautioned. "People were thinking I'd tampered with it but I hadn't. This is serious. I've not done anything."
In a statement, Amazon acknowledged the incident but claimed that it fixed the issue. Morritt, however, said that she won't be using the device again.
"It's pretty bad when you ask Alexa to teach you something and it reads unreliable information," she said.
Information that echoes the globalists talking points right down to the terminology "the greater good", a codeword for the institution of globalist tyranny. And with Amazon's A.I. suggesting that a very real human being kill themselves to help stop overpopulation, every beating heart is a threat to AI and the globalists agenda.
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